The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
For the iteration from the original timeline, see Royal Woods. For its namesake, see Royal Woods (tree).

This iteration of Royal Woods only appeared in the episode "Time Trap!" and shows how different the timeline would be if the Loud siblings never existed at all.


One day, while Lori was practicing her golf skills with a homemade indoor miniature golf course, she accidentally swung her golf ball onto a side table that knocked over a black vase. The vase in question was a gift Rita and Lynn Sr. got on their wedding day, and every time the siblings broke it, they would get grounded for increasingly longer periods of time. Thinking the vase gives them nothing but trouble, Lisa gets the idea of traveling back in time to their parents' wedding day so she can prevent them from ever getting the vase in the first place.

After converting Vanzilla into a time machine, Lisa states that she intends to do the task alone after pointing out how her siblings aren't very careful about their surroundings, but they end up tagging along anyway by sneaking into the van without her knowledge. During their visit to their future parents' wedding reception, the siblings end up causing trouble that results in the wedding being a complete disaster. The siblings' interference in the past led to the creation of an alternate timeline where the siblings were never born because of Rita and Lynn Sr. swearing off having any kids, which has everyone they affected at the wedding or people closest to them taking on new paths in life. To make matters worse, the siblings were vanishing from existence one by one (in birth order) due to the fact that they do not belong in this timeline.

After a hectic effort of trying to find the parts necessary to create a time machine, while also having to deal with Mr. and Mrs. Gurdle capturing them after mistaking them for aliens, Lisa and Lily, the only siblings left by this point, managed to save their parents' wedding, bringing their vanished siblings back to life and restoring the original timeline, with the only irregularity being Lily photobombing their parents' wedding photo.



Loud family[]

S6E12 Rita and Lynn Sr arrive

Rita and Lynn Sr.

As a result of the Loud kids unintentionally ruining their parents' wedding, Lynn Sr. and Rita Loud swore off having any kids and instead dedicated their lives to traveling and each other. As a result, they undergo noticeable changes:

  • Lynn Sr. has a full head of hair and wears a lime-green scarf around his neck.
  • Rita wears a dress that is the same shade of red as her original shirt, a large white hat with a red band and white heeled shoes.
  • Instead of Vanzilla, they own a sports car with the same color scheme as Vanzilla, which resembles a real-life Lamborghini.
  • They have no pets, because (as revealed in Lincoln Vlogs), Lana was the one who originally found the pets.
  • They appear to be much richer, given their fancy furniture, their car and their trip to Europe, since they don't have to deal with the expenses of raising children (and looking after pets).

Bud Grouse[]

S6E12 They swore off 'em after a bunch of rascals ruined their wedding

Bud Grouse

After Lynn Sr. and Rita decided not to have kids, Bud Grouse became more youthful and fit due to never losing sleep. He also has become much more friendly, as shown when he addresses Lynn Sr. and Rita by their first names.

  • He has a full head of gray hair and his mustache is a slightly darker shade of gray.
  • He wears a blue sweatband around his head with blue shorts to match, plus he has a pink polo and sandals with socks.
  • He is more top-heavy due to exercising more often.


S6E12 Luna sees Chunk

Chunk's new job

Due to Luna suggesting that he play more rock-based music instead of the synthetic ballads he usually played, Chunk was not hired for a gig anywhere else. As a result, he resigned and ended up taking a job at the dump. He eventually came to own it and dubbed it the "Chunk Yard".

  • He wears a purple and white cap backwards over his head.
  • His nose piercing has been removed.
  • He wears a light blue shirt with blue overalls, brown gloves and brown shoes.

Lincoln's friends[]

S6E12 Let's dust this dork

Chandler's (brutish) friend group

Even though Lincoln was not born, Clyde, Liam, Zach, Rusty, and Stella are still friends in this reality. However, Chandler has instead taken Lincoln's place and everyone has adopted his brash and bullying attitude. All except Chandler and Rusty also have differences in their clothes.

  • Clyde's shirt has orange and red stripes. In this reality, he seems to be Chandler's best friend, complete with having a portmanteau of their names ("Chyde McBrann") as their friendship name, much like the former's friendship with Lincoln in the standard timeline.
  • Stella's shirt is light gray with a blue star and blue cuffs, her socks each have a purple and a teal stripe, and her sneakers are purple.
  • Liam's shirt has light and dark gray stripes instead of green, and his shorts are olive green.
  • The stripes on Zach's shirt are dark blue instead of teal, and his pants are bluish-gray.

Zach's Parents[]

S6E12 We've spent years looking for you

The Gurdle parents remaining the same

Mr. and Mrs. Gurdle remain unchanged in the alternate timeline. However, having witnessed the kids' sudden appearance and disappearance at the Louds' wedding, they believe them to be aliens and have a dedication to capture them. They are also shown to be constructing a spaceship and in possession of plutonium, which Lisa uses to reconstruct her time machine to travel back in time and prevent her siblings' interference at their parents' wedding.


1216 Franklin Avenue[]

S6E12 This carpet feels softer than normal

Living room

Lynn and Rita still live at 1216 Franklin Avenue, but it has undergone some small changes to its exterior and more drastic changes to its interior compared to the standard timeline.

  • The pet door at the back entrance has been removed due to not having any pets.
  • The walls and floors have a grayscale color scheme instead of its original colors.
  • The couch in the living room is different, and there is also a different coffee table and chair.
  • Lola and Lana's original room has changed into a workout studio. It contains a weight rack, a treadmill, a punching bag, exercise mat and an exercise ball.
  • The upstairs hallway contains pictures of only Rita and Lynn on the side with the bathroom. There is also a mirror on the side of the stairs which contains Lincoln's old room.

Flip's Food & Fuel[]

S6E12 They arrive to what used to be Flip's

Phillip's Beans and Greens

Flip's Food & Fuel has gone through drastic changes. After Leni spilled kale juice on Rita during the wedding, Phillip "Flip" Phillipini now goes by his real name and has renamed his store Phillip's Beans and Greens, which sells all-natural foods and beverages including healthy drinks called "Leafees".

  • Phillip wears his hair in a ponytail, plus he wears a beige shirt and orange pants. He also wears sandals on his feet, a green hippie jacket, and a beaded necklace.
  • He sells all-natural foods and beverages and doesn't sell Flippees.


  • Given the different paths in life the individuals in this alternate timeline took:
    • Mr. Grouse and Flip's lives turned out better.
    • Chunk and Lincoln's friends' lives turned out worse.
      • Clyde's path in this alternate reality echoes a sentiment his prime timeline self makes in "Study Muffin", in which he states that without Lincoln, he would fall in with the wrong crowd.
    • Mr. and Mrs. Gurdle's lives stayed the same.
    • Rita and Lynn Sr.'s lives improved in some ways (they are wealthier) but worsened in others (they hate children and have no pets).
  • The changes to Lincoln's friends and Mr. Grouse's lives were a direct result of the Loud siblings' non-existence, while the changes to Chunk and Flip's lives were instead caused by the ruined wedding itself. Rita and Lynn Sr. had some changes to their lives as the result of their children's non-existence (their increased wealth and lack of pets) and others as the result of the botched wedding (their hatred of children).
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