This article contains media of The Loud House or The Casagrandes outside of the show. Please keep images here to a minimum to respect copyright laws.
Bienvenue chez les Casagrandes - Ensemble à tout prix is the second book in the Bienvenue chez les Casagrandes book series. It was published by Nickelodeon and La Bibliothèque Rose on July 13, 2022.[1] It is adapted from the episode "Vacation Daze".
From the Amazon listing:
Aujourd’hui, c’est le jour de repos de Maria, la mère de Ronnie Anne. Et la jeune fille compte bien en profiter pour passer du temps avec elle ! Mais toute la famille ne cesse de demander de l’aide à Maria, qui n’a plus une minute pour elle… Ronnie Anne pourra-t-elle profiter de sa journée avec sa mère ?
Translation: Today is the day off for Maria, Ronnie Anne's mother. And the young girl intends to take the opportunity to spend time with her! But the whole family keeps asking for help from Maria, who doesn't have a minute left for her… Will Ronnie Anne be able to enjoy her day with her mother?
This was the last piece of Casagrandes-branded media to be publicated before the series concluded its broadcast in the United States.
However, the next installment, which was published after the series concluded its broadcast in the U.S., was published during the French dub's run.