The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
Episode Information

S4E21A Lynn and Mr. Grouse

Got kicked out, One Flu over the Loud House?
This article contains information about an episode banned in Poland due to prominent horror/zombie themes, and therefore will be unavailable to any user from these localities, with the exception of this specific article.

"One Flu over the Loud House" is the fiftieth episode of the first season of The Loud House.


When a common cold spreads through the Loud house, Lincoln believes his sisters have turned into zombies.


Lincoln wakes up late on a Saturday morning, and is surprised to hear nothing at all. He walks out of his room to find that the upstairs hallway is a wreck. He sees Lana and Lola come out of their room looking sick, and he tries to back away, only to find a sick Lori and Lynn. He continues to back away, only to be pulled into Lisa's room. He finds Leni, Luna, Luan, Lucy, and Lisa, who take his temperature to make sure he isn't sick.

S1E25B Sick Lori and twins approach Lincoln

A flu virus starts to infect the Loud House...

When they know he isn't sick, they explain what happened. Lori got the flu and sneezed on Lynn's basketball, causing her to get infected. Lynn went and drank orange juice from the carton so when Lana drank the juice, she got infected due to the germs Lynn had previously released into the carton. Lana coughed on Lola, causing her to get infected, and the rest were taking shelter in Lisa's room to avoid the disease.

Lincoln calls Clyde and tells him the flu is invading the house. Clyde mourns when he hears Lori got the flu. Lincoln lets Clyde know six of them are fine, only for Luan to sneeze. When Lincoln and the others assume her to be infected, Luan tries quipping she's "snot." Mere seconds later, she indeed becomes a "zombie" and is thrown out of the room by the other survivors.

Lincoln says they need to leave the house, but Leni says that they should help their family. Everyone sides with Lincoln and grabs a gun filled with chicken soup, except for Leni who believes that they should take care of the ones who have the flu. They break out of the room and begin warding off the zombies. Unfortunately for Luna, Luan and Lola corner and sneeze on her, getting her infected. They rest act like zombies as camouflage and make it downstairs, knowing Luna got infected and thinking Lucy also got infected. They try to leave through the front door, but the pets are outside and infected. They try the back door, but find more infected siblings. They head to Mom and Dad's room and find them infected and cornered by them. Thankfully for them, Lucy (still not infected but mistaken to be) opens the door on time.

Lincoln tries contacting Clyde, but his walkie-talkie is dead. They sneak into Lisa's room for batteries and see Lily is infected too. Lily sends a snot bubble at them, but it misses and it goes out the window. They recharge the walkie-talkie and make it to the kitchen. When Lincoln attempts to open the door, the snot bubble flies in through an open window and infects Lucy for real, who then infects both the doorknob and Lisa.

S1E25B Zombie Lincoln and Leni

There were no survivors.

Now down to Lincoln and Leni, the latter offers to stay behind and help the others, allowing Lincoln to escape. Just as Lincoln is about to make a break for it though, he notices Luna about to sneeze on Leni. Thus, Lincoln jumps in front of her and gets himself infected. Leni goes over to Lincoln asking why he did what he did, who replies that Leni deserved to be healthy more than he did... only for him to end up sneezing on her. With that, the entire Loud family has been infected with the flu, rendering the escape mission all for nothing.

As a silver lining, Clyde has decided to do his part in helping the family recover, noting that while the Louds are infected, they're still human. Wearing a hazmat suit, Clyde brings his food into the living room, which the Louds quickly devour.


Lori, Lynn and Lynn Sr. have no lines in this episode, although they can be heard moaning and (in Lori and Lynn's case) sneezing.


 ) Associated production music
 ) Original music
 ) The Loud House/The Casagrandes music
  Run for It - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Title card.]

  Vibe Link (b) - Richard Myhill [Lincoln realizes that the house is quiet.]

  Search Party 1 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Montage of the spread of the flu.]

Physical distribution[]

This episode is available on the "It Gets Louder", "The Complete First Season", "The Complete Seasons 1, 2 & 3", "Tempête à la maison", and "Intégrale de la Saison 1" DVDs.


  • This episode was banned from reruns in 2020 due to its themes mirroring the COVID-19 pandemic. This also caused its sister episode to be banned as well.
    • However, these episodes still air on Nicktoons CEE, Nickelodeon Southeast Asia, Nickelodeon Iberia (Portugal and Spain), Nick on Pluto TV and Nickelodeon Austria; are available for viewing on Paramount+ and SkyShowtime; and are always available on the DVD releases.
    • In addition, the episode premiered in Sri Lanka on September 2, 2020 and in Japan on April 28, 2021, during the pandemic.
    • This episode was also in rotation in Yle Areena (Finland) during the pandemic in 2020.
    • On October 9, 2022, Nicktoons USA aired the episode on its channel, marking it the first time in nearly over two years that the episode aired in the country following the events of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • This episode is omitted from Nickelodeon On-Demand on DirecTV for unknown reasons.
  • This episode premiered as a part of Nickelodeon's Halloween episodes.
    • The use of the Loud sisters as flu zombies clearly matches with the Halloween theme.
  • This and its sister episode are the only Season 1 episodes to not be part of a premiere week.
  • Rita's face is shown once again, although only her mouth and nose are shown. Lynn Sr.'s full body is shown in silhouette, and his eyes are also shown when he's infected.
    • Before "11 Louds a Leapin'", Lynn Sr.'s full head was shown, but his face was covered by a tissue.
    • Also, Rita grew eight bangs instead of six that covers her eyes like Lucy's, her lipstick is not shown, and her left earring is barely visible.
  • The order in which the Louds get hit and how they get infected with the zombie flu:
    1. Lori - Unknown. (Patient Zero)
    2. Lynn - Touched the infected basketball that was sneezed on by Lori.
    3. Lana - Drank the infected orange juice that was drank by Lynn.
    4. Lola - Got coughed on by Lana.
    5. Luan - Unknown.
    6. Luna - Got coughed on by Luan and Lola.
    7. The pets: Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt - Unknown.
    8. Lynn Sr. - Unknown.
    9. Rita - Unknown.
    10. Lily - Unknown.
    11. Lucy - Got infected by Lily's snot bubble.
    12. Lisa - Got sneezed on by Lucy.
    13. Lincoln - Got sneezed on by Luna.
    14. Leni - Got sneezed on by Lincoln.
  • Luna was the only Loud who got infected by more than one person.
  • Luna and Lola were the only two Loud sisters who got infected by their roommates.
  • Hops, Fangs, Izzy, El Diablo, Gary, and Bitey did not appear in the episode and are the only members of the Loud household not to get infected.
  • Lisa and Leni were the only two Loud siblings who didn't infect anybody.
  • Cartoon biology: Besides the fact that influenza never causes people to act like zombies, it also does not really change the color of the eyes, and it takes days to manifest instead of a few seconds.
  • Clyde was the only character in this episode to not be/get infected.
  • This episode reveals that Lincoln and Clyde have invented an escape protocol for when a Loud falls sick, and that they put different diseases under different "levels", with flu being a level four.
  • Irony:
    • Lincoln spends the whole episode trying to escape while not getting infected, yet willing passes on an escape within reach and get sick at the end by jumping in front of Luna as she was about to sneeze on Leni.
    • Adding onto that, Lincoln himself ends up sneezing on her shortly after.


  • One Flu Over the Loud House - The title is a parody of the novel, play and 1975 film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
  • Juice Box - When Lynn is drinking orange juice after getting sick, the carton says "0.07% juice, all pulp". This is a reference to how many store bought fruit juices are only about 10% real fruit juice, or less, and the rest is just added sugar and other additives.
  • Mother Teresa - At one point, Lincoln mentions the saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
  • Ray Parker Jr. - The music played after the remaining Louds get prepared references the 1984 theme song "Ghostbusters".
  • The Walking Dead - Lincoln waking up to a seemingly abandoned house is similar to the opening scene of the first episode of the series where Rick Grimes wakes up in the hospital. Lincoln also compares the family getting sick to a zombie apocalypse.


S1E25B Lori sneezes on a basketball

If Lori has a fever, then why is her temperature 98.6 degrees?

  • When Rita uses the laser thermometer to check Lori's temperature in the flashback, she says she has a fever, but the thermometer clearly says "98.6°", the same degree Leni got from Lincoln.
S1E25B Leni and Luan

Leni went from being next to Luan...

S1E25B Luan sneezes being next to Luna.

  • Leni was next to Luan in one scene, but in the next scene, she is next to Luna.
  • When Lincoln says, "That's the crisis?", the closed-captions say, "That's the food crisis?".
  • When Lincoln says, "Looks like we're going up. Loud, you take point!", the closed-captions say, "Looks like we're going up. Loud, you take front!".
  • From the scene where Luna is being "attacked" by Lola and Luan until the scene where she walks after being infected, her left paperclip earring is missing.
  • When Luna gets infected, she starts walking from the bathroom door. However, when Lincoln, Leni, Lucy and Lisa act as zombies, she was coming from the opposite side of the hall.
  • When Lincoln, Leni, Lucy and Lisa act as zombies, Leni walks to Lincoln's room direction. However, when Lincoln calls them to go downstairs, Leni is coming from the opposite direction.
S1E25B Infected pets

If Geo got infected, then why was he still in his ball?

  • Possible: Geo was infected with the other pets but was still in his ball when being infected, so it doesn't occur how he got infected. However, it could have been that he was out of his ball at the time of infection, but then returned to his ball afterwards.
  • When the snot bubble is going towards Lincoln, Leni, Lucy and Lisa, Lincoln doesn't have his gun. But when they duck and stand up, his gun suddenly appears.
  • When Lily stands up in Lisa's room, the background behind her was the hall and the room doors. When she sneezes the snot bubble, the background behind her was Lisa's room wallpaper but when she crawls to the bottle, the background behind her was the hall and the room's doors again.
  • When Lincoln and the sisters are going downstairs the second time, Lincoln's gun is pointing to the right (viewer's left). When they get to the stairs' foot, it was pointing to the left. But when they enter the kitchen, it was pointing to the right again.
  • Lincoln's gun disappears when Lucy sneezes on the doorknob.
  • When the infected sisters enter the kitchen, one of the chairs disappears.
  • When Lisa shoots at Lola, the chicken soup goes through the car's windshield.
  • When Luna is being cornered by Lola and Luan, Lincoln shoots ten times but only two chicken soup projectiles are seen. The same thing happens when Luna shoots Luan.
  • Lola crashed her car by the hall where the bathroom door is, but it was nowhere to be seen when Luna is being cornered by Lola and Luan.
  • During Luna's first line, the captions say "Lola", then "Leni" for the next part of her line.
  • When Lincoln sees the upstairs hallway for the first time it's a wreck, but later when he and his sisters come out from Lisa and Lily's room, the hallway is somehow clean.
  • In the Latin American Spanish dub, Lincoln says "112 square feet" instead of "1200 square feet".
    • In the same dub, Clyde's nickname "Safe Haven" is mistakenly translated as "Haven a salvo", when Haven in Spanish is "Refugio".
  • In this episode, Lincoln says that nobody has a food allergy. However, it is later revealed in "Fool’s Paradise" that Lana is allergic to rhubarb.
  • In the scene where Lincoln checks downstairs and shows that it's clear while going to leave out the kitchen back door, he's seen shaded to compared to everyone else, as if no light is shining on him.



v - e - d The Loud House episodes