Вікі Гучний Дім
Вікі Гучний Дім

This page describes all of Luan Loud's relationships with her family and friends.

Loud family[]

Основна стаття: Луан Лауд / Стосунки / Сім'я Лауд


Mr. Coconuts[]

Mr. Coconuts is Luan's cherished dummy. She uses him to practice ventriloquism, and sometimes just likes to hang around with him. She can sometimes let him say what's on her mind.

In "Ties That Bind", Mr. Coconuts reacts hostilely to Luan's pun of how his delivery of a joke was "wooden", much to her befuddlement.

In "Butterfly Effect", during Lincoln's fantasy of what would happen if he didn't tell Lisa the truth, Luan gives him Mr. Coconuts out of fear of being reminded of trees dying whenever she looks at him.

In "Lock 'n' Loud", it's revealed that she cherishes Mr. Coconuts so much, she considers him her "soul mate".

In "Party Down", the two of them attend Lori's sophisticated party, but gets kicked out after telling laundry based puns in reaction to Luna getting kicked out.

In "Garage Banned", Mr. Coconuts' face got warped from Luna's fog machine, and Luan complained to her about ruining her ventriloquist partner.

In "No Laughing Matter", she threw Mr. Coconuts away after giving up comedy.

In "Head Poet's Anxiety", it is revealed that Luan has had Mr. Coconuts since she was very young (at least since age eight).

In "Stage Plight", he acts as her wingman in helping her win her crush over.

In Clean-O-Clock, Mr. Coconuts is one of the items that Luan can interact with. When handed to her, she tells the "science fiction stinks" joke.

In Vacation Packin' Guide, she considers taking Mr. Coconuts to the beach with her, but changes her mind and packs her microphone instead because it's open mic night at the comedy club and she wanted to participate, and because she and her siblings were only allowed one luxury item each.

In "Loud and Proud", Luan tries to buy Mr. Coconuts a new hat after his old one gets stolen by a gull.

In "Ultimate Hangout", a dummy salesman takes Mr. Coconuts and Luan tries to get him back.

In "The Case of the Stolen Drawers", they appear to argue, but it was just a trick to distract Lincoln from the television.


Luan and Giggles are good friends, as both are comedy enthusiasts, and go to the same clown school.

In "Dance, Dance Resolution", Luan asked Giggles to go on a date with Lincoln at the Sadie Hawkins dance party.

In "Friendzy", Giggles is the first friend whom Luan invites over so that she can beat Lincoln at getting special privileges.


Benny is a boy whom Luan has a crush on and seems to have similar interests in her, such as pantomime and theater. They are currently dating.

In "L is for Love", Luan tried to get Benny's attention and show her attraction to him, only for it to backfire at first. But then, she sent him a love letter on a fishing line to lure him to her.

In "Stage Plight", Luan auditions for the school's production of Romeo and Juliet so that she'll get to spend time with Benny, who is also auditioning. Luan and Benny both manage to make it into the play, initially being cast as a Capulet and a Montague, respectively; however, since the director, Mrs. Bernardo, requests that the Montagues and Capulets rehearse their scenes on separate ends of the stage, Luan switches roles with her classmates so she can be a Montague alongside Benny. Then, when Mrs. Bernardo sees how well Luan and Benny get along together, she decides to instead put them in the title roles. Unfortunately, Luan becomes too shy to rehearse the kissing scene and makes various excuses to get out of it. After a while of this, Benny abdicates from the role of Romeo. When Luan confronts him about it, he admits that he thought she was uncomfortable about him playing Romeo. Luan admits to him that she was just nervous about getting to kiss him, to which Benny admits he felt the same way himself. In doing so, he admits that he likes her as well, and they finally do kiss.

In "A Pimple Plan" Luan was afraid Benny would break up with her, if he sees her big zit, but he told her that he doesn't love her for appearance.

In "Deep Cuts", they protest together to save the theatre club.

In "Feast or Family", Benny, along with Ruby and Shannon ate with Luan. But when Lynn Sr. set off the sprinklers, they ran away from her, leaving Luan sad.

In "Luan and Benny's Comedy Class", she teaches a comedy class with him. She also refers to him as her "beau" which is a colloquial term meaning boyfriend. Further confirming their relationship.

In "Livin' La Casa Loud!", Luan tries to get into Japanese mecha figures after finding out Benny likes them, but cannot.

In "Stressed for the Part", she kisses Benny again and refers to his curly hair as adorable.


In "A Pimple Plan" Miguel agreed to help Luan by giving her makeup to cover her zit, so she would go on a date with Benny with no worries.
