The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

Fern Valley is a fictional town in Michigan and one of Royal Woods' neighboring towns.


Fern Valley was first seen in the episode "The Write Stuff". After Rita took over the Writing Club at Royal Woods Elementary, she took the club members to an open mic at a coffee house known as the Burnt Bean, of which it is revealed that Superintendent Chen is a frequent customer, much to the shock of Principal Huggins, who thinks of it as a "seedy establishment." Bud Grouse is also a customer, and participates in open mic poetry slams as well. According to Haiku, not only is the Burnt Bean located in "the cool part" of town, but is also frequented by college students.

In "Tails of Woe”, Cheryl was heading for the Burnt Bean for a latte. However, she needed her pass.

In "Singled Out", Lynn mentions a sports team by the name of the Fern Valley Ferrets - while it can be assume it's a middle school sports team, since Lynn and her friends play against them, it is not specified what sport they play.

In "Brave the Last Dance", Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, Liam, and Zach accompany Stella to the Burnt Bean, where she reads the leaves in the bottom of a cup of tea Clyde drinks from to determine if he will be attending the Valentine's dance with Emma.

In "Tough Cookies", Lynn mentions "our next match against Fern Valley" when ordering cookies from Lincoln and Clyde.

In "Band Together", the Burnt Bean not only serves as a venue for Luna's band The Moon Goats to perform, but also where Chunk hosts Bingo tournaments, of which Scoots is a frequent winner.

In "Grub Snub”, Lincoln mentioned the Burnt Bean as he suggested Leni and her friends to hangout there, however Jackie doesn't like hot liquids.

In "Save Royal Woods!", Joyce Crandall shows the town in her slideshow and remarks how it has the oldest living long-tailed weasel and an Arc de Triomphe.

In "The Taunting Hour", Lincoln takes Lynn to the Burnt Bean to show her that Luna secretly has a critic (namely, the manager).

In "The Loud Cloud", Luna was preparing to sing a song that she made for Sam. But instead, she accidentally sang one of Luan's jokes to her.

Places of Fern Valley[]

Known citizens[]



  • Fern Valley is likely to be based on Ferndale.
  • Fern Valley appears to be in close proximity to Royal Woods, seeing as the latter's residents often go to the Burnt Bean.

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