Howling Good Time is the twenty-first installment of graphic novels featuring The Loud House comics, published by Papercutz on September 3, 2024. Official Description[]Who let the dog out of the LOUD HOUSE? Join Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa, and Lily, and their fantastic pets. Made by the team behind the award winning TV show, the Loud House and the Casagrandes. Comics[]To Be Continued...[]
When Lincoln's David Steele comic ends on a cliffhanger, he hopes one of his sisters' books has a proper conclusion. Air Mail[]
Seeing a new moneymaking venture in carrier pigeons, Carl enlists Sergio to deliver people's messages. The Bat Of The Family[]
Lincoln helps out Lucy with her show-and-tell project: a video about Fangs interacting with the other Loud kids. Tech Wiz[]
Pop-Pop needs Lincoln's help in taking a selfie with his phone. A Bash To Remember[]
Dodge hopes to surprise Becky with her party of one. Gone Bobby Gone[]
Lori goes on a wild goose chase across Great Lakes City to find Bobby so they can go on their date. Revamped![]
When the strings on Luna's acoustic guitar break, she enlists Lana's help to fix it up. Cupid-Bot[]
Bobby can't figure out where to spend his and Lori's 500th day-versary, so he gets a list of suggestions from Sid's latest invention. Cereal-sy Determined[]
Rita is suffering from writer's block when it comes to her latest article, but Lily's efforts to get the prize from a cereal box might help her out. Roll For Compromise[]
Lincoln spends his whole day teaching Ronnie Anne about Orcs, Horks, Wizards and Pork. Roommate Ruckus[]
After Lynn accidentally destroys Walt's birdhouse, Walt bunks with the other animals, with each one being more of a nuisance than the other. Lan's Best Friend[]
Lana and Charles have a lot more similarities than you think. Defector Detector[]
Zach believes his own mother might be an alien in disguise and enlists his friends' help in interrogating her. Under-the-Front-Cover Operation[]
Loud House Super Special Preview: When Mr. Bolhofner confiscates a rare comic Lincoln just acquired, he and Clyde, as Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack respectively, try to get it back from his high-security defenses. Trivia[]
Howling Good Time