"Better Together" is the seventeenth episode of the first season of The Really Loud House. Plot[]When Clyde finds himself in the BEST[sic] program at school Lincoln has to find a way to reconnect before the epic spitball battle they’ve been preparing for and Dad tries every trick in the book to get an annoying song out of his head. Synopsis[]Act I[]At the Louds' garage, Lincoln and Clyde are designing an Infinite Spitball Super Cyclone 5000 to prepare for an upcoming spitball war at middle school. Their thirty-seventh test ends with their prototype having strong propulsion, speed, and adhesion, but terrible accuracy, and they decide to get a hydro pump from the dump to improve their Cyclone. Just then, Howard and Harold arrive, reminding Clyde he has to study for tomorrow's test. Lincoln explains that Howard and Harold have been trying to get Clyde into an elite middle school program, BETR, which is almost impossible to get in. That night, Lynn Sr. visits an ill Lily in her room. She explains she wants to watch her favorite cartoon, Johnny Rabbit, and they listen to the theme song for so long, it ends up stuck in Lynn Sr.'s head. The next morning, Lynn Sr. complains to Rita that the song is stuck in his head, and Rita explains she does not let Lily play the song. He is shocked to realize they are allowed to say no. At middle school, Lincoln and Clyde meet up with Rusty and Liam, who have been preparing for the spitball war their own way by collecting saliva from Liam's donkey. Their conversation is interrupted by Mr. Bolhofner, who reminds them of the test. As they enter the classroom, Clyde fails to notice he has let the Cyclone's blueprints behind. During the test, Clyde breezes through the questions while Lincoln is distracted by the Cyclone. When the test is over, Clyde finds out he has lost the blueprints. Lincoln is worried they will be caught, just as Principal Ramirez calls Clyde into her office. There, she explains that Clyde has actually gotten into the BETR program. The next day, Lincoln invites Clyde to finish the Cyclone, but Clyde explains that his schedule has changed with the BETR program. Meanwhile, Lynn Sr. holds a meeting with Leni, Luan, Lucy, and the twins, explaining he is offering a week with no chores to whoever can remove the song from his head. Later, after a virtual field trip to the Pyramids of Giza, Clyde meets up with Lincoln again in the garage and finds that the annoyed Lincoln has been waiting for two hours, and was attacked by a dog while he was at the dump. Clyde suggests that Lincoln, who had only worked on the first ten questions of the test out of 120, retake the test to get into the BETR program. The next day, an over-confident Lincoln finishes the test and boasts about his inevitable enrollment into BETR to Rusty and Liam when he is summoned into the principal's office. However, instead of the BETR program, Principal Ramirez declares that Lincoln's test scores are so low, he is to be dropped back into fifth grade until he can meet the standard requirements. Act II[]Lincoln is dropped back into fifth grade, where he is bullied by the local fifth-graders for being held back, while Clyde has a fun time during the BETR program. Meanwhile, Lynn Sr. offers money he was planning on using to purchase a pair of diamond earrings for Rita to whoever can knock the song out of his head. Lola's ribbon dance, Leni's deep breathing, Luan's jokes and Lana's wrestling all fail to remove the song from his head, and Lucy's attempt to exorcise it from his mind merely demonically distorts it. As the fifth-graders line up for recess, Lincoln runs into Clyde and tries to go over their spitball battle plan, but Clyde is so busy he has to leave. Lincoln visits the emergency room, where he explains to Mr. Bolhofner he has to lay down for a while due to the struggles he is facing. He has a dream where he works as a janitor at a business firm where Clyde has become the CEO. However, Clyde fails to recognize him and fires him, causing Lincoln to wake up in horror. Act III[]With an epiphany, Lincoln hurries over to the BETR program and tells Clyde to drop out in favor of the spitball war. Clyde, however, dismisses the spitball war as pointless and fatuous, forcing Lincoln to try to win the spitball war himself. As Lincoln throws away Clyde's Cyclone into the trash, he is suddenly attacked by Rusty and Liam, and the spitball war commences. Clyde watches all this during a BETR lecture, and when asked a question, he recites his and Lincoln's creed of friendship and runs off to help. As the spitball war rages, Lincoln is cornered by four kids and Liam when Clyde shows up with his Cyclone and saves him. Together, the two trounce the competition, and Rusty and Liam flee from their wrath. They congratulate themselves on their victory, but Mr. Bolhofner declares they are busted. At the principal's office, Principal Ramirez and the BETR professor, Dr. Harlow, instead congratulate the two for designing the Cyclone, and offer them to spearhead a new program for brilliant engineers, BEST. However, they decline the offer, declaring their friendship is all they need. That night, Lynn Sr. is in bed and still has the demonically distorted song stuck in his head when it finally dissipates. He turns over to see the Little Baby Bunny itself, who says the song is no longer in his head. Relieved, Lynn Sr. thanks Little Baby Bunny and goes to sleep in peace, and the Bunny reveals itself to have been Rita all along, who declares she will get those earrings. Cast[]
Guest roles[]
Stunt performers[]Songs[]Songs Featured[]
Physical distribution[]This episode is available on the "Season One" DVD. Trivia[]
Product placement[]
Better Together