List of various minor films. A.L.A.N. the Alien Boy[]
A.L.A.N. the Alien Boy is a movie in The Loud House. It only appeared in "Not a Loud", where Lincoln and Clyde were proving that the former is also an alien. Gallery[]Il Ballo Finale[]
Il Ballo Finale (English: The Final Dance) is a romance film that appeared in the episode "Brave the Last Dance". Clyde took inspiration from the film when he was ready to ask Emma out to the Valentine's Day dance. However, his plan backfired when she rejected the invite. Prior to then, Clyde considered this film to be one of his favorites. Later on, he saw his fathers watching the film and asked them to turn it off in order to prevent him from thinking about the situation. Blarney: The Luck of the Cretaceous[]
Blarney: The Luck of the Cretaceous is a movie in The Loud House, that stars Blarney the Dinosaur. It first appeared in "The Price of Admission". Description[]Clyde and two other unnamed preschoolers went to see it, while Lincoln went to see The Harvester. The next day, when Lincoln and his parents were going to see The Harvester, they instead watched this movie, as Lincoln did not want to see the movie again. Trivia[]
The Disemboweler[]
The Disemboweler is a horror film that was featured in the episode "The Boss Maybe". While Leni was left in charge of watching over the house, Lincoln wanted to watch the movie with Clyde. They asked Leni for permission to watch it, but Lucy was against this idea, as she heard that it is supposedly "the scariest movie of all time". As a response, Leni froze up in shock, and Lincoln thought that she was allowing them to watch the movie. The boys were ultimately traumatized by the film, and they repeatedly lied to Leni that it was funny. Soon, when the chaos in the house became more intense than Leni could handle, the boys were petrified to the point that they did not even want to get up to turn off the movie. Later on, they reported their problem to Leni, who presumably turned off the film before resolving their issue by reading a book to them. Erik the Eagle Boy[]
Erik the Eagle Boy is a movie in The Loud House. It only appeared in "Not a Loud", where Lincoln and Clyde were proving that the former is a half-eagle. Gallery[]Evil Hat Man: The Brimming[]
Evil Hat Man: The Brimming is a horror movie in The Casagrandes. It first appeared in "Home Improvement". The film features a man who finds a hat on a sidewalk, puts it on, and gets possessed into becoming a serial killer. When it was Laird's turn to host movie night, Nikki suggested watching the film. However, while they were watching it, Arturo arrived back home, and Ronnie Anne and her friends mistook him for the Hat Man. The film is mentioned in "Throwing Pains", when Ronnie Anne recalls watching a horror movie marathon with her friends. The film later appears on-screen in "Curse of the Candy Goblin", when a bored and frustrated Carlitos turns on the TV. The film also appears on-screen in "Alpaca Lies" as the movie that the Santiago children watch with Beto. The Harvester[]
The Harvester is a horror movie that first appeared in the episode "The Price of Admission". The film features an old farmer, who had turned into a berserk murderer, who slices up his victims, and harvests their organs in a cooler. Lincoln went to go see it, even though his parents told him not to, and ended up being traumatized by it, and he couldn't sleep at all that night. Whenever he imagined the Harvester was coming to get him, it was usually just Mr. Grouse going about with some tasks he was working on. The next day, Lincoln's parents decided to take him to the movies, but Lincoln was too afraid to see it again, and wanted to go see the new Blarney movie instead, the same one Clyde saw. Trivia[]
![]() The Harvester Movie Poster
Gallery[]The Hoppit[]
The Hoppit is a movie in The Casagrandes. It is Froggy's favorite movie. It's a parody of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. Gallery[]King of the Rings[]
King of the Rings is a sci-fi/fantasy film in The Loud House. It is based on the J.R.R. Tolkien novel Lord of the Rings and its film adaptation series. According to Lincoln, the plot line involves a dramatic search for a lost piece of jewelry. In "Overnight Success", the first activity on Lincoln's itinerary was watching the five-hour director's cut of the film. After his failed attempt to watch it with Clyde, he tried to watch it with Liam, Chad, and an additional unnamed guest, but all of these times were also failures due to interference from his sisters. At the end of the episode, he watches the film with Clyde and his sisters. In "How the Best Was Won", it is revealed that this is Clyde's favorite film of all time. Larry the Lab-Boy[]
Larry the Lab-Boy is a movie in The Loud House. It only appeared in "Not a Loud", where Lincoln and Clyde were proving that the former was created by a scientist. Gallery[]Ricky, the Wrong Baby??[]
Ricky, the Wrong Baby?? is a movie in The Loud House. It only appeared in "Not a Loud", where Lincoln and Clyde spy on families in which one the former belongs to. History[]The movie is about a man named Ricky, and his so-called "parents" wanted a boy so badly, they told the hospital to switch babies. Gallery[]Ron the Radioactive Boy[]
Ron the Radioactive Boy is a movie in The Loud House. It only appeared in "Not a Loud", where Lincoln and Clyde were proving that the former has white hair after a radioactive explosion. Gallery[]Senior Year in Gear[]
Senior Year in Gear is a movie that appeared in the episode "Senior Moment". The film is about three seniors who decide to live their last year of high school up to the fullest by engaging in fun, memorable activities. Lori went to see the movie as part of a weekly tradition she had with Carol and Roger. According to her, everybody thought that it was the best movie ever, and it even got a 100% score on Dank Potatoes. After watching the film, Lori felt regretful that she and her friends had not done any of the activities that the characters from the film did, so she decided to do all of them before senior year ended. Sources[] |
Minor objects/Films