"No Laughing Matter" is the thirty-ninth episode of the second season and the ninety-first episode of The Loud House. Plot[]When Luan overhears her siblings complaining about her comedy, she decides to give it up. Synopsis[]As the siblings go on about their day, Luan arrives, and begins pulling pranks on them (such as hitting Lincoln with a boxing glove on a spring and shocking him with a joy buzzer, makeup related puns with Lori and Leni, burning Luna while showering by flushing the toilet, throwing a pie on Lisa, a knock-knock joke with Lucy using Edwin, a whoopee cushion with Lynn, a tofu-related joke with Lola, and an egg-related joke with Lana), while also announcing her upcoming comedy gig at a comedy club called the Chortle Portal. After pranking every one of her siblings, the siblings begin venting on how annoying Luan can be with her jokes. Unfortunately, Luan, who was heading downstairs, overhears them venting on her comedy, and immediately becomes heartbroken, and sadly heads back up. The next day, Luan begins acting normal towards her siblings, such as giving Lincoln a glass of punch, asking Lori and Leni for a hairbrush, supporting Lisa with her equations, asking Lynn and Lucy for a dollar (which they don't respond to), and asking Lola for a dollar (which she actually responds to). The remaining siblings are weirded out at Luan's new attitude, but eventually decide to celebrate by eating pie, since it means they can get a break from the pranks. Later, as Lincoln begins to collect everyone's trash, he discovers that Luan has thrown away her Chortle Portal flyers. When Lincoln informs Luan of this, she says that she threw them away on purpose, saying that she's giving up on comedy after hearing their venting the previous day. Lincoln tries to explain, but Luan begins tossing out all of her props, even Mr. Coconuts. This causes Lincoln to break the news towards the remaining siblings, who are shocked, since Luan was so anticipated to partake in her gig at the Chortle Portal. As a result, they begin to devise a plan on how to get Luan into comedy again. The next day, the siblings attempt make Luan get into comedy by setting up jokes so Luan can finish the punchline, but Luan just simply gives them rational/straightforward answers instead of making some kind of joke or punchline out of them. Realizing that plan didn't work, they go with a second plan, which involves making spit takes at anything Luan says, even if it's not a joke. Luan, getting fed up with her siblings after realizing their intentions, calls them out, saying that no matter how hard they try, she's not going to go back to comedy. Later, Lisa has revealed that she has made a time machine to transport themselves to the past two minutes before Luan overheard them venting about her. But at the same time, Lincoln arrives with all of Luan's thrown away props, saying that he has a plan of his own. When Lisa says that side effects include having their butts in front, the sisters decide to listen to Lincoln's plan. Lincoln tells his sisters his plan, and the sisters decide to go along with it. At the Chortle Portal, the sisters have offered to let Luan come with them, saying that even if she's given up on comedy, she can still enjoy the presentation. The host announces that the first comedian to appear on stage is Lincoln, much to Luan's befuddlement. Lincoln appears onstage, holding one of Luan's comedy journals. As Lincoln begins to recite the jokes written in the journal, he suddenly starts screwing up on the punchlines. Luan, getting more and more stressed out at Lincoln's failures, rushes onstage, and corrects Lincoln's slip-ups. Suddenly, the audience begins laughing, finding Luan's humor funny. Pleased with the reception, Luan begins doing her gig, while Lincoln sits down with his sisters, happy that the plan worked. The next day, as the siblings get their breakfast ready, Luan arrives, happy and content. The siblings congratulate her on a successful gig last night, and apologize for making her lose interest in her favorite thing. Luan forgives her siblings and promises to tone down her pranks. Suddenly, Luan trips over Lana, and tries to resist the urge to make jokes, but the siblings tell her that she can go ahead and crack a few. As Luan beings making breakfast related puns, the siblings leave, happy that Luan is back to doing what she loves most, while Luan couldn't be any happier to do what she likes. Cast[]
Lily and the Unnamed Brunette Woman have no lines in this episode. Physical distribution[]This episode is available on the "Absolute Madness", "The Complete Second Season", "The Complete Seasons 1, 2 & 3", "Les vacanes à la neige", and "Intégrale de la Saison 2" DVDs. Music[]
‣ Charlie's Bike A - Otto Sieben, Peter Balding [Title card.]
International edits[]
No Laughing Matter