List of various minor birds. Captain Ron[]
Captain Ron is Dante's cockatoo, who he adopted in "Pet Adoption Day with Lana Loud". Personality[]Captain Ron is very enthusiastic and dramatic, claiming to have a "dark energy" and boasting about himself in the third person. He likes being fed via mouth, but doesn't mind other feeding methods, claiming to be "flexible". Like Sergio, he can actually speak instead of just repeating things. History[]Captain Ron and Lana made friends in the animal shelter. When Dante came in looking for a bird, he initially did not want to adopt Ron due to Ron's bright plumage and the fact that he wanted a raven or pigeon. Ron, however, seemed keen on the idea of Dante adopting him and won him over by claiming to have a "dark energy". Lana, not wanting to part with Captain Ron, told Dante that Ron did not want to have his crest feathers styled (because Dante wanted to style Ron's feathers to look like his hair) and that he only liked being fed via mouth. In actuality, Ron would not have minded having his feathers styled and, while he did enjoy being fed via mouth, that wasn't the only way he liked to be fed. Later, Ron called Lana out for lying about why he and the others weren't adopted and called her "picky". Lana, realizing she was in the wrong, phoned up Dante, apologized for making him feed Ron via mouth, and convinced him to adopt Ron after all. City Pigeons[]
There are a number of pigeons in Great Lakes City who feature in several episodes of both The Loud House and The Casagrandes. Biography[]The pigeons are friends of Sergio and often accompany him. They also have big appetites and will sometimes attack people for food. Gallery[]Friended![]Power Play[]Flee Market[]Fast Feud[]Guess Who's Shopping for Dinner?[]Cursed![]No Egrets[]Panoramas[]Crow[]
The crow was a friend of Mr. Squirrel. At the end of "Jeers for Fears", the crow dressed up as Mr. Squirrel and pretended to decapitate itself to prank Lincoln and Clyde. Connie[]
Connie is a condor. Connie appears in "How to Train Your Carl", where she grabs Becca. later, she returned in "Don't Zoo That" where this time she grabs CJ. Gallery[]How to Train Your Carl[]Don't Zoo That[]Dove[]
The dove is a grey dove who wears a black hat with a veil. When Charles, Cliff and Geo were looking for a girlfriend for Walt in "Love Birds", they saw the dove singing on a gravestone (provided by Lucy) and considered making her Walt's girlfriend, but they rejected her due to believing she'd only make him cry. Trivia[]
The Dowl (Scientific Name: Loudicus Lisa) is a supposed "hybrid animal" from The Loud House. It first appeared in "Raw Deal". Biography[]When Lisa was hiking through the national park with her family, a giant egg fell down, and she spotted an owl with antlers. At the news report, right after she showed the Park Ranger, the Dowl's antlers fell off, and revealed that the antlers were fake, as they have a sign on them that says "Made in China". After a displeased Lisa stopped him, the Park Ranger told the truth explaining that he bought the antlers from a yard sale, and glued them on the owl. It was his attempt to try and get people to come to the park as not many people come anymore because the local geyser was inactive. Appearance[]The Dowl is a regular owl with deer antlers glued onto its head. Gallery[]Raw Deal[]Ducklings[]
The ducklings are three ducks that followed Lana when they hatched. In "Mall of Duty", Lana hatched three yellow ducklings, which followed her home. She then gave one to Lola, one to Lucy, and one to Lisa. Eagle[]
The Eagle is an unnamed bald eagle seen in "Love Birds". When Charles, Cliff and Geo were trying to find Walt a girlfriend, they noticed the eagle, but didn't even consider hooking her up with Walt because they were scared by her swooping down above them. Estelle[]
Estelle is an ostrich and the mother of Priscilla. Appearance[]Estelle looks like Priscilla, except with blonde hair, fuchsia lipstick, fuchsia nail polish on her toes and a green vest with pink flowers. Biography[]After getting back together with Sergio, Priscilla introduced him to her parents. A nervous Sergio asked Adelaide to help him, so she had him repeat her words over a radio. However, due to Sergio misunderstanding some of what Adelaide said, combined with the radio glitching out, Frank ended up getting mad at Sergio and Estelle ended up getting shocked. When Priscilla cried, Estelle stroked her back. Gallery[]Squawk in the Name of Love[]Panoramas[]Family of Ducks[]
The family of ducks are a family of white ducks consisting of a duck, a drake, and their five ducklings. Walt's girlfriend is probably related to them too, but it's never revealed how. In "Love Birds", Walt's girlfriend tried staying at a fake beach so she could be with him, but she missed them too much and cried over a photo of them. Walt then let her fly off to Florida. Frank[]
Frank is an ostrich and the father of Priscilla. Appearance[]He’s an ostrich with messy grey hair. He wears a brown sweater vest and a watch. Biography[]After getting back together with Sergio, Priscilla introduced him to her parents. Adelaide set up a radio and tried to get Sergio to repeat what she said, but when Adelaide called Sergio a dope and he repeated it, Frank thought Sergio called him a dope and got angry. Sergio pretended that he was calling Frank "dope" as in cool, then Frank asked Sergio if he wanted to marry Priscilla. Adelaide said to one of the zoo monkeys, "Not now, you monkey!", prompting Sergio to repeat it. This angered Frank, who chased Sergio all around the enclosure. Gallery[]Squawk in the Name of Love[]Panoramas[]Gil[]
Gil is a brown owl who lives at GLC Zoo. Biography[]When Ronnie Anne, Sid, Casey, Sameer, Laird, and Nikki were camping in the cemetery, Sid brought Gil along to keep watch and to hoot once for safety and twice for danger. Later, he brought along a security blanket, but that turned out to be an act as part of a prank against Ronnie Anne's grandparents. Gallery[]Fails from the Crypt[]
Squawk in the Name of Love[]Panoramas[]Miss Hummingbird[]
Miss Hummingbird is a blue hummingbird seen in "Love Birds". When she landed on Lola's teacup, the latter offered her some caffeine-free tea to help her "slow down". Miss Hummingbird drank the tea and Charles, Cliff, and Geo imagined what would happen if Walt became her boyfriend. They concluded that he wouldn't be able to keep up with her, so they rejected her. Petey[]
Petey is a minor character in The Loud House. He is a feisty cockatoo. Appearance[]He has white feathers all over his body, a faux hawk like hairstyle, black beak, and yellow talons. Gallery[]Kick the Bucket List[]Ricky[]
Ricky the Rooster was a rooster and the school mascot of Royal Woods Elementary School. He was first seen in the Season 4 episode "A Grave Mistake" but sadly passed away during that episode. He likes popcorn. Because of the loss, Lucy plans a funeral for him, which goes terribly wrong, so they have a second attempt, which they send Ricky off, and Luna sings a a song about him. In "Lucy and the Mortician's Club", Lucy and the Morticians Club attempted to raise his spirit. They were interrupted several times. Principal Huggins allowed the Morticians Club to do their activity on school grounds as he still misses Ricky. Eventually, Boris's mother made a rooster noise on his synthesizer to trick them into thinking they'd succeeded. Afterwards, an actual rooster was heard, but it is unknown if that was Ricky or a living rooster. Trivia[]
Gallery[]A Grave Mistake[]Sergio's Eagle Ex[]
Sergio's eagle ex is an eagle who Sergio briefly dated. Appearance[]She is a large bald eagle with blonde hair and pink lipstick. Biography[]The two went on a date, during which he asked her if she "liked smaller birds". As a response, she picked him up and carried him in her talons, causing him to dump her for being too "aggressive". Later, she tried to get back together with him, but he rejected her. Gallery[]Squawk in the Name of Love[]
Sergio's Owl Ex[]
Sergio's owl ex is an owl who briefly dated Sergio. Appearance[]She is a brown owl with orange eyes. Biography[]She and Sergio once went out, and he tried to introduce her (via cell phone) to his owners. However, she did not listen and simply hooted in response, causing him to dump her. Trivia[]
Sergio's Pelican Ex[]
Sergio's pelican ex is a pelican who Sergio once dated. Appearance[]She is a standard-looking pelican, but with the feathers on the back of her head braided. Biography[]Sergio tried to date her, but she spat a fish onto him. This caused him to break up with her for being impolite. Spunk E. Pigeon[]
Spunk E. Pigeon is a one-time character in The Loud House. She is the mascot of Spunk E. Pigeon's Pizza Palooza Paradise. Biography[]There's not much information about her. The only two appearances of her in the episode was on top of the logo of Spunk E. Pigeon's Pizza Palooza Paradise, and on the animatronic show, Fuzz-A-Rockin Explodoganza. Trivia[]
Thorn is Morpheus's pet crow. Appearance[]Thorn is a standard American crow with black feathers, an orange beak, and orange feet. Trivia[]
Gallery[]A Grave Mistake[]Sand Hassles[]She's All Bat[]Save the Last Pants[]Let's Break a Deal[]Tilly[]
Tilly is a cockatiel that appears in "Zoo-mergency!" Biography[]In "Zoo-mergency!, Tilly is among the animals involved in saving the Great Lakes City Zoo. He is shown to be terrible at karaoke during the animal open-mic event. Walt's girlfriend[]
Walt's girlfriend is a white duck in a purple crown who Walt has been dating since "Love Birds". In "Love Birds", Charles, Cliff, and Geo hooked her up with Walt to cheer him up after he failed at wooing Mr. Grouse's plastic flamingo. They had a good date, but then the duck realized that she'd have to leave because it was fall. Charles, Cliff, and Geo made a fake beach so the duck could stay, but she missed her family and when Walt tried to come with her, he missed his friends. Lana then gave Walt a message from the duck saying she'd be back in spring. In one installment of Lincoln & Ronnie Anne's VLOG, Lincoln mentioned that Walt and the duck were still dating. Gallery[]Love Birds[]
Panoramas[]White owl family[]
This is an unnamed family of white owls, consisting of a female bird and her four owlets. Role[]One night, the white owl mother was possessed by the evil force to scare the Hunnicutts' chickens and terrorize the barn. Liam went out to check what was scaring them (along with Carol Anne, but she ran away) and upon discovering the owls, decided to tell the chickens not to be so "chicken" of them while the evil force leaves the white owl mother's body. Willy[]
Willy is a penguin originally from the Royal Woods Pet Adoption Center. In "Animal House", Lana was against Sam's idea of sending the exotic animals at the adoption center to the Exotic Animal Playground, and her parents were against the idea of her adopting them, so she offered to let Mr. Grouse adopt Willy. He accepted the offer, and Lana promised that she would deal with any situations that Mr. Grouse couldn't handle. Eventually, it got out of hand, so she decided to move him, along with Larry and Squirt, into her attic and hide them there. She soon realized that none of the animals wanted to be stuck in an attic all day, so she reluctantly agreed to Sam's idea and sent the animals away. She gave Willy a fan that sprays water to keep him cool on the trip. Gallery[]Animal House[]
GIFs[]Yoon and Kwan[]
Yoon and Kwan, presumably named after the singer Yoon Kwan, are baby African black egret brothers featured in the episode "No Egrets". Biography[]When their mother fell sick, Ronnie Anne and Sid put their nest into an incubator, which Sergio fell asleep in. They hatched in the night and, due to Sergio being the nearest bird, assumed he was their mother, even when he told them he wasn't and that he was a guy. Sergio didn't want to raise the two baby birds, but when Rosa told him that she wouldn't feed him until he did, he agreed to. He tried to teach them how to fly, bathe, and eat from the trash, but not very successfully. While at a party, Sergio had trouble concentrating when Yoon and Kwan nearly fell into a cart of porcupines, bathed on the road, and went down an alleyway the cats populated to look for food. After Sergio saved the babies from the cats, he decided to let them believe that he was their mother, and wanted to name Yoon "Sergio Jr." and Kwan "Sergio Jr. Jr.", but Ronnie Anne and Sid explained their real names and returned them to their mother. Sergio was sad, but he cheered up when the girls told him he could visit them at any time. In "Zoo-mergency!", Yoon and Kwan dance to K-pop with Sid and eat dinner with the Changs. Later, they carry Chilli her microphone. In "My Fair Cat Lady", Adelaide tries to get them to teach the street cats to act cutely, but it fails when they try to eat Yoon and Kwan. Gallery[]No Egrets[]
Zoo-mergency![]My Fair Cat Lady[]Phantom Freakout[]Yoon and Kwan's mother[]
Yoon and Kwan's mother is an unnamed female African black egret at Great Lakes City Zoo. Biography[]In "No Egrets", she became sick with an unknown ailment and thus could not sit on her two eggs, so Ronnie Anne and Sid put the eggs in an incubator. When Sergio was near them after they hatched, they believed he was their mother. The next day, the mother egret recovered, and Yoon and Kwan were returned to her. Initially they weren't sure if she was really their mom, but realized she was when she wiggled her neck like them. Then, the mother egret unveiled a large radio and started a dance party. Gallery[]No Egrets[]Zoo-mergency![]Phantom Freakout[]
Minor characters/Animals/Birds
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