Lagu Tema The Loud House
Disunting oleh
Jonathan Hylander
Lagu Tema The Loud House adalah lagu yang diputar sebelum setiap episode seri. Lagu ini di 176 BPM dan merupakan kunci utama F-sharp/G-flat.
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Kastel Loud [ ]
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Crashing through the crowded halls
Dodging girls like ping-pong balls
Just to reach the bathroom on time (Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Leaping over laundry piles
Diapers you can smell for miles
Guy's gotta do what he can to survive!
In the Loud House ! In the Loud House!
Duck, dodge, push and shove
It's how we show our love!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
One boy, ten girls
Wouldn't trade it for the world!
Loud! House! Loud! Loud House!
Lily: (berbicara) Poo-poo!
Crashing through the crowded halls
Dodging girls like ping-pong balls
Just to reach the bathroom on time (Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Leaping over laundry piles
Diapers you can smell for miles
Guy's gotta do what he can to survive!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
Duck, dodge, push and shove
It's how we show our love!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
One boy and ten girls
Wouldn't trade it for the world!
Loud! House! Loud! Loud House!
Me time, a little room to breathe time
A little quiet and peace, I've never had.
At least I'm never lonely
We're never lacking for a sports team
Maybe this crazy's not that bad!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
Duck, dodge, push and shove
This is how we show our love!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
Gotta love Mom and Dad
For not going completely mad!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
One boy and ten girls
Wouldn't trade it for the world!
Loud! House! Loud! Loud House!
Lily: (berbicara) Poo-poo!
Versi lagu tema ini diputar dalam lima episode pertama Musim 4 , di mana fokus utamanya adalah pada keluarga Casagrande .
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
Duck, dodge, push and shove
It's how we show our love!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
One boy and ten girls
Wouldn't trade it for the world!
Loud! Loud House!
Lily: (berbicara) Poo-poo!
Ronnie Anne: (berbicara) Hey, it's me, Ronnie Anne! If you like the Louds, come meet my family! My mom , my brother , Abuelo , Abuela , Tio Carlos , Tia Frida , my cousins Carlota , CJ , Carl , and Carlitos , and our pets Sergio and Lalo . We are the Casagrandes!
Versi lagu tema ini dimainkan di The Loud House Movie . Ini dimainkan selama montase keluarga Loud menikmati status kerajaan baru mereka saat berada di Loch Loud.
Shouting through the empty halls
Just to hear an echo call
Trying to find a bathroom on time (Oy! Oy! Oy!)
Hopscotch on the royal tiles
Corridors that run for miles
It's the perfect home for the rest of our lives
Loud Castle, Loud Castle
Yell, stretch, spreading out
Even got our own town
Loud Castle, Loud Castle
All the room we'll ever need
It Feels good to finally breathe
Loud! Castle!
Loud! Loud Castle!
It's all about me now
Spotlight on Lincoln Loud
Stepping out of the crowd to really shine
Dub me the one and only
The spotlight is on me
And this time it's all mine
Loud Castle, Loud Castle
So much empty space
With no one in your face
Loud Castle, Loud Castle
Eleven kids, a zillion rooms
I guess it'll have to do
Loud Castle, Loud Castle
Home was sweet but so compact
Why would we return to that?
Loud! Castle!
Loud! Loud Castle!
Lily: (berbicara) Loud Castle! (terkekeh)
Bahasa Indonesia [ ]
Lewati lorong ramai
Hindari saudariku
Tuk sampai di kamar mandi (Hei! Hei! Hei!)
Baju kotor lompati
Popok bau sekali
Lakukan segalanya tuk bertahan!
Di Keluarga Loud ! Di Keluarga Loud!
Saling dorong semuanya
Itu tanda cinta!
Di Keluarga Loud! Di Keluarga Loud!
Sepuluh saudari
Sudah terima saja!
Loud! Loud! Keluarga Loud!
Lily: (berbicara) Poo-poo!
Di Keluarga Loud! Di Keluarga Loud!
Saling dorong semuanya
Itu tanda cinta!
Di Keluarga Loud! Di Keluarga Loud!
Sepuluh saudari
Sudah terima saja!
Keluarga Loud!
Lily: (berbicara) Poo-poo!
Ronnie Anne: (berbicara) Hei, ini aku, Ronnie Anne! Kalau kau suka keluarga Loud, ayo temui keluargaku! Ibuku , kakakku , Abuelo , Abuela , Tio Carlos , Tia Frida , sepupu Carlota , CJ , Carl , dan Carlitos , dan peliharaan kami Sergio dan Lalo . Kami keluarga Casagrande!
Versi lagu tema ini dimainkan di The Loud House Movie . Ini dimainkan selama montase keluarga Loud menikmati status kerajaan baru mereka saat berada di Loch Loud.
Kastel Loud! Kastel Loud!
Banyak ruangan
Bisa sendirian!
Kastel Loud! Kastel Loud!
Banyak juga kamarnya
Bisa bernapas lega!
Kastel! Loud! Kastel Loud!
Lily: (berbicara) Kastel Loud! (terkekeh)
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The Loud House Extended Official Opening Theme Song Nick
Your FAVORITE Loud House Songs in Multiple Languages! 🌎 Nick
"Loud Castle" Song Remix 🏴 The Loud House Movie – Netflix Futures
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