The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

Debra Philece Sampler was a American voice actress, producer, writer and director whose credits include various characters in anime.

Credits on The Loud House[]

Selected filmography[]


  • Sampler was uncredited as Mildred Scalise in "Recipe for Disaster". It was revealed when IMDb and multiple television guides[1] had said in the episode description that Sampler was a guest star, and Sampler's voice matched to Mildred Scalise.
  • Sampler was the second voice actor of The Loud House to pass away, following Fred Willard.


External links[]


  1. The Loud House 4x11 "Recipe for Disaster" (Television guide). Archived from the original on 2021-07-03. Retrieved on 2021-07-03.
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