Eunice is a toy unicorn belonging to Lola Loud. History[]In "Tea Tale Heart", Lola had a pretend tea party with Eunice, as well as Mr. Sprinkles and Rosie. Later, Lola apologises to Eunice for not being able to rely on her for emotional support like she does with Mr. Sprinkles. In "Strife of the Party", Duncan rips through Eunice's chest and Eunice is later repaired. In "Prize Fighter", Lola tells Eunice her plan to act like a "monster". In "Cat-astrophe", Lola pretends that Eunice is turning sixteen and throws a fancy party. In "Welcome to the Doll Heist", Lily accidentally trades Eunice for her friend Ingrid's toy stuffed narwhal, Nugget. Ingrid renames Eunice "Princess Cotton Candy". Lily later goes on a heist with Lincoln, Luan, Lynn, Lana and Lisa to retrieve Eunice back from Ingrid before Lola returns home. Appearance[]Eunice is a turquoise unicorn. She has a light yellow horn with a light yellow star on her side and teal hooves. Her mane and tail are both pink. Trivia[]