The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The following is a transcript for the episode "Hiccups and Downs."


Paramount Global The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.

[Outside the Loud House, Lynn is kicking a basketball when Luna rushes past her...]
Luna: "WOOHOO!"
[...knocking Lynn on her back as the basketball nails her in the gut]
Lynn: "Oof!"
[Luna rushes inside the house as Leni works on Lola's dress]
Luna: "YES, YES, YES!!!" [Leni accidentally pokes Lola, knocking her over. Meanwhile, Lisa is using Lily as a test subject for her anti-gravity device when Luna passes by, causing Lisa to accidentally deactivate the gravity field and Lily to collapse] "WOOHOOHOO!" [Now she's in her room as her siblings observe, concerned] "YEAH! WOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!"
Lola: "Mm-kay, Luna, sweetie, you're here..." [holds up a hand to her level] "...and I'm gonna need you to take it down to about, uh, here." [lowers it to the ground] "Okay?"
Lisa: "Oh, very well, I'll bite. What are you so excited about?"
Luna: "The Moon Goats made it to the finals of the Rumble of the Rockers! It's a band competition, and the winner gets to record a song demo! We're so gonna..." [does air guitar] "♫ SLAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! ♫" [hiccups]
Leni: "Wow. I've never heard a guitar make that sound before."
Lisa: "Negatory. It would appear Luna is having involuntary contractions of the diaphragm. Street name, hiccups, brought on by all of her excitement. They'll cease in no time."
[Luna hiccups in worry]

[Transition from night to day, with the moon setting in tune to Luna's hiccup as the sun rises. Cut to the dining room, with the siblings eating toast, bacon, and eggs as Luna's hiccups knock over the food from the table]
Luna: "Dang it!" [throws her fork next to Cliff at the living room] "The Rumble's tonight, and there's no way I can sing like this! What am I gonna-" [hiccups] "-do?!"
Lisa: [gasps] "I know what would cure those: an anti-hiccup elixir." [Luna gasps] "Yeah, if only someone would invent one."
Luna: [hiccups] "Oh. Come on, sibs. One of you has to know how to get rid of my-" [hiccups and falls to the floor, surrounded by the spilled food] "Please, you've gotta help me!"
Luan: "Ah, Luna. You know we're hicc-up for it, but first things first..." [grabs a fork; to her siblings] "Everybody hurry and eat while she's down!"
[The other siblings eat quickly]

[Luna is now outside with Lana, who removes the lids from two smelly trash cans]
Lana: "Trust me, I know how to get rid of hiccups." [hops in one] "Step one: Cover yourself in trash."
Luna: [revolted] "Okay..."
Lana: "Step two: Repeat step one until the hiccups are gone."
Luna: "Is there a step three?"
Lana: "Repeat step two."
Luna: "Okay..."
[She climbs in the other trash can]
Lana: "No, no, no." [covers herself in trash] "I said cover yourself! Really take in the full trash experience!" [Luna hesitantly covers herself in trash] "There you go!"
[Luna hiccups and her trash can tips over]
Luna: "Oh..."

[Now Luna is in Lynn and Lucy's room, removing a rotten banana from her hair. She hiccups]
Lucy: "Everyone knows a scare gets rid of the hiccups. That's why I've planned the ultimate fright." [turns off the lights] "Something that taps into your darkest fears." [turns on a flashlight]
[Luna shivers in fright, then looks around to see Mr. Coconuts' silhouette, laughing. She realizes Lucy has vanished]
Luna: "Lucy, where'd you go?"
Mr. Coconuts: "Wanna play a game?"
Luna: "Uh, no, not really, dude..."
[The closet door opens and Mr. Coconuts bursts out of it, laughing as Luna screams and falls over. The lights turn back on as Luan and Lucy look at Luna, who hiccups again and moans]
Luan: "Oh, that didn't work."
Mr. Coconuts: "Well, let me off your hand. I'll give her a real scare."
[Luna hiccups in fright and runs off]

[Lincoln and Lynn are now showing Luna to the backyard]
Lynn: "Listen..." [Luna hiccups] "The problem is, you've been focusing on the wrong end. You need to shake those hiccups down through the body. Then they'll blast right out of your butt."
Lincoln: "We proudly give you..." [Luna hiccups] "The hiccup eradicator." [shows an obstacle course] "You slide down the slide, bounce on the trampoline, land in Lola's princess ride, jump through the bubble hoop, fly through the air, then at the end, you land in that kiddie pool filled with pudding."
[Luna hiccups]
Lynn: "All that motion will lead to a ginormous butt blast, and your hiccups will be gone." [Luna hiccups] "Bam, science."
Luna: Uh, why pudding in the kiddie pool?"
Lynn: "Not gonna lie, that part's purely for our entertainment."
Luna: [hiccups] "Let's just get this over with."
[She heads over to the slide. perched on the garage, when Lisa opens the back door]
Lisa: "Luna?" [Luna hiccups] "For the love of gravity, don't do it!" [deadpan] "Well, you'd be happy to know that actual science has triumphed. After many grueling hours in the lab, I have finally created..." [unveils a spray] " anti-hiccup throat spray."
Luna: [gasps] "Let me give it a try!" [sprays her throat with the spray; beat as she realizes her hiccups are gone] "They're gone! Ha-ha!"
Lisa: "Now, bear in mind, it only offers temporary relief, so be sure to use it every 15 minutes."
Luna: [grabs Lisa and hugs her] "Specs, you're truly the rockin'-est little sis ♫ever!♫"
[In her excitement, Luna accidentally throws Lisa onto the slide, where she bounces on the trampoline, ends up in Lola's jeep, jumps through the hoop, and lands in the kiddie pool. Lincoln and Lynn watch, and then cheer at their course working as they start high-fiving each other]
Lynn: "That pudding was a nice touch!"

[Later, the Moon Goats arrive at the Rumble of the Rockers in Chunk's van]
Luna: "Thanks for the ride, Chunkster. You gonna stay and cheer us on?"
Chunk: "Wish I could, love, but I got me a gig. I'm playing at Liam's farm. He said it'll be 'as big as a fat tick chompin' on a hound doggy's ear.' 'Tween you and me, I haven't the foggiest of what that means. Break a leg, you lot!" [drives off]
Luna: "Thanks, Chunk. See ya!"

[Later, Mazzy is drumming on Sully's head as Sam tunes her guitar. Luna hiccups and the others cover their ears (except Sam) cringed]
Sully: "Uh, Luna, everything okay?"
Luna: "For sure! Uh, just a tiny case of the hiccups. Nothing to worry about. Lisa made me a throat spray for them. It's right here in my ba-" [realizes it's gone] "Oh, no! I must have left it in Chunk's van!" [the band gets worried] "Okay, nobody freak out. I'll just call him and ask him to bring my bag back."
Sam: "He won't answer, remember? He turns off his phone before every gig, so he can get in the 'Chunk Zone.'"
[Cut to Chunk in his van getting in the "Chunk Zone", growling and scatting along to music. Back to Luna]
Luna: "There's one other person to call."
[She takes her phone and starts dialing. Back at the Loud House, Lisa is doing an experiment and is about to add a drop of a compound to a beaker containing a bacteria when her emergency phone rings, causing her to drop the compound inside the beaker. She hastily fishes the compound out of the beaker and picks up. As she talks, the bacteria gradually mutates into a green creature too big for the beaker]
Lisa: "Cut to the chase, Mr. President. How long until the asteroid hits?" [Luna hiccups] "Luna? I told you this line is for science emergencies." [The creature squeals] "Oh, wait. Why are you hiccupping?"
[Cut back to Luna's end]
Luna: "I left the throat spray in Chunk's van. You gotta bring me more, Lis!"
[Back at Lisa's end, Lisa attempts to shove the creature back in the beaker]
Lisa: "No, quite impossible. I only had enough ingredients to make a single batch to get you through the competition. Do you know how hard it is to get Norwegian kelp these days?" [forces the creature back in the beaker]
Luna: "Then you and the sibs gotta pick me up and take me to Chunk." [cut back to her end] "Please, the Goats are gonna blow it with me sounding like-" [hiccups] "This!"
[Back at Lisa's end]
Lisa: [groans] "Very well." [hangs up and notices slime from the creature on her stool] "Uh-oh."
[Slime drips from the ceiling, which turns out to be from the creature as it falls on Lisa's eyes. She screams as she tries to get it off]

[Vanzilla drives over to Hunnicutt Farms, where Liam's animals are causing havoc]
Lincoln: "Look, over there!" [He, Luna, Luan, and the twins peek out of Vanzilla and gasp to see Liam and Virginia huddled at the chaos. Lincoln and Luna approach Liam's cover.] "Liam, is Chunk still here?"
Liam: "No, he ran for the hills. We were having us a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new hen house, and it was all goin' peachy until Chunk played Old MacDonald. Poor feller, he had no way of knowing my critters hate that song. The E-I-E-I-Os send them right into a farm frenzy."
Luna: "Do you know where he went, dude?"
Liam: "Food 'n' Fuel to get himself some bandages. Get out while you can! I'll buy you some time." [Lincoln and Luna run while Liam grabs feed and peeks out from his spot. To his rampaging animals] "Whoo-ee!" [whistles] "Alright, who wants some feed?"
[The animals briefly halt their rampage and then charge at Liam. The twins watch from the backseats as a feed-covered Liam allows the animals to get him]

[Vanzilla pulls up to Flip's before Luna enters the store]
Luna: [hiccups] "Flip, have you seen Chunk?"
Flip: "Uh, the England guy covered with beak marks? Yeah, you just missed him. Flip might have overheard his phone convo, but, uh, I might need a little help remembering." [Luna hands over a $20 bill...] "Uh, I don't know. Still a little fuzzy." [...and another] "Now it's coming back to me. Chunk went to the Burnt Bean. Something about a bingo gig this afternoon."
Luna: "Yes! Finally!" [hiccups]
Flip: "You know, old Flip's got just the thing for hiccups. Nacho, show her... the Cure." [Nacho salutes and shows up in a hazmat suit with a giant vat of expired nacho cheese] "It also gets rid of toe fungus." [opens the vat] "The downside, temporary body numbness." [dips his toe in it] "A fair tradeoff, I say."
Luna: [disgusted] "Uh, yeah." [hiccups] "Thanks, dude, but I don't think so." [backs off]
Flip: [feeling numb] "Uh-oh, I can't feel my legs. Nacho, catch me!"
[Nacho backs out of the way as Flip falls over and hits the ground]

[Vanzilla arrives at the Burnt Bean. Luna rushes over to the manager]
Luna: [hiccups] "Excuse me, is Chunk around?"
Manager: "He, like, should be. His bingo cage is still over there."
Luna: [calling] "Chunk, are you here?" [to her siblings] "Let's split up and find him. And hurry, we're almost out of time."
[The siblings nod and split up. Lana passes by a curtain with what looks like Chunk's silhouette]
Lana: [gasps] "Hey, guys. He's over here."
[She pulls the curtain back to see a stack of bags on top of cans in Chunk's shape. Meanwhile, Lola, Lynn, and Leni are at the restroom]
Lola: "Chunk, are you in there?"
Lynn: "Okay, my way now." [bursts open the door, disturbing a woman washing her hands] "We're looking for Chunk."
Woman: "Oops, sorry. He left out the back door. He lost the G37, so he ran to buy a new one."
Leni: "OMGosh, good for him. Vitamins are totes important."
[Luna opens the back door to spot Chunk's van leaving]
Luna: [gasps] "He just left! Let's go, guys!"

[Vanzilla catches up with Chunk's van at a traffic light]
Luna: [opens the window] "Chunk!"
Chunk: "Luna, how was the rumble?!"
Luna: "Chunk, you have my bag!"
Chunk: "Wasn't your bag? Aw, sorry to hear it, love. Better luck next time, eh? Well, gotta go. I got the G37 and I'm almost in the Chunk Zone!"
[The light turns green and Chunk drives off]
Luna: "No, you have my bag!"
[Vanzilla chases Chunk's van and accidentally collides with a tube man. Leni and Luan scream with their vision blocked, and they catch up with Chunk]
Luna: [groans] "We'll never catch up to him!"
Leni: "Don't worry. I know a shortcut."
[She drives in an alleyway, intercepting Chunk. Luna exits Vanzilla, hiccupping]
Chunk: "Luna? How'd you get here so fast?"
[Luna opens the back of Chunk's van to reveal her bag. She takes out her spray, but hiccups and accidentally drops it]
Luna: "Whoa! No, no, no, no, no!" [The spray hits the ground and breaks. She drops to her knees and moans as her siblings gasp at the sight] "Oh, it's hopeless. I better go back and tell the Goats they can freak out now. It's all-" [hiccups] "Over."
[She solemnly walks back to Chunk's van]

[Luna is now back with the Moon Goats]
Luna: [hiccups] "Sorry we had to drop out, dudes. Now we'll never get to record that song-" [hiccups] "Demo."
[She keeps hiccupping, but Mazzy drums along to the beat of the hiccups]
Mazzy: "If it makes you feel any better, the hiccups actually have a sweet rhythm. If you gotta have hiccups, they might as well be rockin'."
Luna: [hiccups] "Mazzy, I think you're on to something. Guys, I know how to get us back in the competition."

[Later, the Moon Goats are on stage and about to perform. Luna hiccups into the microphone]
Mazzy: "A one, two, three!"
[They start playing as the Louds join the audience]

When everything is going smooth ♫
♫ Life you send you a ♫
[hiccup, hiccup]
♫ Then when things start to improve ♫
♫ You hit another ♫
[hiccup, hiccup]
♫ Please tell me what I'm doing wrong ♫
♫ How am I gonna get through this song ♫
♫ Everyone just play along ♫
♫ Every time there is a ♫
[hiccup, hiccup]

[The crowd cheers. Later, the Moon Goats pose for a photo holding the first prize trophy with Leni taking the photo.]
Moon Goats: "Woohoo!" "Yeah!" "We did it!"
Luna: "Dudes, we did it! We actually won the Rumble!"
Sam: "Um, thanks to you and your awesome hiccups."
Luna: [gasps in realization] "My hiccups, they're gone!"
Lincoln: "She's right. And without the spray."
Lisa: "Of course! Excitement caused the hiccups, and the sheer excitement of winning the Rumble made them dissipate." [chuckles] "Why, it's borderline embarrassing I never put that together before." [chuckles]
[Her siblings glare at her]
Announcer: "Alright, Moon Goats, let's hope those hiccups come back soon. You have to record that song for your demo."
Luna: [dismayed] "Oh, man, I didn't think of that."
Lynn: "Don't worry, we'll get those hiccups back. We just gotta get you pumped up."
[She grabs Luna and drags her away with her siblings close behind, cheering]
Lincoln: "Make her hiccup!"
Luna: "No, not again..."
Lola: "Hiccups!"
Lana: "Forever!"
[The end]

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