The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

These are the pets owned by Lana within The Really Loud House.


Main article: Hops (live-action)

El Diablo[]

For his live-action counterpart, see El Diablo.

El Diablo is a minor character in The Really Loud House and Lana's pet snake.


Lana first found El Diablo in the sewers. She later brought him home for unknown reasons, along with a cow named Mudpie. However, when the Loud parents came home later that day, he hid in the coat rack and scared them. This led to the institution of a new house rule that forbids the kids to bring stray animals into the house.

Even after the institution of the house rule, El Diablo belonged to Lana ever since, and lives in her and Lola's room, greeting new people by wrapping himself around them, and squeezing them tight. However, this nature tends to chase off guests that feel threatened by him. He also has a habit of swallowing people and animals and then spitting them back out.


He is beige with a brown diamond pattern and yellow highlights. He is presumably a ball python.


  • His name is Spanish for "the devil".


Mudpie is a cow that is owned by Lana.


While Mudpie's exact origins are unknown, it is known that Lana brought her home on the same day she found El Diablo. However, when the Loud parents arrived back home later that day, they were scared by El Diablo, and thus instituted a new house rule that forbade the kids from bringing home stray pets.

It is unknown if Lana still owns Mudpie, as immediately after the institution of that house rule, she told her that she was sorry, indicating that she likely had to return her to where she came from.


Mudpie is a brown cattle with no horns and a single white patch on her forehead and back. So far, she has only been depicted with a black bridle.


Sprinks is Lana's pet guinea pig.


One time, Lana decided to enter the Guinness Book of World Records, and she decided that she would do so by making Sprinks jump a full 50 cm, which would break the previously established record of 48 cm set by another guinea pig named Truffles. However, she needed a witness to verify it, so she asked Clyde to spectate.

Unfortunately, Sprinks was too nervous to make the jump. Lincoln eventually decided to solve the problem by bringing Lynn, who was facing the dilemma of needing to have a motivational speech perpared for her team, to the scene so that Sprinks could gain the motivation to make the jump from Lynn. In the end, Sprinks ended up succeeding in making the 50 cm jump.

In "Heart and Soul", Lincoln and Clyde dress him up as a squirrel and use him when they photobomb Luna's "Eyes Closed" music video.


Sprinks is a Dutch Agouti silver guinea pig. He has grayish brown fur on his face and hindquarters, while the rest of his fur is white.


Rudy is Lana's pet rooster.


One time, Lana took Rudy into the bathroom with her, clogged the toilet, and spent seven hours unclogging it. After she finished, she advised Lynn Sr., who needed to use the bathroom in order to take an herbal bath so he could heal his wrenched neck, to wait seven more hours before using the toilet. After doing so, Rudy got on the toilet in order to use it (since Lana had toilet trained him), and he locked Lynn Sr. outside by closing the door with his foot.


Rudy is a dark green rooster (presumably a phoenix chicken) with a yellowish-brown neck. He has a short red crest and four-toed feet. He has also so far only been depicted with a plastic bag tied to his head.


Snappy is Lana's pet turtle.


One time, Lana cross-bred Snappy with a snake, causing her to lay eggs containing turtle/snake hybrids in them. She put the eggs in Lincoln's underwear drawer for unknown reasons, presumably because she ran out of space in her room and Lola would not tolerate having them be born on her side of the room.


Snappy is a dark green (possibly black) turtle, presumably a red-eared slider. She has thin white stripes on her body and red highlights on her shell.

Snappy's children[]

Snappy's children are a group of turtle/snake hybrids bred by Lana.


One time, Lana cross-bred a snake with her turtle, Snappy, then put the eggs in Lincoln's underwear drawer. The babies hatched out overnight, and Lincoln noticed them the next morning. He noticed that one of them hissed, which was enough for Lana to reveal that the "turtles" he found were cross-bred with a snake.

One day, when Lincoln wanted his own personal space, he and Clyde tried to transfer the turtle/snake hybrids to the attic. However, they chewed through the bottom of the box they were in and escaped, and one made its way to Lisa and Lily's room, where it popped the ball that Rita was bouncing on to get Lily to go to sleep. One of them later turned up at Beakers and Creepers, where it startled Lincoln and caused him to drop the plutonium orb he intended to smash, knocking out the power for all of Royal Woods.


They are turtle/snake hybrids (dominantly turtles) with black shells that have yellow highlights. They have flippers instead of feet. The only known snake-like aspect of them is the fact that they hiss.

v - e - d The Really Loud House characters