The Loud House Wikia

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The Loud House Wikia

Khe wea?

each others lifestyles after a game of Truth or Dare.
25 12 "Coffs and Legends" (Café y Leyendas) Myths and Legends Junio 16
The Eds quarrel with Kevin over use of the perfect beach location.
"Slippery Coff" (Resbala, Resbala, Coff por el Suelo) Sewer Swamp Ride
Eds' Jewelry Store
Slippery Floor
When Kevin, Rolf and Jonny go away for the entire day, the Eds must learn how to properly scam Nazz, Sarah and Jimmy.
26 13 "Beware of the Coff" (Cuidado en el Coff) Eds' Piggy Bank Smashing Service
Christmas Caroling
Beware of the Dog Junio 23
Eddy tries to scam the kids on national Piggy Bank Day. Meanwhile, Ed believes that it is Christmas.
"Electri-Coff Cut" (Coff-te Electrico) Electricity Cut
Desperate for the attention Jimmy is receiving, Eddy sets out to injure himself.