Various minor in-universe fictional characters. Ana Ronalda[]
Ana Ronalda is a minor character in The Loud House, who made her appearance in "No Show with the Casagrandes". She appears in a telenovela called Adios Ana, Adios. Appearance[]Ana Ronalda is the spitting image of Ronnie Anne, being a Latina girl with black hair (albeit in a different hairstyle). She wears white collared shirt, yellow skirt with an orange line, brown belt, and brown boots. Appearances[]
Dub facts:
Gallery[]No Show with the Casagrandes[]
Snack Pact[]Copy Can't[]Perro Malo[]GIFs[]Panoramas[]Renders[]Blarney[]
Blarney the Dinosaur is a minor character in The Loud House. Biography[]Blarney is a children's character, whom Lana, Lola, and Lily Loud are fans of. He first appears in "For Bros About to Rock", where Lola explains that Luna ruined her and Lana's first Blarney concert. A flashback shows that during said concert, Luna squashed the twins and other kids in an attempt to crowd-surf. He is later mentioned in "The Price of Admission", where he has a new movie playing at the Royal Woods Cinema, called "The Luck of the Cretaceous". Lincoln doesn't want to see it, because he thinks that movie's for babies, but Clyde happens to be a fan of the Irish dinosaur, and goes to see it, while Lincoln goes to see The Harvester. Clyde also sings some songs about trust and lies along with two little girls who are also Blarney fans. When Lincoln is going to see The Harvester for the second time, he admits to his parents that he saw it after they told him not to, and they all go and see the Blarney movie instead. In "The Whole Picture", it is mentioned that one time, Lincoln wore his Blarney costume every day for a week. In "Potty Mouth", Lisa raps a Blarney song for Lily to stop her from swearing. In "Small Blunder", Lily and her Royal Woods Preschool classmate Michelle bring Blarney toys for show-and-tell. In "Child's Play", when the Moon Goats are swarmed by toddlers demanding a new song from them during a birthday party, Mazzy distracts them by claiming Blarney is outside with candy and puppies, allowing the Moon Goats to make their getaway. In "Welcome to the Doll Heist", Ingrid is looking for a toy to trade her Nugget the Narwhal toy with when she finds Lily's Burp Me Blarney and cringes when it burps. "Wild Goss Chase" reveals that Winston wears Blarney underpants. When Lola finds out and takes a picture, he begs her not to write about it in the school newspaper, but she does so anyway. Appearance[]Blarney is a greenish blue, anthropomorphic dinosaur. He wears an Irish themed outfit that consists of a green hat, and a green waistcoat with a small three leaf clover on it. Known Fans[]
Gallery[]For Bros About to Rock[]The Price of Admission[]Small Blunder[]GIF[]Panorama[]Captain Dave[]
Captain Dave is a minor character in The Casagrandes. He made his first appearance in "Arrr in the Family". Gallery[]Arrr in the Family[]
Panoramas[]La Cobra[]
Gallery[]Uptown Funk[]Dynamic Do Over[]Silent Fight[]GIFs[]Panoramas[]El Dragon[]
Gallery[]Dynamic Do Over[]Squawk in the Name of Love[]Panoramas[]El Falcon de Fuego[]
El Falcón de Fuego (Spanish for "the Falcon of Fire"), or simply El Falcón, is a fictional superhero that Carl is a huge fan of. He appeared in "Roll Model with the Casagrandes". Gallery[]Roll Model[]The Kid Plays in the Picture[]Dynamic Do Over[]
Squawk in the Name of Love[]Born to Be Mild[]
Sidekickin' Chicken[]Flock This Way[]The Harvester[]
The Harvester is a fictional minor character in The Loud House. Biography[]The Harvester is fictional horror movie villain, who appears in the movie of the same name. According to the trailer, he used to be a simple farmer, whose land was ravaged by a drought. Once his land was dried out, he went mad, and began to harvest human organs. Personality[]It is shown that he is mentally unstable, as he goes crazy after a drought, and all of a sudden has a fascination with human organs. He is ruthless enough to mentally scar Lincoln. Appearance[]He wears a green, plaid shirt, jeans with suspenders, a black belt, and a straw hat. He uses a scythe to harvest human organs. Trivia[]
Mika is a fictional minor character in The Loud House, who appears in "Let's Break a Deal". Biography[]Mika appears in Dance Battle as the announcer.
Trivia[]Mika resembles Oishi Kawaii, the main character of this 2012 Shut Up! Cartoons animated series which was coincidentally, Daniel Dominguez is the co-creator of said series. She also resembles the Japanese Vocaloid, Hatsune Miku. Olmec[]
Olmec is the announcer and co-host of the 1990s Nickelodeon game show Legends of the Hidden Temple, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. As his name suggests, he was a talking Olmec head who resides at the entrance of the eponymous temple, where he narrated the stories told in the steps of knowledge and temple game challenges. He appears on The Loud House in the episode "Legends", as the original game show figures into that episode's plot. Trivia[]
See also[]La Tortuga[]
La Tortuga is one of El Falcon's villains. He was featured in the episode "Dynamic Do Over". Gallery[]Dynamic Do Over[]Panoramas[]Wild Card Willy's Goons[]
Wild Card Willy's Goons are the minor characters in The Loud House. They are Wild Card Willy's henchmen that appeared in Lincoln's comic in "Pulp Friction". Biography[]They were first seen in "Pulp Friction", in Lincoln's comic version where they attempt to devour Ace Savvy (played Lincoln) and One-Eyed Jack (played by Clyde) in a tank with a shark as a bait after being captured by Wild Card Willy (Played by Wilbur Huggins). Lincoln drops a load of cards called "The Full House Gang" to rescue them. Wild Card Willy orders his thugs to attack them, The Queen of Diamonds (Played by Lola) and The Deuce (Played by Lily) take them out first. Next, The Night Club (Played by Luna) uses her guitar to take out the other two by guitar with stereo which ends up on a wall and falls down into a pit dug by The Eight of Spades (Played by Lucy). The Strong Suit (Played by Lynn) charges the other two goons with a headbutt. The Card Counter (Played by Lisa) keeps track of a number of minions defeated and knocks another one out with her calculator in the face making it 7 in total. Personality[]These Thugs that work with a supervillain as their minions. They appear in the Ace Savvy universe as fictional characters in the comics. Appearance[]They vary because they're muscular, wear a white long-sleeve shirt with a red "W" symbol, a black mask, black gloves, black pants, and red cowboy boots. Trivia[]
Minor characters/Fictional