There Will Be Chaos(with Chris Savino, Karla Sakas Shropshire and Sammie Crowley)
He considers "L is for Love" as one of his favorite episodes he's written. He was super happy about a bunch of episodes in Season 3.
His favorite line of dialogue in the show came from Lynn in the episode "Cheater by the Dozen", where she said, "One time, I told her we were out of bread, but then she found a loaf and beat me with it.".
Season 5 is the only season he did not write an episode.
A caricature of Kevin Sullivan makes appearances in some episodes:
In "Pipe Dreams", his caricature is one of the people that help Lynn Sr. and Rita build their secret bathroom.
In "Really Loud Music", his caricature is one of the parachutists skydancing to "Best Thing Ever."
In "Senior Moment", his caricature is one of the guests who was invited to Tad's lakehouse party.