The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
This article is about miscellaneous male adults exclusive to The Casagrandes. For miscellaneous male adults exclusive to The Loud House, see Minor characters/Men.

List of various minor adult male characters exclusive to or primarily appearing within The Casagrandes.

Artemio Alcaraz[]

Artemio Alcaraz is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Achy Breaky Art".


Artemio is a short man with fair skin, short light brown hair, and black thin facial hair. He wears glasses, a light-grey long-sleeved shirt, long white pants, and light brown shoes. He also rides around on a yellow moped.


Achy Breaky Art[]

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Blaze is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "V.I.P.eeved". He's also Alisa Barela's manager.


Blaze it a tall man with dark skin, light blonde hair and two set of eyelashes. He wears a red jacket, a white shirt, dark gray pants with red and white shoes.



Operation Popstar[]

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For Luna's Roadie, see Chunk.

Chuck is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Lalo Land".


Chuck is a tall man with brown skin, with brown hair and brown beard. He wears a yellow shirt, white bracelets, blue jeans and orange sneakers.



Lalo Land[]

Phantom Freakout[]

David Nababirdy[]

David Nababirdy is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Flock This Way".


David Nababirdy first appeared in "Flock This Way", where he overheard the Casagrandes while they were birdwatching. After introducing himself to Rosa, he agreed to join her and her family. He accompanied them with every bird sighting that they witnessed.

After the Casagrandes left home, he heard the Vogelkop bird of paradise that they just spotted talking, and this drove him to understand just how valuable the bird really was. When Sergio attempted to fly off, he trapped him in a cage and took him to his headquarters. He then revealed that he planned to sell Sergio to a wealthy bird collector.

Not wanting to leave his life behind, Sergio called the Casagrandes and informed them of his current situation. When the Casagrande and Santiago children arrived at Nababirdy's apartment, they attempted to inform him that he had grabbed the wrong bird, but he thought they were trying to manipulate him into handing over Sergio just so they could sell him for themselves. He then wrapped Sergio's cage so it could be shipped off. Just as he was about to put a stamp on the package, CJ distracted him by making the call of a white-winged crossbill. However, he soon returned after finding out that it was only a false alarm. Upon returning, he discovered that Sergio had escaped his cage and went around his apartment hunting down the "bird of paradise". However, he soon fell victim to a trap set by the Casagrandes, which resulted in him being trapped inside a large cage before being boxed up and mailed to the bird collector.


Nababirdy is an elderly man with gray hair on the sides of his head and a mustache similar to that of Hector. He has bushy eyebrows, a long nose, floppy cheekbones, a double chin, and ears with non-attached earlobes. He wears a white collared shirt with rolled-up sleeves, yellow shorts, brown hiking boots, and a monocle.


  • His name is a pun on the phrase "Nab a birdy", which would explain his hobby of collecting rare animals (particularly birds).
  • His character model was used for a British man sipping tea in "Miss Step" as well as another character in "Europe Road Trip: A Knight to Remember", albeit with a different skin pigmentation and white hair.


Flock This Way[]

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Felipe is a minor character in The Casagrandes Movie.

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Henry is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Let's Get Ready to Rumba".


Henry is a tall hefty man who has light brown hair with a mustache, he wears a white shirt with a red and yelow tie, a dark red hat, gray pants and red sneakers.


Let's Get Ready to Rumba[]


Hui is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Bunstoppable".


Hui is a short man wearing a dark orange bandit shirt, dark orange pants, gray shoes, and a Chinese helmet.



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Injae Hong[]

Injae Hong (Korean: 홍인재, Hong In-jae) is a minor character in The Casagrandes and The Loud House. He makes his first appearance in "Bo Bo Business" and "Great Lakes Freakout!", respectively.


Injae Hong is the owner of Hong's Korean Market.


He is a Korean man that has short black hair, bushy eyebrows and a small beard. Hong has a blue business shirt with a blue tie, an apron, and beige pants. He also has red and white sneakers.


The Casagrandes[]

Bo Bo Business[]
Guilt Trip[]
A Very Casagrandes Christmas[]
Taco the Town[]

The Loud House[]

Great Lakes Freakout![]


Irving is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Fool's Gold".


He's a short, light-skinned, old man. He wears a brown hat, a dark orange shirt, blue pants, and brown shoes.


Matters of the Kart[]

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Skatey Cat[]

Race Against the Machine[]

Salvador Doggy[]


Dog Day Afternoon[]


Ivan is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Let's Get Ready to Rumba". He's a dancing instructor.


Ivan is a tall, muscular, African-American man with long, wavy hair. He wears a light purple shirt with a slit down the middle and darker purple leggings.


When Rosa started taking dance lessons with Ivan and formed a quick friendship with him, Hector felt left out and became sour. He, Bruno, and Vito tried to sabotage Rosa's dance lessons by cutting out the power and siccing the cats on him, but it didn't work, since Ivan lit candles and the cats didn't attack him. Then, Hector got Ivan fired by disguising himself as a health inspector and getting the pigeons to defecate all over the studio.

Ivan relocated his dance class into the Casagrandes' apartment, forcing Hector to come clean when Rosa revealed that Hector wasn't a health inspector. Hector offered Ivan to clean up his studio, but Ivan held no resentment, having dealt with several envious partners of his students before.


  • He is the first homosexual character in the franchise to be established to be homosexual in his debut appearance without having his partner revealed.


Let's Get Ready to Rumba[]

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Jean-Philippe is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Movers and Fakers".


Jean-Philippe is a former resident of the Casagrande apartment building. While he lived there, he would give monthly baking lessons to Rosa, Hector, and Maria. He would even teach them French during the lessons.

One day, Jean-Philippe got a job in Paris, which prompted him to move out. Bobby saw this as an opportunity to resolve his own problem with needing a space away from his relatives so he could have some peace and quiet, so he decided to move into Jean-Philippe's old apartment.

However, Rosa, Hector, and Maria were all unaware that Jean-Philippe had moved out. After Bobby heard that they were going to his baking lessons at 8:00 PM, he attempted to cover up the situation by disguising himself as Jean-Philippe and using absolutely everything that he could get his hands on. However, Bobby's identity was soon exposed, and he informed his mother and grandparents that Jean-Philippe had moved to Paris earlier that day.


Jean-Philippe is a young man with light brown skin and black hair. He has the bottom side parts of his hair shaven, and his eyebrows are similar to Carl's eyebrows. He has a round down-turned nose and a stubble on his chin. He wears a gray T-shirt, white pants with the bottoms rolled above his ankles, bluish gray sneakers with white laces, and red armbands with black stripes on them.



Movers and Fakers[]

Jim Sparkletooth[]

Jim Sparkletooth is a minor character in "The Casagrandes", who made his first appearance in "Fast Feud."


Jim has brown hair and a long nose. He wears a blue vest and underneath it is a magenta tie and a baby pink shirt. He also has navy blue pants.


  • In the end of "Fast Feud", it's revealed he wears a wig.


Fast Feud[]


Taco the Town[]

Just Be Coo[]


Weather Beaten[]

Nixed Signals[]

The Wurst Job[]

Alpaca Lies[]

Rocket Plan[]



Marcus is a minor character in "The Casagrandes", who made his first appearance in "Walk Don't Run".


In the episode "Walk Don't Run", he appears writing the ticket for an old lady for the fact that her dog poops out in the road. Later, Marcus catches all the dogs, who were being walked Ronnie Anne and Sid, after which he writes them out very many tickets.

In episode "Just Be Coo", he frames the pigeons, smearing the statue with pistachio ice cream for not letting him into their parties.

In episode "Perro Malo", he comes to pick up Lalo (Malo) in the animal pound, but he couldn't, because Malo broke the wheel of his paddyfurgon.


He is a human man with brown skin and black hair. Marcus wears a white shirt closed under an orange sweater, green pants, and a cap with yellow icon. He is also wearing brown shoes with white socks.


  • In "Just Be Coo", it turns out that his profession as an animal catcher is just a work.


Walk Don't Run[]

Just Be Coo[]

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Perro Malo[]

My Fair Cat Lady[]

Maria Lookalike[]


Maria's Lookalike is a partially bald guy. He wears a nurse uniform and has big eyebrows.


Muscles is a minor character that appears in "Guess Who's Shopping for Dinner?".


In "Guess Who's Shopping for Dinner?", Rosa tells Ronnie Anne that in order to get mussels from him, they must win against him in a fight. Luckily, he is easily distracted, so Rosa cheats by distracting him and buys the mussels.


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Paul is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Zoo-mergency!". He is the security guard for the "Great Lakes City Zoo".



The Golden Curse[]

Kick Some Bot[]


Pete is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Croaked".


Pete is a round, adult, half-bald man with light brown hair, light skin, and acne. He wears thick black glasses, a green shirt, blue jeans, white socks with dark blue horizontal stripes, and red shoes.




Picosito is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Bend It Like Abuelo".


Bend It Like Abuelo[]

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Pierre is a minor character in "The Casagrandes", who made his first appearance in "Fast Feud."


Pierre is a dark-skinned man with brown hair. He wears a burger hat, a purple shirt, tan pants, and blue shoes.


Fast Feud[]

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Reizouko is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Uptown Funk".


Reizouko is a large Japanese man with black hair tied up in a bun. When he's sumo wrestling, he wears a white mawashi. His casual clothes consist of a pink shirt, blue shorts with purple flowers, and when he's not bare-footed, he wears a pair of japanese geta or a pair of white sandals.


Uptown Funk[]

Guilt Trip[]

Meal Ticket[]


The Golden Curse[]

Skatey Cat[]

Race Against the Machine[]


For the high school principal, see Rivers.

River is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Store Wars with the Casagrandes".


River is a young, dark-skinned adult with short black hair and eye bags. He wears a yellow t-shirt, blue jeans, and yellow shoes.


Store Wars[]


Romeo is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Going Overboard".


Romeo is a tall and slim African-American man. He has dark brown hair tied in dreadlocks, both sides and backs of his head are shaved. He has thick eyebrows, eyebags, small mustaches and a small beard. He wears a golden nose ring, pink shirt, white jacket with hood, navy jeans, white socks in pink horizontal stripes, and light brown leather shoes.


Going Overboard[]

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Achy Breaky Art[]

A Very Casagrandes Christmas[]

Nixed Signals[]

Salvador Doggy[]

The Oddfather[]


Ronnie Anne Lookalike[]


Ronnie Anne's Lookalike is a boy with a very deep voice. He wears a purple hoodie just like Ronnie Anne and has the same hairstyle as her.


T-Bone is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "V.I.P.eeved".


T-Bone is a light-skinned man with gray hair with his hair tied in a ponytail. He wears a black beanie, a red shirt, a white undershirt, blue jeans and black sneakers and white earrings. In Maria's fantasy, he's muscular and his hair is let down.



Date with Destiny[]

Mr. Vanderspeed[]

Mr. Vanderspeed is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Race Against the Machine".


Woo is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "Bunstoppable".


Woo is a large man with a black beard. He wears a purple bandit outfit.



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Ziggy is a minor character in The Casagrandes, who made his first appearance in "The Bros in the Band".


Ziggy is a tall man with brown skin, with brown dreads with a black beard and a brown goatee. He wears a red hat with the letter Z, a pink shirt, a yellow shirt with a lighting bolt, black bracelets, dark blue jeans and dark green shoes.


  • His first guitar was an air guitar.[1]


The Bros in the Band[]

Ay Fidelity[]