The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

Chef Pat is a minor character in The Loud House. She is the school chef at Royal Woods Middle School.


According to "Diss the Cook", she went to Royal Woods High School with Rita, Flip & Mrs. Gurdle and was best friends with them. Towards the end of their senior year, Rita handed her peers invitations to her graduation party, but seemingly not Pat. However, while Rita secretly slipped an invitation to Pat, Pat didn't notice it due to being distracted by Flip trying to steal her drink as the invitation was left in the book that she put away. As such, she grew up bitter, started working at Royal Woods Middle School, and would let out her grudge against Rita by giving Rita's children terrible lunches. Her feelings only intensified on Lori's first day of middle school, where Lori got distracted by her flip phone and accidentally caused Pat to spill sticky soup on her hair.

Chef Pat first appeared in "Kernel of Truth" where Stella Zhau does a report on the Action News where she and Chef Pat teach the viewers how to make a three bean chili. When Stella notices a shoe in it, Chef Pat reacts and throws her hand over the camera.

In "Saved by the Spell", Chef Pat plays music on the boom box when asked by someone to drop a beat.

In "Diss the Cook", Chef Pat plays a major role in this episode. She's been giving Lincoln and Lynn inedible meals throughout their time in middle school. After one too many terrible lunches from Pat, Lincoln and Lynn agree to investigate her vengeance on the Louds. Lynn learns from Luan, Luna, and Leni that they didn't do anything to incur Pat's wrath, so she and Lincoln assume Lori was responsible. They convince Lori to return to Royal Woods from Fairway University and apologize to Chef Pat, but it still doesn't earn Lincoln and Lynn delicious food. Venting their frustrations at Flip's Food & Fuel, the two learn of Chef Pat's former friendship with Rita from Flip, and Rita herself clarifies that Pat never accepted her invitation to her graduation party. When they confront Chef Pat on the matter, she eventually realizes the truth about why she never noticed the invitation and retrieves it from the book in the high school library. Feeling guilty, Pat promises to give the Loud kids good food from that point onwards, and the Louds hold a "graduation party" reenactment to give Pat what she wants. Though she gets angry when Flip crashes into the food that she brought upon using the slip 'n' slide causing him to flee in the hovercraft that Albert was piloting as Chef Pat pursues him.

In "Don't Escar-go", Lincoln and his friends ask Chef Pat to teach Clyde the ways of cooking French cuisine, which she agrees to in exchange for having them babysit her niece Waffles while feeding her waffles. She attempts to teach Clyde how to make a quiche Lorraine recipe, but as she plans to feed it to the entire school and math is not her strong suit, they use far more eggs than necessary and make a mess as a result. She was later seen with Lynn Loud Sr. and Clyde watching Fleur Dupont's video cooking class as she feeds her niece.

In "Scoop Snoop", Chef Pat was a suspect in leaking the news to Katherine Mulligan. When Lincoln asks Chef Pat if she knew anything about a meat shortage, she calls up a meat purveyor she knows. After Lincoln gets an alibi from the meat purveyor on the other end of the line, he gives Chef Pat her phone back and quickly departs.


Pat is a large woman with light skin and curly brown hair. She wears a white dress, a seafoam apron, yellow gloves, and a hairnet.


  • According to Lori in "Diss the Cook", Chef Pat briefly became bald after Lori accidentally spilled soup on her.
  • In Scoop Snoop" her real first name of Patricia is mentioned.
  • "The Hurt Lockers" reveals that she keeps meat in a locker when the freezer is full.
  • "Loud Spies" reveals that she sees a bubble flood as a "Code 616".

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