She never watched The Loud House prior to auditioning as Leni for the live-action series. She was drawn to the series after seeing the script for it and finding it hilarious, particularly the jokes involving Leni.[2] As a result, her first audition for the role turned out to be "dirty", and only after being informed about this by Jonathan Judge did she watch the series as a means of getting into character.[3]
Carlton went through between six and ten audition tapes before booking the part.[4]
She also did not watch A Loud House Christmas prior to auditioning mainly because she did not want Dora Dolphin's incarnation of Leni to be an influence on her.[5]
After watching the film, she found both incarnations to be similar to one another, but she finds hers to be more flushed out due to the increased time spent making the series.[4]
She even considers staying focused and in character to be the hardest part of being on the show, particularly in scenes where the entire Loud family is together.[6]
On a dress-like-the-crew-day that happened on set, she dressed like Tim Hobert and posed like him in his chair. Hobert himself ultimately found this to be extremely funny.[5]
In real life, Carlton is very fashionable and often overdresses, much like her character. However, unlike Leni, she is more of a realist.[5]
Although she can most easily relate to Leni, she also finds it possible to relate to Lori and Luna.[4]
Her two favorite outfits from The Really Loud House are Leni's bubble dress from "No Louds Allowed" and another outfit consisting of a white turtleneck tank top with a bone-colored belt, a green plaid asymmetrical skirt, white snakeskin cowboy boots, and jewelry from "Home Is Where the Hero Is".[5]
If she could guest star on any other Nickeldoeon series, it would be Victorious.[5]
She once self-tanned herself so much, the makeup department had to remove the self-tanner with acetone and tin foil. The other cast members constantly compared her to various orange objects as a result.[7]
For the first ten episodes of The Really Loud House, she bleached her hair to make it appear blonde. However, for all following episodes, she made her hair appear blond by wearing a wig.[8]
She hopes the viewers of The Really Loud House will see the importance of family as a takeaway.[9]
↑Vents magazine (December 17, 2022). VENTS Magazine 137th Issue. VENTS Magazine 16-17. Vents Magazine. Archived from the original on February 11, 2023. Retrieved on January 16, 2023.
"There's nothing here!"
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