Lela is the pet dragon of the Loud family who appeared in The Loud House Movie. As a dragon of Loch Loud, Lela has the ultimate authority in choosing who is worthy to be the Duke of Loch Loud, as shown when she offers Lincoln the crown. Biography[]Prior to the movie[]Prior to the movie, Lela's ancestor, Lolo, presumably laid eggs before she disappeared, and the eggs would hatch when the Louds came to the castle. Should this be the case, her age is unknown, since she hatched when the current generation of Louds came to Loch Loud. Over 400 years ago, Lolo was mind-controlled against her will by Old Aggie, Morag's ancestor, successfully driving away the Duke and his family and thus leaving Loch Loud dukeless. Present day[]Angus, wanting to show Lily, Lynn and Lana Loud why dragons are celebrated in Loch Loud, takes them into a dragon's cave to show a dragon egg, which has hatched. The dragon immediately envelopes Angus in a fight cloud, and it immediately ends with the cute dragon showing its affection to Angus; the three Louds are awestruck by its cuteness, Lily choosing to name the dragon "Lela". The other Loud girls are also awestruck by Lela's cuteness; Lisa Loud is surprised by Lela's existence, saying it is "biologically improbable", but adorable nonetheless. They are interrupted by the new Duke "duking" down the stairs. After the girls exchange some light-hearted teasing related to Lincoln's outfit, Lela nuzzles up to Lincoln, and he pets her in return. Dinner soon begins and Lily feeds Lela some breakfast burritos, causing her to grow; this continues and Lela becomes a fully-grown dragon. Morag, deciding that she'll manipulate Lincoln into becoming her friend, has him ride Lela into town in an act that immediately eclipses the sisters'. This very dragon ride turns south when Morag controls Lela's mind, causing Lincoln's ride to go horribly wrong, leveling a majority of Loch Loud. Lela seems to feel bad for Lincoln after she is freed from the control. With the Louds driven away, Morag feeds the grown-up Lela some more and plans to drive everyone else out of Loch Loud. As the Louds return (thanks to Lucille, who witnessed her plan), she rides on Lela as she tries to stop the Louds. Later, she almost kills the Louds as Lincoln interrupts. Morag almost kills Lincoln, too, but he and Lily use the disappearing act they practiced to substitute the gem for a burrito, disenchanting the dragon and allowing her to burn away the gem. Lela saves Lincoln, Lily and Morag as they fall off a cliff due to the latter pushing him off in her lust for power. Lela later drops Morag off on an island filled with noisy seals that resemble the Loud sisters. An image during in the end credits reveals she laid more eggs and is now keeping a rescued Morag in line. Personality[]Lela is sweet and receptive to affection, as do most pets. She is also shown to have a big appetite and fondness for food, as shown when Lily offers her some of Lynn Sr.'s breakfast burritos. However, her personality changes significantly under the influence of the Dragon Stone. While under its influence, Lela is unresponsive and uncaring of others' well-beings. When Lela is released from the power of the Dragon Stone, she is shown to be regretful of her actions, which may indicate that while she commits these ruthless acts against her will, she is aware of what she does. Appearance[]As a baby, Lela is a small dragon. She has teal scales, with her belly being a lighter shade of teal. She has two small pink horns on her head, pink spikes on her back, three small pink claws on each foot, and a pink heart-shaped scale on the end of her tail. The inside of her nose is also pink. She has two small wings on her back, and two ears with similar shapes to her wings. She also has a few small teeth pointing out from her mouth. She has three eyelashes on each eye. Upon reaching her adult stage, she is now much larger. Lela's horns, claws, ears, and spikes grow longer. Her wings become much larger and grow a spike on each, and she now has more teeth protruding from her snout. When under the influence of the Dragon Stone, her eyes glow purple and have an evil glare. Trivia[]