The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

Camp Mastodon is the childhood campground of Lynn Loud Sr. and Leonard Loud, plus possibly also Lance Loud. It first appears in the episode "Camped!" and makes occasional appearances following.


It is the childhood camp of Leonard and Lynn Loud Sr., plus Flip. When Lynn Sr. finds out that Mr. Rinsler is closing it down, he takes his family there for a final trip. It is then that Lincoln and Lynn Sr. learn about the buried treasure, and they take their family on a dangerous treasure hunt to find it and save the camp. They successfully find the treasure (and are rescued by Leonard, who has returned from sea) and then bring it to Mr. Rinsler, who reveals he has bought a condo in Florida. Leonard suggests that he could take over the camp so that he can be closer to the family, and Mr. Rinsler is pleased to pass it onto him.

In "Bummer Camp", Leonard calls his grandkids and says that his counselors have bailed on him during training, and he has a new batch of campers due in a week. Not wanting Gramps to leave, the kids volunteer to be Gramps' new counselors. Unfortunately, they find that Gramps' training methods mirror those of a fisherman, so they try to help him brush up on his camping skills. After several failed attempts, Leonard ultimately decides to close the camp and return to life at sea, but his grandkids decide to go with him. Touched by this, Leonard decides to try harder at being a camper, and he manages to keep the camp open and entertaining for his campers.

In "'Twas the Fight Before Christmas", Leonard invites Lynn Sr. and his other son Lance to the camp alongside their families to get his two sons to reconcile. Things turn out okay at first after he takes them both to chop down a Christmas tree, as they remember all the fails from previous years. However, another fight ensues, and they split their families up to opposite sides of their cabin. When Lincoln, Lori, and Shelby attempt to buy them new gifts at the local mart to replace the ruined ones, they end up getting trapped on the lake. Lance and Lynn Sr. work together to save their children, and upon return to the cabin, the two conjoined sides of the family celebrate Christmas together.


The campground sits on the western coast of Michigan near Lake Michigan. It sits in the middle of the forest and has several cabins made of wood. There is a zipline overhead the lake between two cliffs.


Mastodon, Mastodon
Your memories will be life-long
We row, we bike
We sow, we hike
It's Camp Mastodon!


Season 5[]

Season 6[]

Season 7[]

Season 8[]


  • According to flashbacks in "'Twas the Fight Before Christmas", Leonard took his two sons to chop down Christmas trees at Camp Mastodon every year, only for most of them to end disastrously.


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Camp Mastodon has a collection of images and media that can be viewed here.

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