"A Crime to Dye For" is the tenth short of The Loud House Digital Shorts. Plot[]When Lincoln is accused of dying the family's laundry orange, Leni decides to investigate the fashion crime. Synopsis[]On a rainy day, Leni is told by Lola that there has been a fashion emergency. Rushing downstairs, Leni discovers that everyone's laundry has been dyed orange (the only color visible in this primarily black-and-white short). When everyone questions how this happened, Luan immediately points the finger at Lincoln by saying that he was on laundry duty when the incident happened (as stated on the chore list). Lincoln insists that he's innocent, but he's ordered by Lola to be taken to the slammer (which is actually just a fortress made of the couch's cushions). Leni suspects that Lincoln has been subjected to foul play and decides to get to the bottom of it so she can clear her brother's name. After entering the "slammer" by bribing Lily (one of the guards), Leni asks Lincoln on what he did today that led to the incident. Lincoln says that this morning, he was eating breakfast alongside everyone, where he told a joke to Lana (causing her to snort milk out her nose), and then later, had a large meatball sub. Afterwards, he went downstairs to do the laundry. Upon throwing all the whites into the washing machine, he quickly ran upstairs when he started to get an upset stomach due to the sub. When Leni asks how long he was upstairs, Lincoln says it was between 12:00 and 12:30, and when she asks who she could ask to corroborate his alibi, he states that the only ones present in the house were Luan, Lynn, and Mr. Coconuts, prompting Leni to go and ask them. Approaching Luan in the kitchen, Leni discovers her making coconut pies for a new comedy act. When Leni asks Luan if she was in the kitchen this whole time, Luan says that she was, and has Mr. Coconuts confirm it (after Leni's initial attempt to get the answer out of him proved unsuccessful due to being an inanimate object). When Leni asks again if he was in the kitchen the whole time, Mr. Coconuts states that he temporarily stepped outside to get some air (as the kitchen heat started to warp his wooden body), and that Lynn can confirm it. After Lynn confirms that Mr. Coconuts was outside with her, Leni believes that the three witnesses have clear alibis, so she decides to investigate the laundry room. Initially not finding anything, Leni was about to give up, when she suddenly spotted something that ties the whole crime together. After gathering everyone to the living room and into a mock trial, Leni proclaims that, after collecting enough evidence, Lincoln truly is innocent, and that the real culprits are Luan, Lynn and Mr. Coconuts. When the three accuse her by saying that she doesn't have proof, she reveals the truth: while Lincoln was upstairs to deal with his upset stomach, the three made their way to the laundry room, and deliberately dyed the white laundry orange by throwing in Luan's yellow socks and Lynn's red jersey, all while Mr. Coconuts was guarding the door as a lookout. When Mr. Coconuts states that it doesn't add up, Leni reveals that the detergent used in the laundry is coconut-scented, and states that while she was interrogating Lynn, she noticed that her jersey smelled the same as the coconut pies Luan was making (which she was most likely making in an attempt to camouflage her coconut-scented clothes). Upon sniffing the aforementioned clothes, Lana confirms that Leni is correct, thus proving the three of their guilt. When Lincoln asks them why they did it, they state that they were upset at him because of all the things he did to them earlier. It turns out Luan and Mr. Coconuts were telling the joke during breakfast, and Lincoln stole their punchline (Lana also snorted her milk onto them), and the sub he ate was Lynn's, as she was planning to eat it before her game. Because of this, the three decided to enact a revenge plan against Lincoln, but eventually admit that they took it too far since the rest of the family didn't wrong them. When the three promise to replace everyone's clothes, Rita decides to punish them by assigning them laundry duty for the next month, a decision the rest of the Louds accept. To make up for all the trouble Lincoln endured, Lynn tells him that they'll get him a limited-edition David Steele comic as compensation. With Lincoln's name cleared, a proud Leni declares the case closed. Suddenly, it's revealed that the "rain" outside is actually Mr. Grouse washing the window with his hose. When told by Rita to stop with what he's doing, he suddenly loses his balance and falls down. Cast[]
Luna, Lucy, Lisa and Lily have no lines in this short. Trivia[]
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A Crime to Dye For