The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The following is a transcript for the episode "Chancla Force."


Paramount Global The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.

[It's dinnertime at the Casagrande's. Hector, Carl and CJ are all waiting as Rosa brings it out]
Rosa: "Dinnertime."
[Hector excitedly gets his plate ready as Rosa plops boiled asparagus onto it. He suddenly notices the lack of presence at the table]
Hector: "Where is everybody?"
Rosa: "I told you, hijo," [Takes out her phone] "Frida and Carlos went to that big art and music festival Burning Flan, and Ronnie Anne and Bobby are at Arturo's for the weekend."
Hector: "Oh, dibs on their dinner."
[Gives himself, even more, asparagus, and stuffs it into his mouth. Rosa's not dissatisfied with this. She goes over to the boys]
Rosa: "Carl, CJ, don't forget your espárragos."
[Puts it on their plates, much to their disgust]
Carl: "Oh, yucko!"
Rosa: [Dissatisfied] "Carl, you need your vegetables."
Carl: [Slyly] "Okay, abuela, I'll eat them." [Calls out] "Release the chocolate sauce and sprinkles!"
[Sergio flies in with said ingredients. Se sets his target and fires]
Rosa: [Not allowing this] "Release the chancla."
[Takes off her chancla and throws it at the ice cream toppings, deflecting them right back at the shooter, immobilizing Sergio. Carl and CJ whine in disappointment. Sergio slides down the wall and licks his face clean.]
Carl: [Grabs Sergio] "Gimme some!"
[Wrings Sergio over his mouth]
Sergio [Squawks] "Release the Sergio!"

[Later, the boys are making a pillow fort, which Carl puts a flag on]
Carl: "Fort Macho Muchacho is finally complete."
[The boys cheer]
CJ: "No one can knock it down."
Sergio: [Squawks, riding Lalo] "Think again!"
[They charge]
Carl & CJ: "Invaders!"
[The fort goes down, and the boys and pets start having a pillow fight. Until a single chancla disarms them. Rosa catches it]
Rosa: "It's time for bed."
Carl: [Annoyed] "But, Abuela, we're having so much fun."
Rosa: [Chancla at the ready] "I'm not going to tell you again. A la cama. Go to bed." [Leaves]
Carl: "How does Abuela always know just when to break up our fun? She's like a bruja or something."
Rosa: [Offscreen, having heard that] "Who are you calling a witch?"
[A chancla starts hovering over them, ready to strike. The boys scream and run, the chancla in persuit]

[Later, the five are having a meeting under Carl's blanket]
Carl: "We can't eat what we want, we can't play when we want."
CJ: "We can't do anything."
Carl: "We have to fight back! Stage a protest! Stop doing our chores!"
Sergio: [Squawks] "Not unless you want that chancla."
Carl: [Realizes and gasps.] "Sergio, you're right! It's those chanclas. They're the source of her power. If we can get rid of them, Abuela won't he able to control us anymore."
[Carlitos protests the idea]
CJ: "He's right, it's never been done before."
Carl: "We have to try!"
[Out of nowhere, the chancla breaks their flashlight]
Rosa: [Rips the blanket off them] "Lights out!"
[Puts her slipper back on and leaves]

[In the morning, the boys are having a follow up meeting in the secret room]
Carl: "The path of the chancla is predictable. It follows a regular route every day."
[Points to a chart of Rosa's daily schedule, which morphs into Rosa following her schedule. Carl narrates]
Narrating Carl: "After breakfast, abuela makes the rounds through the building, fixing junk." [Rosa knocks on 4C, Mr. Nakamura lets her in. She works on the sink in his bathroom, her feet and the chancla facing out. Carl drops down on a rope prepared to take them. He tries to swing over]
Rosa: "There, that should fix the leak."
[Carl sees the faucet jittering and gets sprayed away. The next part of her schedule]
Narrating Carl: "Next, she does chores around the house." [Rosa is listening to music and cleaning the kitchen. The boys and pets peer inside. CJ crawls for the chancla, but Rosa unknowingly hip-checks him away. In the living room, Carlitos tries, but gets sucked into the vacuum cleaner. Lalo tries in the hall, but gets hit with the broom. Back in the kitchen, Sergio goes for it, but Rosa just mopped under the fridge which she lets drop, right on top of Sergio. Later, it's night again] "And if all else fails, there's always nighttime."
[Hector and Rosa are asleep in their room, the door is opened and ninja Carl looks inside]
Carl: "Super-stealth ninja has landed. I'm going in." [Carl tiptoes in, rolls at the foot of the bed and grabs a pair of feet from under the covers. Hector giggles] "Ugh! Wrong feet." [He goes to the other side of the bed, removes the covers and is initially repulsed] "Oh, I knew it. She wears them in her sleep." [Without any sudden movements, Carl swipes the slippers off Rosa's feet] "Ha-ha! Yes!
[Crawls away]

[Back in their room, Carl returns, chancla in hand]
Carl: "The chanclas are mine!"
[The others cheer]
Sergio: [Squawks] "Now hide ‘em. Before she knows they're gone."
Carl: "I'll put them in one of my top-secret hiding spots. No peeking!"
[The others cover their eyes. Carl opens his safe, but it's full of candy] "Halloween candy stash is full." [Looks behing his luchador poster] "Emergency hair products, super full." [Looks behind his cork board] "Can't touch the cash spot." [Has an idea] "I know." [Stomps on the floor and a secret compartment opens up, he places the chancla inside and closes it] "Chancla-free at last! Now we can do whatever we want! Tomorrow is gonna be the greatest day ever!"
[They all cheer]

[Morning comes again, a barefooted Rosa comes out of the kitchen with scrambled eggs and gives them to the boys]
Carl: "Good morning, abuela." [Sees the eggs] "Hit me, Sergio!"
[Rosa gasps as she sees Sergio put whipped cream on Carl's eggs]
Rosa: "What are you doing, señorito?"
Carl: "Just dressing up my eggs."
[Rosa goes for her chancla, but only gets her foot, knocking herself over trying to pick it up]
Rosa: "Oh, yes, I couldn't find my chanclas this morning. Oh, well. Never mind, mijo. Eat your whipped cream huevos." [Puts them in Carl's mouth] "That's almost two food groups."
Maria: [Offscreen, sleepy] "Mom," [enters the dining room in her socks and easy-fit clothes] "is there anything good to eat? [Pulls up a chair and puts her feet on the table] "I'm starved." [Rosa sprays the whipped cream right into Maria's mouth and leaves] "Did you hear the news? The chancla's gone. We can do whatever we want!"
Carl: [He and his hermanos amazed] "Whoa, adults are scared of the chancla, too?"
Maria: "Since we were kids, the chancla has controlled our lives. And now we're free!"
Carl: [High fives Maria] "All right, Tía! Adiós, chancla!"
[They all celebrate with chocolate syrup]
Maria: [Calls her own hermanos] "Frida, Carlos, hurry back home. The chancla is gone!" [They answer] "I know, right? We're going to have a blast!"

[Later, Rosa walks in on the boys having a water balloon fight in the bathroom. Even after she gets hit she shrugs and leaves them to it. Next, Sergio and Lalo are having a whipped cream powered chocolate syrup slip ‘n' slide in the kitchen. She walk in and gets splattered, making her look like Hector, she still shrugs it off. Carl enters his room]
Carl: "I've never had so much fun in my life! I need to share this with El Falcon." [Looks around his messy room] "Now, where did I leave him?" [Finds a discarded diaper and throws it away] "Gross!" [Resumes searching] "Where are you, El Falcon?" [Enters 2A] "Has anyone seen my..." [Gasps in horror. Carlitos has used all his hair gel and given himself a spikey mohawk] "Is that my monkey grip hair gel? [Hears barking. Lalo and Hector pop out of a pile of candy] "And my Halloween candy?!"
CJ: [Holding El Falcon] "Time to fly!" [Flies El Falcon around]
Carl: "And El Falcon?! You know he's off-limits!"
CJ: "No chancla, no rules!" [Slips on the hair gel] "Whoa!"
[El Falcon really goes flying]
Carl: "Falcon!" [Carl dives to save his favourite toy, but it shatters on the floor. Carl picks up the pieces and cries] "Abuela! CJ, Carlitos, Abuelo and Lalo took my stuff and broke my El Falcon toy!"
Rosa: [Pats his head] "Why don't you go break one of their toys?"
[At the moment, Carlos and Frida arrive, Frida listening to headphones]
Carl: "Mom! Dad! Thank goodness you're home." [Angrily] "Your children are out of control!"
Frida: "Ay, Carl, not now. I'm listening to my jams."
Carlos: [Puts his helmet on] "And I'm gonna skateboard in the halls. Without pants!" [Rips his pants off and picks up his esposa] "Whoo-hoo! Oh ho! I'm free!"
Frida: "Oh! Go, baby! Go!"
[The pants land on the shocked Carl]

[Later that night, Carl goes into the messy kitchen, groaning]
Carl: "I'm so hungry." [The only things in the kitchen is him and a bunch of food stains] "Is anyone gonna cook dinner?"
[A fight cloud enters the kitchen. Hector, Sergio and Lalo are fighting over food]
Hector: Give me that popcorn-wiener-cookie!"
Sergio: "It's mine!"
[They fight again, they pass by Carl, who ends up in his chonies]
Carl: [Sighs] "I guess I'll just go to bed." [Carl enters his room and gasps. His madre, hermana and tía are all jumping on his bed] "Hey, what are you all doing in my room? Get off my bed!"
Maria: "It's not a bed, it's a trampoline!"
Sergio: [Comes out from behind the cork board] "Hey, I found Carl's cash!"
[Throws Carl's cash all over the room. Carl tries to salvage as much as he can]
Carl: "I have got to get out of here."
[Stuffs the cash in his chonies, grabs a pillow and some clothes, and leaves. He goes into the hall, which has also been vandalized]
Carlos: "Out of my way, little dude!"
[Carl's pantsless padre rail grinds down the stairs and into 2B. Carl runs up the stairs to the roof. He closes the door behind him and sighs]
Carl: "Finally, some peace and quiet." [Fluffs his pillow and tries to sleep right there. Suddenly, loud club music starts playing] Ah!" [The pigeons are having a party on the roof] "Uh... Hey, bird buds? Could you go party somewhere else? I gotta get some sleep."
Sergio: "What? Turn up the music? Okay."
Carl: "Hey, that's my DJ gear!"
Sergio: "Party like it's New Year's?" Okay!"
[Turns the bass all the way up, causing a musical sonic boom and blowing the feathers off everyone. They continue their party]
Carl: "What have I done?! I've gotta get these chanclas back to Abuela. She'll fix everything!" [Carl runs back to his room] "Gotta get the chanclas! [Carl opens the compartment in the floor, but it's empty, with only a yellow flashing outline that appears] Where'd they go?!" [There's a barking at the door. Lalo has the chanclas] "Lalo?!" [Lalo runs. He gets on the table in 2A, Carl chases him] "Give me those chanclas, Lalo!"
[Carl tries to grab them, but Lalo won't allow it]
Sergio: [Squawks and grabs Carl] "You can't take away our freedom!"
[Lalo throws the chanclas, Carlitos catches them, and CJ catches Carlitos. They throw the chanclas, Carl still chasing them. Sergio grabs them. Carl manages to grab them and rip them out of Sergio's claws]
Carl: "Ah-ha! Got 'em! Party's over."
Everyone: [Like zombies] "Give us the chanclas! Give us the chanclas! Give us the chanclas! Give us the chanclas!"
[Carl sees his barefooted last hope sleeping on the couch]
Carl: "Come on, chanclas, do your thing."
[Throws them in Rosa's direction]
Everyone: "No!"
[Just as they are about to land on Rosa's feet, a wing intercepts them. Lalo has the blender]
Sergio: "Chancla smoothie, anyone?"
[Tosses them into the blender, which Lalo closes, destroying the chanclas. Everyone cheers]
Everyone except Carl: "Chancla, uno! Chancla, dos! Time to say adiós!"
Carl: "NOOOOOO!" [Suddenly Carl is in his bed, having just woken up] "Come back, chanclas! Come back!" [Falls out of bed and realizes] "Wait, it was a dream?" [Opens the secret compartment, the chancla are still there] "It was a dream!" [Kisses the chancla, which he remembers are also his abuela's shoes, he groans disgusted] "Chancla flavored."

[In 2A, Maria and Hector are waiting for breakfast. The barefooted Rosa brings it out. Carl bursts in, ready to give the chanclas back]
Rosa: "Buenos días, Mijo. Sit down for breakfast."
Carl: "Right, Abuela. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." [Sees inside the pot] "Ooh, are we having veggies? I love veggies!" [Puts the asparagus in his mouth, he tries to like it, but ends up gagging]
Rosa: [Feels Carl's forehead] "Are you okay? Did you sleep alright?"
Carl: "Oh, well, I did have a bad dream." [They see Carl's hermanos and the pets laughing and jumping on the couch, getting their chancla-free life started] "Hey! Behave! Abuela is trying to serve us breakfast!"
CJ: "What?"
[CJ, Lalo, Carlitos and Sergio can't believe their ears. Suddenly, Carl is in a deep blue starry background, he gasps and looks around. Suddenly he sees a glowing red Rosa figure approaching him]
Rosa: "See, Mijo? You don't need the force of the chancla to behave like a good boy. Goodness is inside you already."
Carl: [Not sure what's going on] "Oh, okay. Here are your chanclas, abuela."
Rosa: "Thank you, Carl. I got this."
[Makes some humming noises and holds out her hand. The chanclas return themselves to their rightful owner, she embraces them, and the 'CHANCLA FORCE']

v - e - d The Casagrandes episode transcripts