The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

This page describes all of Leonard's relationships with his family.

His children[]

Lynn Sr.[]

S5E18 Oh, it's so good to see you, Dad

Leonard reunites with his son.

Leonard's relationship with Lynn Sr. is shown to be mostly positive. In Home of the Fave, it was implied that Leonard generally favored Lynn's brother, Lance over him, but it is implied that he still loves him.

In a flashback in "Camped!", Leonard and Lynn Sr. are shown to have a great time together at Camp Mastodon as campers. In that same episode, the two share a tearful reunion.

In "Present Danger", they are emotional over Lincoln turning twelve years old and when his present is believed to be lost.

In "'Twas the Fight Before Christmas", Leonard mentions how he always took both Lynn Sr. and Lance with him to get a Christmas tree every year as a family tradition. In the same episode, Leonard gets fed up with Lynn's and Lance's fighting, hoping they'd make up so the entire Loud family could celebrate Christmas together. He later shares a tearful hug with both of his sons after the two reconciled.


S7E17 I'm so happy my two first mates are back together!

Leonard and both his sons.

When they were kids, Leonard seemed closer to his other son, Lance (or as it seemed to Lynn Sr.). But as they got older, it became more apparent that Leonard no longer favored one over the other, as shown how he refused to take sides within their argument in "'Twas the Fight Before Christmas". When his two sons made amends with each other for all their fighting, he joined them both in a tearful moment.

His grandchildren[]

S6E10A Leonard hugs his kids

Leonard and his grandchildren.

While Leonard has not spent much time with his grandkids while they were growing up, he has shown that he cares for them all and calls them his "little minnows". In Camped!, he gives up his fisherman career and becomes the new headmaster of Camp Mastodon to be closer to his family.

In "Bummer Camp", his grandkids volunteer to become his camp counselors, but they are initially unsuccessful in helping Leonard learn how to run his camp. However, when they tell him that they only care about spending time with him, they help him to run the camp better.


S6E01A Oh, man, I've got to tell Clyde about this

Lincoln receives his gift from Leonard and Lynn Sr.

Leonard is shown to be very close to his grandson, Lincoln. In Present Danger, he attends Lincoln's 12th birthday party and gifts him a David Steele comic book, which he bestowed unto Lynn Sr. on his own twelfth birthday.

In "Be Careful What You Fish For", Leonard takes Lincoln, Lynn Sr., Lance and Shiloh on a fishing trip.


Leonard is shown to have a good relationship with his granddaughter, Lana. In "Leave No Van Behind", Lana teams up with Leonard and Lynn Sr. to repair Vanzilla.

Moby Rick[]

Leonard had a grudge against a great white sturgeon known as Moby Rick. This grudge eventually ended when Moby saved Leonard and his family from going over a waterfall.

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