The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

This is a list that contains locations outside of Royal Woods that have minor appearances in The Loud House.

NOTE: The locations are alphabetized.

Huntington Manor[]

Huntington Manor is a private neighborhood located in Huntington Oaks, that only appeared "Tricked!".


According to Lincoln and Clyde, every Halloween, the people who live in Huntington Manor give children full-size candy bars instead of bite-size ones. Amazed by this discovery, the two try to sneak in, in hopes of getting full-size candy bars for Halloween.

In "Tricked!", Lincoln and Clyde infiltrate the neighborhood disguised as two wealthy British boys returning from an overseas trip. Once inside, they put on their real costumes and proceed with trick or treating. It is unknown how they left the neighborhood undisguised and undetected.

In the "Candy Hunting at Huntington Manor" story of graphic novel The Loud House: A Very Loud Halloween, Clyde and the Loud siblings go for trick-or-treating at Huntington Manor, and end up getting even more candy than they had expected.



Ruth’s lake house[]

Ruth's lake house is a lake house that appeared in the episode "Ruthless People" where Rita's group consist of Leni, Luan, Lucy, Lana, Lisa and Lily go to since Aunt Ruth didn't want them to stay at her place because they stress out her cats.

It was briefly mentioned in "Child's Play" that Rita, Lynn Sr. and Lily went there for the weekend for Ruth's yearly foot scraping.


Ruthless People[]

Tad’s lake house[]

Tad's lake house is a lake house that appeared in the episode "Senior Moment" where Lori, Carol and Roger visit.


Senior Moment[]

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Busy Burger[]

Busy Burger is a restaurant that servers burgers and fries.


Road Trip: Bizarritorium[]

The Greasy Spoon[]

The Greasy Spoon is a diner located on Route 66. In "Road Trip: Doll Day Afternoon", this was the final destination for Rita's article on the restaurants of Route 66. However, the Louds have to return to the diner when Luan discovers she has lost Mr. Coconuts there.


Road Trip: Doll Day Afternoon[]



Mud Flap Café[]

The Mud Flap Café is a café that only appeared in "Tripped!"


This café only appeared in "Tripped!" when the Loud family play their song "Road Trippin' Blues" to earn enough money to get on a bus. The owners and audience also mispronounced their last name as "Load".



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Star Dinner[]

Star Dinner is a diner located in Los Angeles, California. In "Road Trip: Screen Queen", Nora Nussebaum is dining there when she sees Lincoln, Lucy, and Luan try to convince Lola to be in their films, and then chooses to sign up Lola as the star of the new Dakota Rhoda film.


Road Trip: Screen Queen[]


Dr. Weirdly's Bizarritorium[]

This article is about the location. For the seventh season episode, see Road Trip: Bizarritorium.

Dr. Weirdly's Bizarritorium is a shut down tourist attraction.


The Bizarritorium was a tourist attraction owned by Dr. Weirdly, where he would showcase strange oddities like a three-legged dancing chicken, a mermaid from Mars, and an ancient mummy wearing a cursed ring. When Lincoln learned that Rita's route for their summer road trip goes past it, he asks if they could stop by on the way to Niagara Falls, with Rita telling him they can only if they have enough extra time. To make sure they stopped at the Bizarritorium, Lincoln arranges for the family to leave the house early so they would have the time. His plan worked and they visited the Bizarritorium, only to learn that it has been shut down for quite some time, as the doors and windows are boarded up, and the interior is filled with storage boxes. During the brief stop, Lincoln discovers the ring the attraction's mummy used to wear, and opted to keep it as a souvenir, but unbeknownst to him, by taking the ring from its sacred resting place, he unknowingly unleashes a curse on his family that results in them being plagued with all sorts of misfortunate incidents.


  • For reasons unknown, the sign on the building misspells the name of the attraction as "Bizzaritorium".
  • The attraction is likely based on the line of museums owned by Ripley's Believe It or Not!, which also house strange oddities.


Road Trip: Bizarritorium[]

Dusty Springs[]

Dusty Springs is the town on Route 66.


  • The town holds the world's 34th largest spring.


Road Trip: Doll Day Afternoon[]


Funny Farm[]

Funny Farm is a fake camp made by Lynn Sr. and Luan that only appeared in "Fool's Paradise".


  • The name "funny farm" is a slang term for a mental institution or insane asylum.
  • According to Lynn Sr., he had to buy a huge section of land just so he and Luan can set up the fake entrance.

Green Mile Pet Sanctuary[]

Green Mile Pet Sanctuary is a place for animals to be impounded. It is located in the outskirts of Royal Woods. It only appeared in "Pets Peeved".


  • The name of this place is a reference to the Stephen King novel, and its film The Green Mile.


Pets Peeved[]

Mapleton Middle School[]

Mapleton Middle School is a school in Canada that debuted in "Schooled!". Lincoln is briefly transferred there from Royal Woods Middle School until he is banned from Canada.

School members[]

Current Students[]

  • Sadie
  • Canadian Boy
  • Canadian Student 2

Former Students[]


  • Principal Marshall
  • Mrs. Borutski



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Behind the Scenes[]



South West State Fair[]

The South West State Fair is a fair for families to attend.


Road Trip: From Brad to Worse[]

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Tip Top Studios[]

Tip Top Studios is a studio located in Hollywood.


Road Trip: Screen Queen[]

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Vic McGillicuddy's Hotel[]

Vic's hotel is a lakefront hotel resort. It has only appeared in "Doom Service".


At some point, Vic McGillicuddy opened it and began advertising it. His first known guests were The Loud family. He advertised it to them at the Royal Woods Mall, with the family failing to recognize him.

According to Vic, the amenities include five-star dining, posh suites, a brand-new gym, and cruises around the lake. There are four known levels of lodging, each one having different known privileges:

  • Beige: The lowest level, being confined to an old shed, having to use quarters for Wi-fi
  • Yellow: An old, ramshackle hotel room, having to eat tuna from an old trash can, only dipping feet into the pool, and Gilly slapping the customers at the spa
  • Purple: Price of a car payment for a nice car
  • Red: Dessert bar


Doom Service[]

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Weeping Willow Resort & Lodge[]

Weeping Willow Resort & Lodge is a hotel resort located near Lake Michigan. It has only appeared in "Tripped!".


The Loud family has been working hard to earn enough money so they can spend a week at the Weeping Willow. However, during the ride there, the family ran in various mishaps.

The resort is infamous for its on-time scheduling, as people have to check in to their reserved rooms by 8:00 PM, or their room will be given away to someone else.

According to Lincoln, the resort is famous for its bumper boats, horseback rides, and the 26 flavors of fudge it carries.



A good vacation after all[]

The White House[]

The White House is a government building located in Washington D.C.


Road Trip: Bringing Down the House[]

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