The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The following is a transcript for the episode "Gossipy Girl."


Paramount Global The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.

[At the apartment's rooftop, Ronnie Anne and her friends are hanging out. Laird is acting like a chicken, Sid is doing a handstand, Nikki has two corndogs up her nose and Ronnie Anne is wearing her clothes backwards]
Sameer: "You're up, Casey. Truth or dare?"
Casey: [Thinks] "Truth."
Sameer: "Alright, what's your most embarrassing secret?"
Casey: [Regretting his choice] "Aw. Okay. My most embarrassing secret is… I'm the Mystery Stinker."
[Everyone gasps]
Sameer: "No way!"
Sid: "You stunk up the whole bus."
Nikki: [Takes the corndogs out of her nose] "I still smell it sometimes." [Eats one of the corndogs]
Casey: "I'll never eat meatloaf again." [Clears his throat] "Okay, Sameer, truth or dare?"
Sameer: "Dare."
Casey: "I dare you to… run backwards until your next turn."
[Sameer moans and gets running as the others laugh. Suddenly he crashes into Breakfast Bot, who was carrying a tray of sundaes]
Sameer: "Sorry, Breakfast Bot."
Breakfast Bot: "Oh, I'll make another round."
[Just then, Sergio appears]
Sergio: [Squawks] "Hey, Breakfast Bot, you got Wi-fi? Need to message Priscilla."
Breakfast Bot: "Beat it. Use your own phone."
Sergio: "I can't, she blocked my number."
[Starts pressing Breakfast Bot's buttons. Meanwhile, Ronnie Anne fixes her clothes]
Ronnie Anne: "Okay, truth.
Nikki: "Let's see… Tell us your most embarrassing secret ever."
Ronnie Anne: [Groans and blushing] "Okay, last week I had a dream... that I married Artemis from Lucha club."
[Everyone gasps, and the girls squeal]
Laird: "Was I there?"
Ronnie Anne: "Okay it was a dumb dream. You guys better not tell anyone."
Sid: "Of course not, Ronnie Anne. Those are the truth or dare rules. We take them very seriously."
[The others agree]
Breakfast Bot: [Having made a fresh batch of sundaes] "Ice cream time."
[Unfortunately, Sameer is still running backwards and bumps into Breakfast Bot again, knocking the ice cream into Laird's face. Laird clucks again]

[The next day at school, Ronnie Anne innocently walks out of her class, when Becky grabs her]
Becky: [Mockingly] "Look, everyone. Here comes the bride!" [Brings Ronnie Anne to an altar, where Artemis is waiting, everyone gathers and laughs] "Your groom Artemis awaits you."
[Artemis waves, the kids laugh again.]
Ronnie Anne: [Knowing what's happening] "Aye, chihuahua!" [Becky releases doves] "Are those doves?"
[Kids start throwing rice at them. Ronnie Anne is so embarrassed she runs away with tears in her eyes]
Becky: "Runaway bride!"
[Everyone keeps laughing]

[Later, it's lunchtime. Ronnie Anne's friends are at their usual table. Ronnie Anne appears with sunglasses and her hood up]
Ronnie Anne: [Furious] "How could you, guys? I thought we were friends! Who broke the rules and texted my secret to the whole school?" [Shows them the text from someone called 'UNKNOWN CALLER']
Sid: "It wasn't me!"
Laird: "I didn't do it!"
Nikki: "I swear on my skateboard it wasn't me."
Ronnie Anne: "Well, you're the only ones I told about my dream, which means someone here is lying."
[Everyone thinks, and looks at each other]
Sameer: "She's right, something here stinks."
Casey: "Don't look at me, I didn't get the meatloaf today!"
Ronnie Anne: "Well, I'm gonna find out who 'Unknown Caller' is."
[Puts on her sunglasses, makes it known that she's watching them and ducks down]

[Later, in pottery class, Casey is innocently spinning his pot. Ronnie Anne sitting next to him, observing him]
Ronnie Anne: [Quietly] "Where's his phone?"
[She notices the foot pedal for his turning table. She thinks about it and presses it. The table accelerates and spins the clay much faster.]"
Casey: "Huh? Oh, no! My masterpiece!"
[The clay splatters him in the face. While he's disoriented, Ronnie Anne goes into his bag and looks for his phone. A beep sounds, forcing Ronnie Anne to stop and look at her phone instead. Suddenly they get a text. She looks at it just as Casey gets the clay off his face and checks his own phone, from his pocket. The text exposes the secret Casey told during the truth or dare game]
Dodge: "Hey! I just got a text. Casey's the one who stunk up the bus on the field trip to the aquarium. He's the Mystery Stinker!"
[Everyone laughs at Casey now]
Ronnie Anne: "Oh, no! 'Unknown Caller' strikes again. And clearly, it's not you."
Casey: [Embarrassed] "No. I'm just the Mystery Stinker. You eat one piece of meatloaf and your life is over. I'll have to move towns, change my name." [Sighs] "I've always liked the name, Julio."
Ronnie Anne: "I've got to get to the bottom of this. I'm gonna check everyone else's phones to see who's sending these messages."
Casey: "That's a great idea! [Throws his clay, hitting someone] "I'll help."
[They take off]

[In science, Sameer and Nikki are innocently putting together a potato lightbulb project. Nikki plugs the lightbulb into the potato and their bulb turns on. They gasp]
Nikki: "Yes!"
[She and Sameer applaud themselves. Casey and Ronnie Anne, both having sunglasses, look at them then at each other, they dawn their shades and Casey moves in. While Sameer and Nikki are still looking at their lightbulb, Casey discreetly unplugs it from their potato]
Sameer & Nikki: [Confused] "Huh?"
[They look more closely at their bulb, and Casey plugs it into a large bundle of potatoes, causing the bulb to glow super bright, blinding his friends]
Sameer: "I can't see!"
Nikki: "Turn down the potato!"
[While they're disoriented, Ronnie Anne swipes their phones from their pockets. Ronnie Anne and Casey are prepared to check the phones, when a classmate comes up to them with her phone, just as the bulb burns out]
Girl Classmate: "Guess what! Sameer wheres lifts in his shoes to make him taller."
Boy Classmate: "And Nikki's afraid of sock puppets."
[It's now Sameer and Nikki's turns to be embarrassed as everyone laughs at them]
Ronnie Anne: "It couldn't have been them either."

[Later, Laird is innocently getting stuff from his locker, the four humiliated friends look at him]
Ronnie Anne: "I think ‘Unknown Caller' might be Laird."
Casey: "He's certainly acting suspicious."
[Laird is just putting a book into his backpack. He reaches into his locker for something else and feels something sticky, he looks and sees a wad of chewed gum on his hand, he tries to take it off, but it just gets stuck to his other hand]
Laird: "Aw, come on!"
Nikki: "How do we get to his phone?"
[Sameer sees some soccer players right next to them]
Sameer: "Leave it to Sameer." [Steals the player's ball] "Yo, Laird, catch!"
[Throws Laird the ball. Laird catches it, but it gets stuck to his hands from the gum]
Laird: "Oh dear."
Soccer Player #1: "Hey, give that back."
Laird: [Scared where this is going] "I don't even play sports ball!"
[He tries to toss it back, but it's really stuck to his hands, so he just runs for it with the players chasing him. Ronnie Anne, Casey, Nikki and Sameer go to Laird's locker. Laird dives into a trashcan and the soccer players run right past him. Sammer digs through the locker]
Sameer: [Finds the phone] "Okay, got it." [The phone receives a text] "Hey, Laird just got a text." [Reads it] "Laird picks his nose with his feet."
Laird: [At the garbage can pops out with his foot in his nose] "It's not true!"
[Everyone starts laughing at him. Embarrassed, he sinks back into the trashcan]
Casey: "Gross, and impressive."
Ronnie Anne: "Laird didn't do it. Which means the only person left is…"

[Outside the school at the end of the day, Sid is innocently whistling away]
Ronnie Anne: "Sid!"
[Sid is startled to see everyone behind her]
Sameer: "You've been the one texting our secrets."
Laird: "How could you?!"
Nikki: "Not cool!"
Casey: "I have to move towns now!"
Sid: "What?! I swear I didn't do it. These lips have been zipped."
[Zips them and tosses the key]
Ronnie Anne: "But you're the only one who hasn't been totally humiliated by an embarrassing secret." [Sid tries to speak, but her lips are still sealed]
Sid: [Unzips them] "That's because I only did dares during the game. I would never betray your trust." [Checks her watch] "Oh, I have to go, I'm late for dance class."
[Leaves. Ronnie Anne starts to feel guilty about accusing her best friend]
Ronnie Anne: "It's true, she did only do dares."
Sameer: "Open your eyes, Ronnie Anne!"
Casey: "I think she's playing us. We just need proof."
[Ronnie Anne thinks]
Ronnie Anne: "I've got it! Come on."
[They take off]

[Later, back on the roof, the five of them are waiting with a cooler of snacks]
Ronnie Anne: "All we have to do is make up some embarrassing stories. If they're leaked tomorrow, then we'll know it's her."
Laird: [Nervous] "What if I blow our cover?"
Casey: [Picks up a can of soda] "Here, sip on this the whole time. Then you won't have to say anything."
Sid: "Say anything about what?"
[Casey and Laird are startled as Sid and Breakfast Bot appear. Laird jumps right into Casey's arms. Casey puts Laird down]
Ronnie Anne: "Sid dog!"
Nikki: "Hey!"
Sameer: "There she is."
Sid: "I was worried you were still mad at me."
[Laird whimpers nervously]
Ronnie Anne: "Of course not. It was just a big misunderstanding."
Sid: "Great! Well, I programmed Breakfast Bot to make us some popcorn." [Breakfast Bot does his thing and provides a batch of popcorn, all over the floor] "Next time we'll add a bowl."
[Laird keeps whimpering]
Ronnie Anne: "Speaking of snacks… This super embarrassing thing just happened. We were eating these cookies and realized that they're actually Lalo's dog treats."
[Holds one up]
Sid: "Oh, man, that's the worst! What'd they taste like, Laird?"
Laird: "Me?!"
[Gulps. He goes for the soda can, but it just sprays him in the face]
Sid: [Giggles] "Nice one, Laird."
[Goes the other side of the group]
Ronnie Anne: "Way to stay cool under pressure, Laird. The plan totally worked."
Laird: [Spits the soda out of his mouth] "I'm just gonna dry off for a while."
[Passes out]

[The next day at lunch, Ronnie Anne and her friends are sitting at their table, when Dodge and some of her teammates approach them]
Dodge: "Hey, skaters. Just saw the latest text. You eating dog food again?"
[They laugh and leave]
Ronnie Anne: "A-ha! It was you, Sid! You're 'Unknown Caller'!"
Sid: "Wait, what?"
Ronnie Anne: "We made up that story about Lalo's treats to see if you'd text it to everyone. This proves it!"
Sid: "It's not me, I zipped my lips and everything." [Does it again]
Ronnie Anne: "This isn't cool, Sid. I'm not talking to you until you fess up."
[The others agree and they all leave Sid]
Sid: "For real? The silent treatment? But I'm telling you the truth! You forgot your lunchbox, Sameer."
[Sameer returns for it]
Sameer: "Thanks, but…" [Through the lunchbox] "Sameer's still not talking to you."
[Sameer drops his lunchbox, he groans]

[Later that night, Sid is laying in her bed]
Sid: "Ugh! This is so frustrating. My friends won't talk to me and I didn't do anything wrong."
[She lays back down, Breakfast Bot tucks her in]
Breakfast Bot: "Want to watch videos to help you sleep?"
[Prepares a video for Sid to watch, it's of a horse]
Sid: "No, whenever I fall asleep watching videos, I do weird things in my sleep." [Flashback to Adalaide peacefully sleeping in her bed, when someone starts stroking her face, she looks and sees Sid. Another time Sid is at the fridge, she picks up a carton of milk and eats the whole thing. Next, she's doing the tango with Cam the snake, Cam doesn't mind, but Stanley isn't sure what to think. End of flashbacks. Sid realizes something and gasps] "Wait a minute! I've been falling asleep while watching videos all week! I must have been texting in my sleep!" [She runs to the door, when Cam blocks her path, with a rose in his mouth] "No time to tango, Cam. I have to make things right." [Cam wiggles] "Fine, one spin."
[They spin away]

[Morning comes and Ronnie Anne is eating a breakfast tamale, when there's a knock at the door]
Breakfast Bot: "I have a message from Sid."
[Gives Ronnie Anne a letter]
Sid's Voice: "Dear, Ronnie Anne, you were right. I sent those messages while sleep texting. I'm going to make up for it by telling everyone at school my most embarrassing secret. It's so bad I'll have to go into hiding and change my name. I've always liked the sound of Julio. Goodbye forever. Sincerely, Julio Chang."
Ronnie Anne: "Well at least she's finally admitting it."
Sergio: [Perches on Breakfast Bot. Squawks] "Robot, I got another message to send Priscilla."
[Starts pushing Breakfast Bot's buttons again. Suddenly, Ronnie Anne get a text]
Ronnie Anne: [Reading the text] "Sid Chang is changing her name to Julio"? [Realizes something] "Wait a second. Sergio, how long have you been messing with Breakfast Bot?"
Breakfast Bot: "Uh, he's been at it all week."
Ronnie Anne: "And, Breakfast Bot, you were at the truth or dare game too. Sergio!" [Grabs him] "You made Breakfast Bot malfunction. He's the one who's been texting our secrets, not Sid."
Sergio: [Escapes Ronnie Anne's grasp. Squawks] "Would you look at the time?"
[Tries to flee, but slams into the wall]
Breakfast Bot: "Nice going, Feather Brain."
Ronnie Anne: [Horrified] "That means Sid's innocent, and she's about to embarrass herself in front of the whole school."
[Runs to get the others and stop Sid, running over Sergio as she does. Breakfast Bot laughs]

[At school, Sid has the whole school's attention]
Sid: "Fellow students, it is I, Sidney Chang. I'm going to tell you my most embarrassing secret ever."
Sid's Friends: [All wave their arms above the crowd] "Sid, wait!"
Sid: [Takes her shoe off] "I have a birthmark on my foot that looks like Abraham Lincoln. Sometimes I talk to it and sometimes it talks to me." [As Abraham Lincoln] "Good morning, Sid."
[Everyone laughs at Sid, who looks like she's about to cry. Her friends, who all know the feeling, feel horrible]
Ronnie Anne: "This is terrible., and it's our fault."
Casey: "I can't watch this."
[Ronnie Anne puts on a determined face and goes to save Sid]
Ronnie Anne: [Walks in front of the crowd] "Pshh! That's nothing, Sid. You know what's really embarrassing? I sometimes dance like this…"
[Dances like a little bird on a hot rock. Everyone laughs at her now. Casey, Nikki, Sameer and Laird see this and get in on the action]
Sid: "Huh?"
Laird: "I still carry around my blankie and it's never been washed." [Takes it out and snuggles it]
Sameer: "And I put mayo in my hair to give it volume." [Does so]
Nikki: [Takes her own shoe off] "My big toe is super hairy." [It is]
Casey: "I keep a jar of my baby teeth under my hat." [Shows it to everyone]
[Everyone is killing themselves laughing and they eventually leave]
Sid: "You guys, why did you do that?"
Ronnie Anne: "We found out you weren't 'Unknown Caller'. Sergio made Breakfast Bot malfunction, and that's how our secrets got out. We were wrong to accuse you."
Sameer: "We screwed up."
Casey: "Sorry."
Nikki: "Our bad."
Laird: [His foot in his ear] "Can you ever forgive us?"
Sid: [Thinks] "What do you think, Abe?" [Imitates Abraham Lincoln again] "All is forgiven."
Ronnie Anne: "Thank you, Mr. President."
[Shakes Sid's foot. And the friends all laugh together as it iris out on Sid's Abraham Lincoln birthmark foot.]

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