"Phantom Freakout" (originally titled "12 is Midnight") is the thirty-third episode of the third season, the one-hundred-eighth episode, and the eighth and final full-length episode of The Casagrandes. Plot[]Ronnie Anne and the gang are going to be in 12IM's new music video, but things go awry when a ghost wreaks havoc in the concert hall. The kids and 12IM have to find out how to appease the ghost, and quick! Synopsis[]Act I[]In the Casagrande apartment, Ronnie Anne and Sid are following along to a Twelve Is Midnight dance video. Ronnie Anne can't believe they'll be in the next music video for Twelve is Midnight, thanks to Sid and the zoo animals who ate 300 boxes of Twelve is Midnight After Dark Cocoa Cereal. Ronnie Anne's phone alarm goes off, alerting them not to be late. Later, they are outside the rather spooky GLC concert hall. They enter the concert hall and see the crew getting ready for the shoot. They walk up to the director, who knows they are the fan club contest winners. Ronnie Anne tells her to let them know if they need us to bust out their dance moves, but the director tells the girls to fangirl like they've never before. The girls changed into their fangirl t-shirts and join with the other extras. Ronnie Anne notices the cranky-looking bust next to her; she turns the statue away and resumes screaming, but the statue begins to glow. Just then, Twelve Is Midnight entered the room and approached the director. She goes over the concept with them before they go on the stage. Ronnie Anne, Sid, and the extras go in front of the stage, and the band starts dancing. Suddenly all the lights go out, also start flashing, and the speakers start playing arbitrary spooky sounds. Everything goes back to normal, and the bands start dancing again, but some piano music starts playing. The director questions where the music is coming from; Han thinks it's coming from the walls, but rather it's coming from the room on the other side. Ronnie Anne, Sid, the band, and the director head to a storage room where the music is coming from. The director opens the door, and everyone gets blasted with a blue light. They all enter the room and discover that it is empty. They all go back to the stage to do the music video again. One of the sandbags starts glowing and drops, narrowly missing Woo Yeon and the piano music starts again. Ronnie Anne gets a call, and it's Lincoln and Clyde who want to video chat. Lincoln informs her that he and Clyde are in Great Lakes City with Clyde's dads and invites her to hang out with them. She informs them that she and Sid are at the concert hall as extras in the music video for “Twelve Is Midnight.” When Lincoln asks how things are going, she says they haven't filmed anything yet because strange things keep happening on the set. As the girls explain, Sid points to stuff on the set that's floating. The other extras scream and run away, leaving the building. The boys tell them they're on their way. Jin questions the floating stuff and Ronnie Anne tells him they have a ghost. The director threatens to cancel the shoot, but Ronnie Anne tells her they have ghost-hunting experts on the way. The director is willing to give them a chance. Lincoln and Clyde arrive with their gear ready to go. Lincoln wonders where the ghost is, and Ronnie Anne points to all the floating equipment. The director meets the boys, skeptical of how young they are. Lincoln tells her to do her thing while they do theirs. Lincoln gives Ronnie Anne and Sid EMF detectors to help track the ghost. The detector goes off, and Lincoln sees the ghost hovering over the band. Clyde points his suction device, but the ghost avoids it and disappears behind the curtain. The kids jump on stage and follow the ghost. Sid points out that the ghost is over their heads. Clyde aims his suction device again, accidentally setting off a lever, which opens a trap door below Woo Yeon. Jin jumps into Yoon's arms, knocking over Jun Soo and Han, who grab the curtain to try and steady themselves but end up ripping it down. Yoon Kwan wants to share a piece of his mind, and the other members agree. They all hear something, and there's more glowing coming from the storage room. Ronnie Anne kicks the door open, and they all rush inside, where the eerie piano music resumes and the ghost assumes human form. It sees everyone and goes after them, smothering them in slime. Clyde tries to get the ghost into the containment unit but accidentally sucks up Han. Everyone hears the director scream and goes to see, and she's floating with the equipment. She has enough and tells them to call if they catch the ghost, then runs out of the building. Ronnie Anne knows they need to get rid of the ghost, so the music video can happen. Clyde takes out the manual for the containment unit to let Han out. The blue light gets stronger, so Lincoln starts pushing buttons, and the containment unit spits Han right out, right through the ghost. They all cheer, thinking they've defeated the ghost, but Woo Yeon glows blue and levitates. The ghost takes control of various classical instruments and turns Woo Yeon into a French horn. More instruments approach, and everyone runs. Act II[]Everyone is still fleeing the possessed instruments when the ghost snatches Jun Soo. Everyone else grabs on and attempts to save Jun Son; the ghost lets him go, and they rush through a door and shut it behind them. Lincoln uses Woo Yeon to jam the door. Ronnie Anne is curious about the ghost's identity and motivations. Sid recalls the ghost playing music, and Yoon Kwan is aware that the director was filming the rehearsals so they could check the playback. Ronnie Anne knows they need to get backstage, but a cello breaks through the door and eats Jun Soo, whose face appears on the bridge of the cello. The other instruments have a way in, and everyone heads up the stairs. They end up cornered in the VIP area. Ronnie Anne notices a rope holding the curtain and realizes it's on its way down. She ends up next to the playback equipment while everyone else follows. She hits the play button on the camera and hears the piano music again. Clyde recognizes the tune and knows who it is. He takes out his phone to use a music app, and the tune is from Narcisso Grillo. Ronnie Anne and Sid remember seeing his bust along with paintings in the storage room. Lincoln suggests going to the storage room to check for clues. Suddenly, the instruments find them, and they run. A bassoon is catching up with Han; the bassoon trips him, causing him to drop Woo Yeon and fall. Han gets sucked in and appears on the bass joint. Ronnie Anne ushers everyone into the storage room and closes the door. She sees everyone looking at a very large painting of Narcisso. After reading the plaque about Narcisso Grillo, Yoon Kwan realizes that it doesn't explain how to prevent him from turning them into instruments, so he hits the plaque, revealing a hidden entrance behind the picture. Everyone enters the room and notice a slew of concert posters with red Xs scrawled on them. On the posters, Ronnie Anne notices Ziggy and The Tropical Fruits. She calls Maybelle and inquires as to why the Tropical Fruits didn't perform at the music hall. Maybelle explains that they didn't even make it through the dress rehearsal due to paranormal activity and never came back. Clyde shows them an article on his phone about what happened to Ziggy. Ronnie Anne wonders why the ghost would cancel musical performances, but Jin identifies one that wasn't marked out. The one for the Chavez Academy concert band isn't crossed out. Ronnie Anne realize Narcisso only lets classical musicians play at the concert hall and has a dislike for pop music. She believes that if the band can play his symphony, he might back off. A violin glows and falls onto Jin and he turns into it. Ronnie Anne knows they need to get to the stage so Yoon Kwan can play the symphony. All the instruments in the room glow, and they make a run for it. They make it to the stage, where the grand piano is floating. Yoon pulls the piano down and starts playing Narcisso's symphony. Narcisso gets a closer look while the rest of Twelve is Midnight joins Yoon to play the symphony. Narcisso's face appears on the ghostly orb, and he is shocked. The bust then drops next to Yoon, and Narcisso's ghost emerges. He tells Yoon that he misjudged them because he assumed they didn't value music, but he sees they are talented enough to play his symphony. He then transforms the rest of the Twelve is Midnight, into humans. Furthermore, he also advises them to enjoy the hall since he knows true artists will grace the stage. Yoon asks the rest of the band to give the music video another try. Although Ronnie Anne recalls the director, Lincoln informs her that he and Clyde can film it. Yoon tells Narcisso he would love for him to jam with them, and he agrees. He starts playing the piano version of Twelve is Midnight's new song, and the band starts singing. Narcisso snaps his fingers, which starts levitating the girls, followed by the band, and finally the boys. Sid tells everyone to fangirl out, and everyone screams. Cast[]
Breakfast Bot has no lines in this episode. Trivia[]
Phantom Freakout