List of various minor vehicles. Bobby Santiago's truck[]
Bobby Santiago's truck is the truck owned by Bobby Santiago. Appearance[]The truck has a single cab, a side-step bed, a red color scheme with one door on the side and one row of seating. Trivia[]Gallery[]Missed Connection[]Dirt bike[]
The dirt bike is a motocross bike currently owned by Lynn. It first appeared in "No Guts, No Glori". Appearance[]It has a red plate that says "1", just like Lynn's BMX bike. It has two wheels, and most of the mechanism on the bottom. There is a seat and 2 handles. It has some related things to a motorcycle, but different. It only appeared in the episode, "No Guts, No Glori" and the show's intro. Gallery[]The Loud House Theme Song[]No Guts, No Glori[]Behind the Scenes[]Gigglin' Geezer[]
The Gigglin' Geezer is a bus that senior citizens from the Sunset Canyon Retirement Home ride and are entertained as they ride it. This bus first appeared in Head Poet's Anxiety, where Luan worked as an entertainer, hoping that this would bring her closer to being the youngest person to perform at the Royal Woods Theater (but sadly, because of Lucy performing there first, Luan completely failed to achieve this goal.) Luan brought Lucy to the Gigglin' Geezer to help her with her poetry trouble. Lucy read a death-themed poem to the seniors, but later read a different poem about Pop-Pop. The Gigglin' Geezer later made a cameo in "Leader of the Rack". When Leni saw the bus arrive, she was delighted to have a visit from Pop-Pop and the other seniors. It is unknown if Luan still has this gig. Gallery[]Head Poet's Anxiety[]Leader of the Rack[]Lance Loud's truck[]
Lance Loud's truck is the truck owned by Lance Loud. Appearance[]It is a green truck with gold rims. Gallery[]'Twas the Fight Before Christmas[]Lydia[]
Lydia is a car that Lori coveted in "Coupe Dreams". Appearance[]Lydia is sky blue, with two doors and an off-white interior. History[]When Lori was car shopping, she instantly loved the blue car, which Lori named 'Lydia', but they could not afford it. Lori tried to raise money for Lydia by carpooling, babysitting, delivering food, and painting nails, but was unsuccessful due to getting fired because she was incompetent and too busy to do the jobs properly. She ended up buying Mr. Grouse's old car, which Leni named "Eliza", instead. Gallery[]Coupe Dreams[]McBride Bakery Truck[]
Appearance[]It is a white truck with a pink stripe. Gallery[]Pressure Cooker[]Pink bike[]
The pink bike is a bike that was previously owned by Lori, and is currently owned by Lynn. It first appeared in "Hand-Me-Downer". Appearance[]It is a pink bike, with glitter on it. It also has lots of heart and flower patterns on it. The bike seat is white, and the basket is light brown with a flower on front of it. It also has pink, blue, and white streamers. Gallery[]Hand-Me-Downer[]
Panoramas[]Sick Bike[]
The Sick Bike is a bike that is owned by Lincoln. It first appeared in "Hand-Me-Downer". History[]According to Leni, she was the first owner of the sick bike, which was purple in the flashback. Then Luna says Leni handed the bike to her, but she made some adjustments, by making it dark indigo, with spikes. Then Luna handed it to Luan, which she made into a yellow unicycle. Finally, Luan handed it down to Lynn, which she made into the bike that Lincoln now owns. Then at the end of the episode, Lincoln hands it down to Lana, who makes some unknown adjustments to it. Appearance[]The bike has light gray coloring, has a red plate with the number "1" on it, and light blue pegs on each side of the wheels. Trivia[]
Gallery[]Hand-Me-Downer[]Tandem bike[]
The tandem bike is a hand-me-downed bike currently owned by Clyde. It first appeared in "Hand-Me-Downer". Appearance[]The Tandem Bike is a yellow colored bike with two seats. Gallery[]Hand-Me-Downer[]
How the Best Was Won[]Luan's unicycle[]
Luan's unicycle is a unicycle belonging to Luan. In "Funny Business", Luan works at a pirate-themed birthday party, juggling fruit on her unicycle. She later uses her unicycle to go to Maggie's birthday party and help Lincoln. In "One Flu Over the Loud House", Luan's unicycle is seen lying discarded in the hallway because Luan is sick. In "Predict Ability", Lincoln, in attempt to seem unpredictable, rides Luan's unicycle to school. In "Puns and Buns", Benny tries to get Luan out of the way by having her deliver burgers on her unicycle. Gallery[]Funny Business[]Fool Me Twice[]Predict Ability[]White Limo[]
The White Limo is a limo owned by Tetherby. It appeared in "Out on a Limo" where Tetherby meet Lincoln and he liked his limo and he asked how did he obtain it and Lincoln said "Uh, mustard". Then the limo arrives Tetherby's Mansion and then Tetherby and Lincoln had a busy day with each other. Then the next day, the limo showed up and Tetherby asked Lincoln to come back to his club and so Lincoln and his sisters squirted mustard on Tetherby and on the limo and at the end the yellow limo left and the Louds were singing the Burpin' Burger song. Appearance[]The white limo is a long white vehicle and it's a fancy styled limo. Gallery[]Behind the Scenes[]GIF[]Yellow Limo[]
The Yellow Limo is a limo owned by Kirby and formerly Lincoln Loud. It appeared in "Out on a Limo" where Lincoln won the Seed's Mustard "Win a Limo for a Day" contest. Then the limo arrives at Flip's Food & Fuel when Lincoln was given a free Flippee and met Tetherby and asked if he was going to join him. The limo arrives at Tetherby's Mansion and then Lincoln hung out with Tetherby. Later that afternoon, he got back on his limo, and Lincoln was mad because he was no better than everybody and mistreated Kirby, and lost his limo. Later that morning, the limo arrives at Lincoln's house and Lincoln was explaining to his sisters that the limo is not for him, but for them. Then Lincoln called Kirby and apologized and Kirby agreed to give Lincoln and his sisters one more ride on the limo. Finally, the limo arrives at Burpin' Burger and later Tetherby arrives in his limo and he asked Lincoln to come back to the club because Lincoln is back in a limo. So, Lincoln and his sisters squirted mustard on Tetherby, and on his limo. In the end, the limo arrives and the Louds were singing the Burpin' Burger song. Appearance[]The yellow limo is a long yellow vehicle and it's a fancy styled limo. Gallery[]
Behind the Scenes[]GIFs[]Panoramas[]Sources[]
Minor objects/Vehicles