The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

List of various minor reptiles.


The Alligators are one of the hungry predators in a harsh and unforgiving swamp of Michigan.


In "The Orchid Grief", they attack Lincoln and Clyde after the alligator eats the giant mosquito.

In "Steeling Thunder", the alligator is seen eating a pinata and gets beaten up by Lynn. He is later about to eat Lincoln while performing his own stunts and gets beaten up by Mr. Bolhofner.

In "Europe Road Trip: A Knight to Remember", they are the Earl of Nuttingham's minions and seen attempting to eat the Louds who got trapped in the cage.


Anthony is an alligator who resides in the river on the golf course at Fairway University.


In "Crashed Course", Lana befriended him to help retrieve the golf balls from inside the river when Lynn was taking Lori's golf test for her.

After Coach Niblick told Lori that her time was up, Anthony was used to get him back by holding him inside his mouth. When Lori passed the golf test, Anthony was last seen traveling away from the golf course alongside the others in Vanzilla.


Cameron, or Cam for short, is a chameleon snake who lives in Great Lakes City's zoo.


In "Karma Chameleon", the Chang's left him, and several other reptiles, in the care of the Casagrande and Santiago families temporarily, despite reptiles being prohibited in the building due to Mr. Scully's fear of them.

Ronnie Anne told Bobby, her cousins (with the exception of Carlitos), and Sergio about the situation, and together, they helped keep the reptiles a secret from Mr. Scully. However, Cam escaped and Ronnie Anne had to chase him all around the building.

Eventually, Cam showed up in a bowl of guacamole, leading to Mr. Scully discovering him, but he decided to permit reptiles in the building after all, since Cam had wrapped himself around Scully and dislodged a lump of guacamole that was stuck down his throat.

In "A Very Casagrandes Christmas", Nico and Cam almost spoil Christmas for the Chang's by crashing the gravy train into the turkey.

In "Zoo-mergency!", the Chang's invite Cam, along with Yoon, Kwan, and Nico, over for dinner. Later, Cam is among the animals Sid taught to skateboard.

In "Bunstoppable", Cam assists in the goldfish bao assembly line.


Karma Chameleon[]

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A Very Casagrandes Christmas[]


Tooth or Consequences[]


Froggy Lake[]



Dolly the Dinosaur[]

For Liam's former pet donkey, see Hunnicutt family#Dolly.

Dolly is a dinosaur that appeared in "School of Shock".


Dolly is a fictional dinosaur from it's self-titled book that was brought to life by Darebot 2.0. He fought Darebot and nearly attacked Lisa before she was saved by Miss Allegra. Dolly was later seen in Miss Allegra's class as a barely rebuilt Darebot 2.0 advises Dolly to raise her hand.


Dolly is an unspecified green theropod dinosaur, with a long tail, scaly skin, a feathered head, a long snout and sharp teeth.


School of Shock[]

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Robot Reboot[]



Gilly is the pet Gila monster of Vic McGillicuddy's stepdaughter.



Scoop Snoop[]

Doom Service[]


Igor is a Python who lives at the Great Lakes City Zoo.




Keyon is a Komodo dragon at the Great Lakes City zoo.

In "How to Train Your Carl", Carl wanted to see them at the zoo, but unfortunately he was asleep. Carl strayed off to see Keyon anyway, but unfortunately he threw a packet of beef jerky to wake him up and Nico the monkey chased after it and nearly got eaten by Keyon.

Once Becca saved Nico by distracting Keyon with a bone, however, he seemed quite aimiable and doglike in his behavior.

In "Zoo-mergency!", he trashes the Casagrande Market.


How to Train Your Carl[]



Mozart is Laird's "therapy tortoise".

In "Anything for Familia", Laird brought him to school for show-and-tell and revealed that he helped him deal with morning jitters.

The Yates Family’s turtle[]

The Yates' turtle is a turtle belonging to the Yates family.


In "Future Tense", the Yates' saved the turtle and ended up on the news reported by Katherine Mulligan, though they didn't save it out of concern for the turtle but rather the parents thought it would make the children "well-rounded".

Lynn Sr. and Rita saw the rescue on the television and, because they were concerned that their own kids weren't "well-rounded" at the time, decided to go save a turtle with their own kids, which they did.
