List of various minor objects that do not fit into any other category. Big Bertha[]
Big Bertha is a toilet auger used by Lana and Lynn Sr. Functions[]Big Bertha is used to clear out huge clogs in the Loud family's toilet. It seems to only be used for the more damaging clogs that occur, such as the one in "Sleuth or Consequences", which Lana dubbed as a Class 5 clog. Big Bertha was used to clear up the Class 5 Clog, caused by a book that one of the girls tossed in, to avoid getting caught. Later that evening, Lynn comes back from a roller derby match, and after having crammed in so many meatball subs for refusing to go before a game, hurries to the bathroom, and Lana tells Lynn Sr. to ready Big Bertha for another fixing. In the game "Clean-O-Clock", Lana uses Big Bertha to fix the sink. Trivia[]
Gallery[]The Birthday Sash[]
The Birthday Sash is an object owned by the Loud family that is required to be worn by any Loud kid celebrating their birthday. It was seen being used in flashbacks of Lucy's previous birthday in "Bye Bye Birthday". Appearance[]It is a orange sash with colorful decorations on it. It's covered in filth and worn out due to being used for all of the Loud kids' birthdays over the years. Biography[]Whenever a Loud child celebrates their birthday, they're required to wear the sash along with a matching birthday hat as part of family tradition. As pointed out by Lucy, the sash has never been washed once especially when it's about to be used which is proven by it's dirty and worn out appearance and when Lana recognizes (and eats) a booger from her and Lola's third birthday. Brain Lobe Enlargement Helmet[]
The Brain Lobe Enlargement Helmet, better known as the B.L.E.H., is a device used by Lisa to enhance her salesmanship skills. Appearance[]
Gallery[]The Camel Card[]
The Camel Card is a birthday card Leni got Mom for her birthday. Appearance[]It is a camel with a space suit that says: Happy Birthday! From Your 11 Kids. History[]In "No Spoilers", Lincoln wants Leni to get Mom a card for her birthday. Gallery[]Charles' doghouse[]
Charles' doghouse is a doghouse belonging to Charles, that sits in the Louds' yard. Appearance[]It is a red, wooden doghouse with a sloped gray tiled roof and a blue sign above the entryway that has Charles' name on it. History[]In "Study Muffin", Hugh tried to tutor Lincoln in Charles's doghouse to hide from Lincoln's non-Lily sisters (who all had crushes on Hugh), Lynn Sr. (who wanted to talk to Hugh about British culture) and Walt, Cliff, and Charles himself (who were nuzzling Hugh). In "No Such Luck", Lincoln, whose family had made him sleep outside for being "bad luck", tried to sleep in Charles's doghouse, but Charles growled at him. In "Pets Peeved", the pets got together in Charles's doghouse to make a plan for getting rid of Watterson. In "Potty Mouth", Lana was fixing the doghouse when she accidentally hit her thumb with her hammer, causing her to swear in pain, which Lily overheard. Later, when trying to get Lily to stop swearing, Lana goes to the doghouse, intentionally hits herself with her hammer, and sings "Jingle Bells" in pain. In "Love Birds", the pets gave Walt makeovers and set up a date with him and a duck in Charles's doghouse. Gallery[]Study Muffin[]Pets Peeved[]Potty Mouth[]Love Birds[]Containment Backpack[]
The containment backpack is a device used on ARGGH! for containing ghosts. Appearance[]It is a large, grey device mounted on the back, with a white, hose-like structure attached. It fires a green beam of light at its target, which it then sucks into the backpack via the hose. History[]Upon learning that a concert hall was haunted, Lincoln and Clyde came to take care of the problem, dressed in ARGGH! uniforms. Clyde was wearing a containment backpack and tried to catch the ghost with it, but accidentally caught a human instead. Delux Success Pool[]
The Delux Success Pool is a deluxe swimming pool that appeared in "Linc or Swim". Appearance[]It is a large blue inflatable pool, with a water slide, and a yellow fish on top. Lincoln was planning on getting this pool, but after having a fantasy about being in it, his sisters took over the pool. He changed his mind soon after. Later, the sisters buy the same pool, and invite Lincoln to join in, to which he happily accepts. When he does a cannonball in the pool, it got destroyed due to the label saying that cannonballs are forbidden being on the inside. Trivia[]
Gallery[]GIF[]EMF detector[]
An EMF detector is a handheld device used on ARGGH! for tracking down ghosts. In "Phantom Freakout", Lincoln and Clyde, while searching for a ghost in ARGGH! gear, took out two EMF detectors and explained what they were for. Trivia[]
Esmeralda was a very large pumpkin that Lisa grew for Halloween. Role[]In the leadup to Halloween, Lisa planted a pumpkin plant, and named the resulting pumpkin Esmeralda. She then made Esmeralda grow outlandishly huge through a combination of speaking to it and a type of green goop she invented. Lisa grew emotionally attached to Esmeralda, much to the annoyance of her siblings, and especially Todd. Her emotional attachment to the pumpkin was so strong that when Halloween came, she didn't want Esmeralda to be carved into a jack-o-lantern (wanting the face to be drawn on instead). However, Todd did so anyway with Lana's chainsaw, and afterwards, Lisa appreciated the smile. During the Halloween party, Lily played inside Esmeralda. When Xander Coddington and his Xander Nation raided the Louds' property, one of his cronies, Johnny, tried to attack it. Lisa put herself between the pumpkin and attacker, but was saved by Lana using her Candy Cannon to shoot pumpkin pie filling at Johnny. Later, schoolmates drove Esmeralda away, intent on smashing it in the crusher at a junkyard, but Lincoln and Clyde ended up inside the pumpkin when they tried to give it back to Lisa. Fortunately, Lily saw the boys entering the pumpkin and told the other Louds that Lincoln was in it, so the other Louds followed Esmeralda to the junkyard. When they got there, Lincoln and Clyde tried to climb out, whereupon the other kids had to stop trying to crush Esmeralda due to the "no people in the crusher" rule. Esmeralda ended up being smashed anyway, but Todd saved Lisa a seed to grow another pumpkin next year. Lori's cellphone[]
Appearance[]Lori's cellphone is a blue smartphone with a camera on the back. Trivia[]
Lana's lucky chicken bone[]
Lana Loud keeps a chicken bone for good luck. In "Pipe Dreams", Lana misplaced her lucky chicken bone. Charles then swallowed it and coughed it back up in the parents' secret bathroom. This caused the parents to believe Lana had used the bathroom. Lana's lucky plunger[]
Lana's lucky plunger is a red plunger that Lana keeps to fix toilets and sinks, and for good luck. In "11 Louds a Leapin'", Mr. Grouse confiscates Lana's plunger after it lands in his yard, but he later gives it back. In "Patching Things Up", Lana lends Lola her lucky plunger for good luck, while Lola lends Lana her toy wand. It was seeing the other twin's lucky object that prompted them to forgive each other after their argument. In the Vacation Packin' Guide, Lana brings her lucky plunger along in case someone clogs the toilet due to a bad stomach. Lenergy[]
Lenergy is a perfume created by Leni Loud and Miguel. It is introduced in the episode "Dollars and Scents". History[]
Lily's pacifier[]
Lily Loud owns a purple pacifier. History[]In "Changing the Baby", Lily is seen sucking her pacifier. In "Picture Perfect", Lincoln paints a smile on Lily's pacifier for the family photo. In "Undie Pressure", Lily cheers herself up with her pacifier to prevent herself from crying. In "Ties That Bind", Lily sucks her pacifier in fear of her parents getting rid of her. In "Party Down", Lily dips her pacifier into a chocolate fountain and sucks on it. In "Washed Up", Lily sucks her pacifier and takes it out of her mouth to point out the whirlpool. Lincoln's homemade mugs[]
Lincoln used to create coffee mugs for his parents' anniversary every year. This changed, however, in "Picture Perfect", when he discovered that his sisters and parents found them very ugly and his parents never used them, so he took a family photo instead. Lisa uses them as paperweights in the games Living Loud: Lincoln's List and Living Loud: Surprise Party. The mugs have been compared to paperweights, Aunt Shirley, inflamed livers, and busts of Immanuel Kant. Lisa's chemistry set[]
Lisa Loud owns a chemistry set that she keeps on her desk and uses for her experiments. In the intro, she can be seen holding one of her beakers. In "Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru", Lisa is seen using her chemistry set during a flashback. In "Lynner Takes All", Lynn approaches Lisa using her chemistry set and uses some of it herself. When it blows up, she declares herself the winner because she made an explosion first. Lisa explained that she wasn't intending to make an explosion, but she made one anyway. In "Friend or Faux?", Lisa takes her chemistry set with her to school and works with it. The chemistry set features in the games Welcome to the Loud House, where she and her siblings can play with it, and Clean-O-Clock, where she can use it, but it always causes an explosion. In The Loud House Movie, one of Lisa's vials can be seen in the hallway of the castle. Loud Cloud[]
The Loud Cloud is a supercomputer that appears in the episode of the same name. History[]In "The Loud Cloud", after Lincoln gets fed up with his mom's sticky note system, he is inspired by Lisa to provide a digital GPS system as an alternative. He and Lisa create the Loud Cloud supercomputer and provide a mobile app for it to work for everyone. As their family finds their current systems for their respective hobbies less convenient, Lisa updates the Loud Cloud to store all of them as well. However, because it ends up becoming overloaded with files and updates, it runs out of storage space and begins providing its contents to the wrong people. It is ultimately destroyed by a tennis ball shooter. Appearance[]
Gallery[]The Loud Cloud[]Luan's whoopee cushions[]
Luan Loud owns a great many whoopee cushions that she uses to play pranks on people and to use as opportunities to make flatulence puns. They are all pink. History[]In "Driving Miss Hazy", Luan has Leni pretend one of her whoopee cushions is the gas pedal, as a joke and to try to teach her to drive. The same joke is made in the video Vanzilla Gets A New Look! where Luan's version of Vanzilla has a whoopee cushion on the gas pedal. In "The Price of Admission", a while searching for decorations in the attic, ten of Luan's whoopee cushions fell on Lincoln. Because he was paranoid after watching a horror movie about a man who harvested organs, he mistook the whoopee cushions for his sisters' colons. In "Potty Mouth", Luan uses a whoopee cushion to pretend Lily has soiled her diaper. In "Rita Her Rights", Luan uses a whoopee cushion to make a pun "toot-a-loo!". In "Head Poet's Anxiety", Luan pranks Clyde with a whoopee cushion. In "Fam Scam", Luan pranks Leni with a whoopee cushion. In "12 Days of Christmas", Luan pranks Lori with a whoopee cushion. Gallery[]The Price of Admission[]Potty Mouth[]Rita Her Rights[]Head Poet's Anxiety[]Fam Scam[]12 Days of Christmas[]Lucy's crystal ball[]
Lucy Loud owns a crystal ball she uses to try to predict the future. In "Come Sale Away", Lucy again used her crystal ball to predict Flip's future, this time predicting that his business would "boom". Later, something exploded at his work. One promotional video involves Lucy using her crystal ball to spy on her family. In the game Clean-O-Clock, Lucy occasionally uses her crystal ball. Lucy's Magic Sneakers[]
Lucy's Magic Sneakers are a pair of self-function sneakers that were created by Lucy and Morticians Club in "The Winning Spirit". Functions[]The Sneakers were originally created to help Lucy pass her fourth-grade physical in order to get her to move up to the Fifth grade. However the sneakers became self-aware and ran off, their location is unknown. Trivia[]
Gallery[]The Winning Spirit[]Luna's drums[]
Luna Loud owns a drum kit, which includes a symbol and a large bass drum. In "Potty Mouth", she tried to demonstrate not swearing to Lily by playing the drums instead of swearing after breaking her guitar. In "No Laughing Matter", Luna tries to get Luan to tell a joke so that she can play a riff on her drums, because Luan was trying to give up telling jokes. In "Any Given Sundae", Lily moves one of Luna's drums out of the way so that Lynn Sr. doesn't step on it. In the game Lights Out, Lincoln lights up Luna and Luan's room by putting a flashlight in her bass drum. He also says, "Holy bass drum" upon seeing it. Luna's cellphone[]
Minor objects/Miscellaneous is a cellphone owned by Luna Loud. Appearance[]Luna's cellphone is a purple cellphone. It also has a camera on the back. Gallery[]Lynn's sports balls[]
Lynn Loud Jr. owns a great many sports balls, which tie into her love of sports. In "Left in the Dark", Lincoln distracts Lynn from the TV by filling up her football with helium. In "Space Invader", Lynn comments on the lack of sports balls in Lincoln's room and empties a pillowcase full of her own onto the floor. In "Sound of Silence", Lynn claims that Lola popped her soccer ball for taking the last pudding, but that turned out to be part of a prank. In "Any Given Sundae", Lynn plays on the stairs with her football. In Living Loud: Lincoln's List, Lynn asks Lincoln to return her sports balls. In the Back to School Supplies Guide, Lynn brings her sports balls to school. Noise-B-Gone[]
The Noise-B-Gone 2000 earbuds are a top-notch noise remover that appeared in "Sound of Silence". Function[]Noise-B-Gone, as the name suggests, blocks out any, and all unwanted commotion by inserting the earbuds into one's ears. It can tune out all noise with the serene sound of birds, crickets chirping, wind chimes, water trickling, or ocean waves. This gives one the ability to enjoy a little personal time, and not worry about anymore disturbances. Of course, the one drawback is that you cannot hear what anyone is saying when they wish to speak to you. Old Sloshy[]
Old Sloshy is a bucket that Lana keeps and will occasionally relieve herself in if the bathroom line is too long. In "Pipe Dreams", she offered it to her parents outside the bathroom, but they declined. However, Lynn Sr. later asked Lana if he could borrow the bucket. In "Bummer Camp", Lana considers naming the bucket Leonard gave her and her siblings to relieve themselves in "Sloshy Jr". Paradise for One[]
The Paradise For One is a kiddie pool that appeared in "Linc or Swim". Appearance[]It is a yellow inflatable pool with blue dots all around it. History[]After the Louds got kicked out of all the pools in Royal Woods, Lincoln bought the Paradise for One pool to keep cool. He had trouble setting it up, and once it was set up, his sisters bothered him by taking up all the space. When their bigger pool got broken by Lincoln illegally cannonballing into it and ripping it, he and his sisters moved into the Paradise for One pool, only for Lily to relieve herself in it, causing them to run out. It featured again in "Making the Case" when Lincoln dove into the pool full of soda for his first contest submission and is later dived into by Lynn for their [Lincoln and Clyde] second attempt, though because this episode aired first, this would technically mean that "Linc or Swim" takes place before "Making the Case." The pool can also be seen in the garden in the game Living Loud: Summer School. Gallery[]
GIF[]Prank-Me-Not Poncho[]
The Prank-Me-Not Poncho is a special suit created by Lola and Lana Loud, that first appeared in "Fool's Paradise". Function[]The poncho acts as a special safety suit designed to repel any dangerous ongoing pranks. The cord on the suit inflates the poncho to bounce any pranks off. If the airbag is not strong enough, it can be inflated more for even more protection, but if the cord comes off, the wearer haplessly floats up into the air. It would be best advised to be indoors should this happen. Appearances[]The poncho was first introduced as part of a plan by Lola and Lana as an idea of theirs to protect themselves from Luan's onslaught of merciless pranks coming on April Fool's Day. Lincoln tried to demonstrate how it would work, but he still felt the pranks hitting him hard, and the cord came undone, making him float up to the ceiling. It appears Rita and Lynn Sr. were given ponchos as well to protect themselves, but their drawstrings came undone as well. The suit was used as the final blow in everyone's attempt to get back at Luan for the insane and terrifying experience they endured at her trap at the Buttz Motel. After putting them all through the pranks, they placed her in the poncho, and the monkey she used earlier snapped the cord off, causing it to inflate, and lift her into the air, while grounded with a rope tied to the motel sign. After Luan floated in the air for a while, she vows revenge on her family that next year would be even worse for them. Screenshots[]Robo-Clean 2000[]
The Robo-Clean 2000 is a wireless vacuum cleaner is that featured in "So Long, Sucker". History[]Lynn Sr. used it to clean the floor while he and the others were away, but it annoyed Charles by shaving the fur off his butt, Cliff by dragging him along by the tail, Walt by knocking his cage over, and Geo by pushing his ball along. So, the pets broke the vacuum, first by getting it wet while it was stuck on Cliff's hairball, then by deflecting its surge of electricity that it produced while malfunctioning so that it zapped itself. The pets then cleaned up the mess and buried the vacuum, but Lynn Sr. scared them by wanting to buy five others after believing the vacuum had cleaned the house. Appearance[]
Royal Ring of Royalty[]
History[]Years ago, there was a Mystic Mummy of Mystery on display at Dr. Weirdly's Bizarritorium, and it bore the ring on its finger. In the present day, it was found by Lincoln Loud after attempting to visit the location, but only to find it shut down. He keeps the ring as a souvenir, but it brings a curse unto the Loud family. After creating a peace offering to the spirit of the mummy, it lifts the curse and the ring disappears with it. Appearance[]The Royal Ring of Royalty is a gold ring with a skull. The eyes of the skull are hexagonal-shaped stones that glow purple. Trivia[]
Gallery[]Sassy Sorceress Kit[]
The Sassy Sorceress Kit is a magic kit that is used by the Morticians Club in "The Winning Spirit". Functions[]
Gallery[]Thriller Chiller 5000[]
The Thriller Chiller 5000 is a refrigerator that appears in the episode Forks and Knives Out. Appearance[]It is an ordinary refrigerator with a digital face built into a panel on one of its doors. However, it also is shown to have six robotic arms. History[]It is presented by Guy Grazer as the grand prize on his cooking show when he pits Lynn Sr. and Lincoln Loud against Rosa Casagrande and Ronnie Anne Santiago. However, it often is the victim of verbal abuse from Guy during the show. When both teams begin arguing which causes them to compromise their friendship, they mutually agree to drop out of the competition along with Guy's crew. After hearing him call it a "dumb" refrigerator, it is last seen towering over him and getting ready to beat him up in retaliation. Walt's birdhouse[]
Walt's birdhouse is a birdhouse belonging to Walt that he lives in when he isn't flying loose or in his cage. The birdhouse sits in a tree that is in the Louds' yard. Appearance[]It is a white, wooden house with a red roof, several windows, two perches, and two entryways. History[]In "What Wood Lincoln Do?", Lincoln stole Walt's birdhouse and pretended he'd built it for his school project because wood-working made him blurry-eyed, dizzy, and sometimes even caused him to pass out. Mrs. Johnson was impressed with the birdhouse but a bit disgusted by the fact that Walt had defecated on it (but Lincoln lied that he wanted to give it a "lived-in" look), but Walt was very angry at Lincoln for most of the episode for stealing his birdhouse. In "Love Birds", after Walt had unsuccessful romances, he went into his birdhouse to brood and put a "Do Not Disturb" sign up (written in canary language). Walt's cage[]
Walt's cage is a cage that Walt is seen in when he's not flying loose or in his birdhouse. It is situated next to the Louds' staircase. In "Project Loud House", Walt is seen in his cage when Lincoln tests Lisa's potion on him. In "Tricked!", Walt is seen dressed as a vampire in his cage. In "Any Given Sundae", Lily whistles for Walt to come flying out of his cage and tickle Luan to prevent her pranking Rita. Zombie Bran[]
Zombie Bran is a cereal that first appeared in "Cereal Offender", which was located at the Super Mart. History[]In "Cereal Offender", Lincoln saw a commercial for it and instantly wanted to get a box, but his mother told him about their tight budget. So, Lincoln offered to shop wisely and have extra money to buy it himself, to which Rita agreed. Lincoln shopped as frugally as he could to save the money and have enough to get Zombie Bran, but by the time he was about to grab the last box they had, another kid who looked almost identical to him swiped the box from him and Lincoln chased him down to get it back. Thankfully, after a wild chase through the store, The Manager kicked the Bratty Kid out and his mother took the cereal away and Lincoln got it. However, when he revealed it to his sisters, they were displeased that he was getting a treat and tried to deny him of his cereal. When they get into a fight in the store, the manager took the box back and Lincoln left without it. Rita was most upset with her son and told him he couldn't have his cereal while also stating that she will have to go grocery shopping in the next town over for a while. Feeling guilty for their reckless behavior in the store and ruining their brother's chance, the girls all bought him a box of Zombie Bran to apologize for the way they acted. Lincoln was elated and started to have a cereal fight with them where they all acted like zombies. The cereal also comes with raisins in a flavor that they call "Raisin the Dead". The box it comes in is shaped like a gravestone which fits the theme. Trivia[]
Minor objects/Miscellaneous