The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The Hunnicut Farm is a location in The Loud House located in Royal Woods. It is where Liam lives and where his family grows crops and raises animals.


The Hunnicut Farm was first mentioned in "Out of the Picture" where Liam tells the story of how a boy named Marty Malach didn't get his yearbook photo. Liam said nobody knows Marty anymore and now lives behind the barn.

The farm was first seen in "Pasture Bedtime" where Liam has his first sleepover with his friends. The boys do many activities such as wrangling chickens and playing hide-and-seek, all of which the boys getting phone calls from their classmates about the fun things their missing out from the pool party. Sleeping was held at the barn after Lincoln and friends trying to tire Liam. They then drink goat's milk to make Liam sleepy and then Lincoln and friends sneak out to Girl Jordan's pool party. The next day, Liam finds out the conditions his friends had from the pool party and his friends apologize to him. They later had a bacon breakfast at the farmhouse.

It was later seen in "Racing Hearts" where one of the Astonishing Quest's challenges was to collect a dozen eggs from the chicken house. Sam was able to collect the eggs after communicating with the chickens, but Luna falls onto Sam because the chickens crowded on Luna, which caused her to lose her balance.

In "Antiqued Off", it was briefly seen when Liam was milking a cow while talking on the phone.

It was also seen in "Cow Pie Kid", where Lynn saw Liam throwing cow pies to sell from his farm and trained him to become a baseball player.

In "Farm to Unstable", Liam's grandmother injured her leg, while his father and brother went to an egg convention, leaving Liam short-handed. His school friends tried to do his work for him -- with Lincoln milking Daisy the cow, Clyde collecting the chickens' eggs, Rusty looking after Mee-Maw, Zach harvesting rutabagas, and Stella shearing the sheep -- however, they ended up being kicked by Daisy, chased by the chickens, nagged by Mee-Maw, attacked by a gopher, and chased by the sheep respectively. Thus, they tried to buy products from Flip's Food & Fuel and sell them instead, but this backfired when the rutabagas and milk turned out to be spoiled and the cotton gave Cheryl and Meryl rashes. Thus, the children worked to properly acquire Liam's farm products.

In the comic Winter Special, Liam herds his sheep into his barn to warm up the cows, whereupon the sheep fall asleep, and he and Virginia fall asleep on top of them.

In another comic, Guessing Games, it features in two storylines. In the first, Liam is sick in bed and, to deal with loneliness, he dresses several of the animals up as his friends. In the second, the Louds leave the Hunnicuts in charge of Charles, Cliff, Geo, and Walt, and Liam, now recovered from his illness, tasks Virginia with showing the Loud pets around the farm. Walt makes friends with some chicks and Geo with some mice, but then he accidentally wakes up the bull, angering him. Virginia defends Geo by farting in the bull's face, and then she, the Loud pets, the chicks, and the mice take a nap together.


The outside of the barn is like any barn in real life with a red coat of paint, white doors, a grey roof, and a grey silo. Inside is a large area with hay bales, a ropes course, a wheel for chickens to run on to generate electricity, and a milking area. The outside of the farm house is painted yellow with a reddish-brown roof and brick chimney. The only room inside the house is the kitchen. It has a table, sink, pictures hanging on the wall, and two windows, one big and one small.


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Hunnicut Farm has a collection of images and media that can be viewed here.

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