The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
This article is about the location. For the series, see The Loud House. For other uses, see The Loud House (disambiguation).

The Loud house, 1216 Franklin Avenue, Royal Woods, Michigan,[1] is the residence of the Loud family, and the titular main setting of the series, appearing in almost all episodes, as well as a majority of its extended media.



The Loud House is a two-story, simplified Craftsman-styled building that is 1,200 square ft. in size and cladded in white siding. It sits on a reddish-brown brick foundation with a small window looking into the basement. The covered front porch is supported by two pillars, leading to a red front door, the house's number (1216), a wall lamp, and two large windows on either side of it. The main roof, built of grey shingles, is tall and extends over said porch. It has a large shed dormer sticking out of it, with two smaller windows on it to accommodate the front bedrooms. The left-side of the house has a brick chimney, while the right-side has a small window bay. The back of the house has a white door with a small window on it and covered by a small overhang. with steps leading down into the backyard. There are two small windows on either side of it and three on the second floor. The house comes with a detached one-car garage with its own side door for additional entry.

The house's gardens are both in disarray, with various objects scattered across the front yard (balls, bicycles, skateboards, ramps, a swing hanging from the nearby maple tree). The backyard is enclosed by a chain-link fence with a gate leading onto the driveway. A sandbox and many of the kids' belongings are sometimes found here, as well as the entrance to Lisa's emergency bunker.

In "Homespun", the house is stated, and shown, to be suffering from faulty water pressure, creaky floorboards, rotting wood, a clunky furnace, crummy TV signals, doorknobs that frequently break off from their doors, a malfunctioning mailbox, and a broken doorbell.

In "Garage Banned", Lori temporarily takes up residence in the garage, until she misses being in the house with her family.

In the alternate timeline scene in "Time Trap!" in which Rita and Lynn Sr. Loud didn't have kids, the house exterior has several notable differences, such as the various objects usually scattered across it being nonexistent, the back door lacking a doggie door, and being gray instead of cyan, with the rest of the house exterior colors being likewise generally grayer.

First Floor[]

The first floor is comprised of the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, and the parents' bedroom.

Living room[]

S1E17A Linc needs help

The living room has desaturated yellow walls, green carpeting, one window, the front entrance, a coat stand, a grayish blue couch and armchair, a coffee table, a television set that includes a DVD player and a video game console, and the chimneys fireplace, which, has several family pictures on top of it. It is connected to the Dining Room, the second Floor by a staircase in front of the entrance, and Rita and Lynn Sr.'s room.

In "Time Trap!", the room has grayish orange walls, gray red carpeting, a dark grayish blue couch, a white armless chair, a circular gray coffee table, a large potted plant, and a gray fireplace.

According to Lincoln in "The Sweet Spot", the couch has a "sweet spot" (i.e. best place to sit), similar to Vanzilla.

Dining room[]

S2E25B Lincoln and Lynn Sr

The dining room has grayish green walls, green carpeting, two windows, a bookshelf, the loud family trophy case, and a long white cloth covered table capable of Hosting 13 + chairs. It is connected to the kitchen in living room.

Initially, as depicted in "A Tale of Two Tables", only those considered adults would eat the family supper meal there, with those considered children eating in the kitchen. For unknown reasons, this is no longer the case.

In "Time Trap!", the room has grayish red orange walls and carpeting, and dark grayish blue curtains.


Screenshot 6

The kitchen has yellow walls, a black and white checkered floor, two windows, the back and basement entrance, several cyan colored cabinets, a fridge, a oven stove, sink, dishwasher, refrigerator, and a small table where the youngest members of the Loud family used to eat, alongside Lily's highchair. It is connected to the dining room, the backyard, and the basement.

Rita and Lynn Sr.'s room[]

S4E07A Still dreaming

Rita and Lynn Sr.'s bedroom has pink orange walls, desaturated red carpeting, two windows, a two-person bed with dark magenta sheets and two pillows and two nightstands on either side with identical lamps on them, a large closet used to house their clothes and Lynn Sr.'s tie collection. It is connected to the living room.

In "Pipe Dreams", the closet was transformed into a newly designed bathroom, but had to be converted back to normal after being damaged.

Second Floor/Hallway[]

The second Floor is comprised of a Hallway with yellow and beige walls, a brown wooden floor mostly covered by a red rug, a single potted plant, and the doors to the Bathroom, the Attic, and all the Loud Children's Rooms.

In "Time Trap!", the Hallway has grayish white walls, a grayish beige rug, three pictures of Rita and Lynn on the wall between the stairs and Lori and Leni's room, and a mirror on the wall next to Lisa and Lily's room between the door and the corner.

Lori and Leni's room[]

S1E09B Lori and Leni's room is now

Lori and Leni's room has baby blue walls covered in posters, dark blue carpeting, one window, a closet, holiday lights on the ceiling, a dresser, a chair, a sewing machine, with various sewing supplies surrounding it, and Lori and Leni's, blue blanket and pink blanket beds. It is located between the staircase and the bathroom, and is opposite to Luna and Luan's room.

This room also serves as the location of many sibling meetings, most likely because it is the largest and cleanest of the kids' rooms.

Between Season 5 and Season 7, Lori only sleeps here when on break from Fairway University. Due to Lori's absence, Leni occasionally sleeps on Lori's bed, as shown in "Party Fowl". As of Season 8, Lori now sleeps in Mr. Grouse's garage.

Luna and Luan's room[]

S1E09A Pan across Luna Luan room

Luna and Luan's room has grayish pink walls, dark pink carpeting, one window, a closet, a drum set, amps, a record player, a bean-bag chair, a boxing glove on the wall, a shelf with a whoopee cushion, a fake spider, and fake dog poop on it, a small stage primarily for stand-up comedy, and Luna and Luan's, dark magenta blanket, top, and pink blanket, bottom, double-decker bunk bed. It is located opposite to Lori and Leni's room, and between the bathroom and Lynn and Lucy's room.

As shown in "Making the Case", Luan keeps a video collection of her family's embarrassing moments in their closet. Luckily, she does not upload them without her family's permission.

Lynn and Lucy's room[]

S1E09B Lucy and Lynn's room becomes

Lynn and Lucy's room has grayish yellow walls, dark green carpeting, and one window with red and black curtains, which splits the room into two sides, with Lynn's side containing a closet build into the room, pennants on the wall, and a bed with a red blanket, while Lucy's side has a mirror, a writing desk, and a bed with a black blanket and a high frame. It is located opposite to the staircase, and between Luna and Luan's room and Lana and Lola's room.

While most likely unintentional, Lucy's side of the room is located next to most of her elder siblings' rooms, while Lynn's is located next to all of her younger siblings rooms.

Lana and Lola's room[]

S1E06A Lana and Lola room BG

Lana and Lola's room has pink walls, light puce carpeting, one window with lilac curtains, and is divided into two separate areas, with Lana's side containing various hats on the wall, a pile of dirty clothes, a nightstand with a terrarium on top of it, for her various frogs and reptiles, and a brown wooden bed with dark green blanket and bedsheets, while Lola's side has a play kitchen, a tea set and various stuffed animals, a small round table, a fancy pink bed with a draped canopy, and her and Lana's closet. It is located between Lynn and Lucy's room and Lincoln's room, and is opposite to Lisa and Lily's room.

In "Time Trap!", the room is a workout studio with gray walls, desaturated dark orange carpeting, a weight rack, a calendar, a flat screen TV, a treadmill, a punching bag, an exercise ball, and the window has blinds instead of curtains.

Lisa and Lily's room[]

S1E09B Lisa and Lily's room is changed into

Lisa and Lily's room has green walls and carpeting, one window, a closet, a desk with various scientific equipment on it, a nightstand with a lamp on top of it next to a bed with a dark green blanket, a small pink rug next to a crib with purple bedsheets and pillow, and prior to Season 5, a changing table. It is located opposite to Lana and Lola's room, and between the staircase and Lincoln's room.

As of "The Loudly Bones", Todd also appears to sleep in this room.

Lincoln's room[]

Lincoln's Room

Lincoln's room has beige walls, green carpeting, one small circular window, a dresser, mirror, various comic books and action figures (see below for more details), a bookshelf, several posters, a closet clothes rack with several identical clothes and toys hanging on it, and a bed with a brown frame and blue blanket. It is located between Lana and Lola's room and Lisa and Lily's room, and opposite to the bathroom.

Several action figures resembling famous fictional characters appear in Lincoln's room, such as a figure that looks like King Ghidorah from the Godzilla movies, a robot toy that looks exactly like Robby from the 1956 film Forbidden Planet, and another one that looks exactly like Mazinger Z from the manga of the same name.

Lincoln's room was originally a large closet, which conveniently, had a window.

In "Space Invader" and "House Flip", Lincoln was forced to share his room, with Lynn and Lucy, and Flip, respectively.

As stated above, Lincoln's room, despite being originally a large closet, possesses a window, which, appears to be located in the attic when observed from outside, this possibly hints that it was originally supposed to be the Attic window and that Lincoln's room was originally windowless.

Other evidence supporting this theory includes the fact that during several of the earlier season 1 episodes, the light in the attic appears to be coming from where Lincoln's window would be if it were located in there, of note, is the episode It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, where it's shown that the attic has an area where the Light doesn't reach, something that could only be possible if the main source of light was a window, instead of light bulbs. In addition, in The Price of Admission, Lynn Sr. states the following in regards to the attic: "You know, that far, far back corner where there's no windows or light?"



The Bathroom has beige walls, green carpeting, blue-gray walls, a black-and-white checkered floor, two small windows with the sink between them, a toilet, a shower, and a towel closet. It is located between Lori and Leni's room and Luna and Luan's room, and opposite to Lincoln's room.


The Attic is comprised of exposed wood, two exposed light bulbs, a part of the chimney, and various old objects such as games, boxes, an old-fashioned television set, Lynn Sr.'s old camera, a cardboard box full of hand-me-downed clothes, and Lincoln's homemade coffee mugs. It has no windows. It is accessible by climbing a fold-up ladder through a door in the center of the hallway.


The Basement is comprised of inconsistently colored walls and floor, one exposed light bulb, Cliff's scratching post, the radiator, the fusebox, and a single consistently depicted window above the washer, dryer, and a sink, on the wall on which the entire kitchen is located above. It is accessible by a staircase located behind a door in the kitchen.

Before El Diablo, Lana had another snake, who unfortunately died in the far back corner of the basement.[2]

When viewed from outside, the basement appears to only have one window, located next to the garage, despite being consistently depicted with multiple windows.


Temporary inhabitants[]


Main article: Loud house/Live-action


  • The house is inspired by creator Chris Savino's childhood home. The address of the house (1216) is the same as the address where he grew up. Also, the boomerang and the frisbee on the roof of the Loud house are based on the many toys and objects Savino's family threw on their house roof.
  • The area of the house is about 1,200 square feet.[10]
  • The house is close to both a barbershop and church.
  • Because of the children's many antics and messes, the house has been partially, or completely destroyed multiple times.[11][12]
S2E20A Lily's crying heard across Royal Woods

Do you see the barbershop and church in this picture?

  • Lincoln's room, Lori and Leni's room, and the living room are the most occupied rooms in the house.
  • According to Lynn Sr., the porch has a "claustrophobic crawl space where the walls feel like they're closing in on you the deeper you get" under it, where the Halloween decorations are kept.[13]
  • The house's air vents can accommodate people. In fact, Lucy often goes in there to think and Lincoln occasionally goes in there to be stealthy.
  • The house has several known rules:
    • Only Lori and Leni are allowed in their bedroom without permission (this was enforced while Lori was living at home; it's unknown if this applies now).[14]
    • Clogging the toilet is not allowed.[15]
    • There is a curfew.[16][17]
    • In the hallway, running is not permitted, jokes must not be deemed bad, and babies must be diapered at all times (these rules were enforced temporarily by the twins when they were practicing being hall monitors).[14]
    • When Lori is left in charge, music, phone calls, experiments, video games, and naked running are prohibited and everyone is expected to do as she says, including pets. These rules were eventually changed when Lincoln temporarily took Lori's place as babysitter.[11]
    • Sleepovers are prohibited. This rule was enforced after Leni, Luna, and Lynn had sleepovers which ended badly, but the ban was lifted after Lincoln convinced his parents to let him have one.[3]
    • Cutting in line for the bathroom is not allowed.[18]
    • At the grown-up table, dessert and chicken nuggets aren't served, and singing and joking are not allowed. Seeing as the Louds now eat at the same table, it's unknown which, if any, of these rules are still enforced.[19]
    • All of Lincoln's younger sisters are expected to be in bed by 8:00 p.m.; and, while the parents are away, seances, experimenting on others, and digging are not permitted.[20] An exception to the 8:00 bedtime is Sunday nights, when Lincoln's younger sisters are allowed to watch TV at 8 PM.[21]
  • Lucy claims that the house was built by a man named Gregory Garfunkel, who died in the basement after setting sticky paper all over the house to catch a mouse. It is unknown if this is true or if she made it up.[22]
  • In The Loud House Movie, the house received some fairly minor changes to its design which didn't appear in the series:
    • From outside, it appears to be much narrower, but this could just be from the angles it was shown at.
    • The dormer roof pitch is lowered down instead of like the series, where it peaks all the way to the main roof's ridge.
    • The boomerang usually seen on the porch roof is on the dormer roof.
    • A red kite is stuck on the garage roof, with its rope looping over the basketball net.
    • A carpet runner similar to the upstairs hallway's appears on the staircase.
  • The house was sold by Kevin Sullivan.[23]
  • According to Lucy, a ghost once lived in the garage, but moved out when Lori farted in there.[24]
  • Seeing how there are five bedrooms (six including Lincoln's) on the second floor, it's so far unknown if Rita and Lynn Sr. originally had their bedroom upstairs before Luna's, Luan's and Lynn's births.
  • It is unknown if the bathroom that Lana installed in the garage in "Garage Banned" is still around, as it has not been mentioned since that episode.


Click here to view the gallery for Loud house.
Loud house has a collection of images and media that can be viewed here.


  1. It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House".
  2. Loud, Lincoln; Loud, Lynn, Sr.. "The Price of Admission" (in English). The Loud House. Season 1. Episode 25a. "Lincoln: 'The basement?!' / Lynn Sr.: 'Yeah, in the far back corner by the light that burned out. You know, where Lana's snake went to die.'"
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Overnight Success"
  4. "Along Came a Sister"
  5. "Chore and Peace"
  6. "Pets Peeved"
  7. "House Flip"
  8. "Cursed!"
  9. "Garage Banned"
  10. Loud, Lincoln. "One Flu over the Loud House" (in English). The Loud House. Season 1. Episode 25b. "With 13 Louds packed into 1200 square feet, when someone gets sick, it spreads like the plague."
  11. 11.0 11.1 "No Guts, No Glori"
  12. "It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House"
  13. Loud, Lynn, Sr.. "The Price of Admission" (in English). The Loud House. Season 1. Episode 25a. "Oh, that's right. They're [the Halloween decorations] under the porch, in that dark claustrophobic crawl space where the walls feel like they're closing in on you the deeper you get."
  14. 14.0 14.1 "Get the Message"
  15. "Sleuth or Consequences"
  16. "Cover Girls"
  17. "Homespun"
  18. "Pipe Dreams"
  19. "A Tale of Two Tables"
  20. "Summer Special"
  21. "Left in the Dark"
  22. "After Dark"
  23. The Loud House Movie
  24. "Garage Banned"


v - e - d The Loud House locations