The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
S1E02B Lincoln observes his empty trophy case I've tried everything to get into this trophy case.
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The following is a transcript for the episode "How to Train Your Carl".


[Nighttime in the city, Ronnie Anne is in her room, and fills a duffle bag with hygienic products. Carl and CJ enter her room]
Carl: "Tonight is gonna be awesome! I didn't even know sleeping over at the zoo was a thing."
Ronnie Anne: "I know, it was so nice of Sid's mom to invite us."
Carl: "I can't wait to see Keyon the Komodo Dragon. Did you know komodos are the last living dinosaurs?"
CJ: "I can't wait to meet Bitsy the Elephant, I brought her favorite snack," [takes a bag of peanuts out of his bag]
Carl: "And I'll bring my favorite snack, beef jerky."
Sergio: [Squawks, and flies in] "Pack these too," [drops a bouquet of roses and an envelop sealed with a heart] "they're for my girlfriend Priscilla."
Ronnie Anne: [Zips up her bag] "We won't have time to play Cupid for you Sergio." [She and CJ leave]
Carl: "Besides, that bird dumped you dude."
Sergio: [In denial] "It's complicated."

[At the zoo, Ronnie Anne, CJ, and Carl are in the tour bus with Sid and Adelaide. Carl chanting 'Keyon']
Ronnie Anne: "When's this tour gonna start, Carl's going bananas."
Sid: "Soon, My mom just likes to make an entrance."
[Suddenly, and elephant trumpets, And Becca comes riding in, she slides down the trunk and flips in front of the bus, the kids applaud]
Adelaide: "Classic Mom."
CJ: "Bitsy!" [CJ holds out some peanuts, and Bitsy takes them, leaving some spit on CJ's hand] "I'm never washing my hand again."
Becca: "Hey kids, ready to have some fun?" [Everyone cheers] "Thanks for the lift Bitsy." [They make elephant noises together, Becca waving her arm like Bitsy's trunk, and they do a hand/trunk shake] "Back home, Girl." [Bitsy leaves. Becca grabs the bus intercom] "First up, is our night tour."
[Everyone claps]
Adelaide: "My favorite."
Becca: "Our usual driver, Esteban, is at his prom tonight, but filling in for us, we have..."
[Mr. Chang boards the bus, announcing himself]
Stanley: "Two time GLART conductor of the month, Stanley Chang. A thank you, a thank you."
Sid: "Classic Dad."
Becca: "Now, we just have one rule; Stay with the group at all times."
Carl: "Oh, oh, Mrs. Chang, when do we get to see Keyon?"
Becca: "Oh, sorry Carl, komodo dragons are diurnal, they're awake during the day and asleep at night, so we're not gonna be visiting him." [Carl grumbles a little] "Don't worry, we'll be seeing lots of other fascinating animals tonight." [Everyone else cheers] "Starting with the-" [Just then Mr. Chang starts up the bus and floors it. Mrs. Chang closes the bus gate and off they go] "Honey, could you slow down?"
Stanley: "Just seeing what this sweet ride can do."

[Later, they are all in a giant monkey cage]
Becca: "Welcome to our night monkey habitat, as a treat, you guys are gonna get to play with Davy, Peter, Mickey, and Michael." [Each monkey drops in by it's name] "You know, like the band?" [The kids have no idea what she's talking about] "Ah, you guys are too young."
[Everyone walks forward, except Carl who walks backwards and slips away, grabbing a basketball on the way out. He goes to the bus and combines the basketball with a spare outfit he has]
Carl: "Okay, and if I use this, and this, and a little bit of that, it'll be perfect." [He draws his face on the basketball, tightens the hood and adds his Keyon hat] "Hmm, looks just like me, well, not quite as handsome." [Carl maniacally laughs, and then focuses, he looks around, but doesn't see that he is in fact being watched, by the fifth monkey in the cage, using his tail as binoculars. Nico sees Carl put his beef jerky in his pockets, and smacks his lips thinking about how much he wants it. He gets an idea, and put a makeshift dummy on his branch, and admires it the same way Carl did, maniacally laughs, and focuses, he swings himself through some broken bars at the top of the cage, and lands on the seat above Carl as he's finishing up with his own dummy] "Go away monkey. Can't you see I'm busy?" [Nico takes one of the jerkies out of Carl's pocket. Carl is not happy about it] "Hey that's my snack!" [Carl takes it back before Nico eats it. Nico blows raspberries at Carl, Carl does the same, Nico screeches at Carl, and Carl does the same, scaring Nico off. To the dummy] "See you later, I'm off to find Keyon."
[Carl turns the dummies head to the side, and dives out of the bus, landing face first on the ground, he heads off, and Nico follows. just as the others leave the cage]

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