The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
This article is about the episode of The Really Loud House. For the episode of The Loud House, see Cheater by the Dozen.
Episode Information

"Louder By the Dozen" is the fifth episode (sixth in production order) of the second season of The Really Loud House.


Lynn's new friend Zia has been hanging around the Loud house a lot lately. But that's fine because everyone loves her; except for Clyde, who feels there's only enough space for one "extra Loud."


Act I[]

Act II[]

Act III[]


Guest stars[]


Stunt performers[]

It is unknown who portrays Tani, Toni, Tiffy, and Tori. Rip Hardcore makes a cameo appearance on a book.


  • This episode's title is similar to that of the Loud House episode "Cheater by the Dozen". Coincidentally, both episodes are also the sixth episodes of the second season of their respective series.
  • This episode shows that Zia has become Lynn's best friend since their bonding experience in "Last Friend Standing".
  • This episode reveals the following:
    • The base force of Lynn's hand is strong enough to break a tambourine.
    • Clyde has been considered the honorary twelfth Loud ever since Lynn Sr. adorned him with the Loud family commemorative jacket. This has caused him to gain many things the Loud siblings all have:
      • A cupboard for his clothes
        • This may be a callback to "No Louds Allowed", where it was revealed that Clyde has a different-looking cubby with all his things in it due to frequently having sleepovers with Lincoln.
      • A Christmas stocking
      • A toothbrush cup
      • A position on the chore chart
      • An appearance on the family Christmas card
    • Zia once ate an entire large pizza in one sitting without any help.
    • The Louds once had a family circus, which was put on hiatus until this episode.
    • Lynn Sr. can walk on stilts.
    • Lincoln has a "bro code" with his friends.
    • Clyde is well-known for being able to perform a front flip on a waterslide.
    • Lucy can gain motion sickness from jumping on a bounce house.
    • Lincoln weighs 82 pounds.
  • Lucy's name is written in a blackletter font on her Christmas stocking.
    • Consistently with the animated series, Lincoln's name is also not spelled out in full on his stocking; only "Linc" is written on there.
    • Lisa is also shown to have a Christmas stocking, despite previously not having one in any of the animated series' previous Christmas episodes. It is unknown if she got inspired to make or receive one following the picture she took of Mr. Grouse dressed as Santa Claus in "11 Louds a Leapin'", given that it first appears in this episode.
  • In this episode, Lynn Sr. decides to use his stilts to remove the frisbee on the Loud house's roof, although he ends up not doing so.
  • Lincoln telling Clyde he needs to steam his vocal cords to prepare for Opera Night is likely a callback to how Leon Cavaratti included breathing steam as part of his guide to improve the vocal cords in the Loud House episode "Flying Solo".
  • Clyde has a Quiche Club poster in his bedroom, which is a callback to his Quiche Club membership from "The Chore Thing".
  • This was the last episode to premiere prior to the premiere of The Casagrandes Movie.
  • Irony:
    • Lincoln attempted to encourage Clyde to embrace his status as the only owner of the Loud family commemorative jacket, only for Lynn Sr. to give Zia an identical-looking jacket and describe her status the exact same way Lincoln had described Clyde's status as the extra Loud.
      • Zia's jacket even has the number 12 on the back, the same number corresponding to Clyde.
      • Lincoln's attempt to motivate Clyde with the jacket speech even caused him to lose his credibility, prompting Clyde to shred the jacket.
    • Lincoln privately held his meeting with Zach, Liam and Rusty by telling him he was going to the bathroom, which is the exact place they met.
    • Zach, Liam and Rusty initially agreed to have less fun than they originally wanted due to Lincoln bringing up bro code, only to quickly break their promise and enjoy themselves enough to forget about Lincoln and Clyde.
    • Lincoln suggested that Clyde join the pool party to show off his waterslide front-flip, only for Zia to outshine him by performing a double front-flip on the waterslide.
      • While this was enough to drive Clyde out of Lincoln's room, he refused to join the pool party due to Zia stealing his thunder; he instead retreated to his own house, where only Lincoln and the McBride parents could realistically enjoy spending time with him and remain unfazed by Zia's popularity.
        • Even with Lincoln attempting to be a good friend by agreeing to attend Opera Night, he regretted missing out on Lori's welcome-home party due to his persistent efforts to support Clyde.
    • Lincoln gathering intel on Zia to determine whether or not she could be a good match for Clyde caused him to break his promise to attend Opera Night, even after learning that Zia would be happy to attend.
      • Although this also initially caused him to lose Clyde's trust, Zia ended up changing the situation by voluntarily coming to the McBride house to speak with Clyde and restore his former status as the honorary twelfth Loud.
    • Upon reading Zia's response to the list of things Lincoln likes about her, Clyde declares that a girl likes Lincoln. While Lincoln and Zia liked each other only as friends, Lincoln's relationship with Charlie would later end in "The Tennessee Surprise: Love Is in the Air", when she became attached to another boy.
    • Lincoln was so concerned about Clyde feeling replaced, he failed to realize that Lynn felt like Zia, her best friend, was replacing her.


Product placement[]

  • Froot Loops - Lincoln eats this brand of breakfast cereal manufactured by Kellogg's at the beginning of the episode. (The box is generically labeled "fruit cereal" for trademark reasons.)


  • Plot hole: When Clyde receives the Loud family commemorative jacket in the flashback, the Loud siblings all appear in their present ages, despite him appearing younger.
  • Lynn Sr. walks on stilts while talking to Lincoln from Clyde's window, despite the fact that the McBride house is a one-story house.

v - e - d The Really Loud House episodes