Rita introduces Luan, Lynn and Lisa to the wonders of knitting, but the three sisters take their newfound interest a little too far.
Fish Out of Water[]
Writer: Derek Fridolfs
Artist, Colorist: Lex Hobson
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
When Hank, the class piranha, goes missing, Mr. Bolhofner subjects his students to numerous forms of torture in order for them to fess up on his whereabouts.
Writer: Erik Steinman
Artist, Colorist: Lex Hobson
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
Leni believes her look has been "hijacked" when she sees her fellow high schoolers wearing seafoam green outfits, so she decides to find herself a new look with some help from Jackee.
Lynn It to Win It[]
Writer: Derek Fridolfs
Artist: Olivia Walden
Colorist: Lex Hobson
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
When Lynn realizes there are no more sports events for her to win, she decides to turn everything into a competition so she can claim victory.
Rock n' Roll Model[]
Writer, Artist, Colorist: Amanda Lioi
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
After Luna sings a song to Lily to comfort her from a nightmare, Lily gains a newfound love for rock and roll music and wishes to join Luna alongside the Moon Goats.
Hazardous Conditions[]
Writer: Derek Fridolfs
Artist: Marc Stone
Colorist: Laurie E. Smith
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
It's Prank Week at Fairway University, and Lori, not wanting to fall victim to a prank, decides to call up Luan for advice on how to save herself.
Family A Calling[]
Writer: Kacey Huang-Wooley
Artist, Colorist: Lex Hobson
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
Lori is leading a work study with her friends, but before she can even begin, she gets numerous calls from her siblings asking her for help.
A Not So Close Encounter[]
Writers: Kara and Amanda Fein
Artist: Melissa Kleynowski
Colorist: Laurie E. Smith
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
Zach and his parents eagerly look forward to seeing aliens in the sky, but whenever the aliens make their presence known, the Gurdles' heads are always turned the other way.
A Petty Playdate[]
Writer: Kacey Huang-Wooley
Artist, Colorist: Erin Hyde
Letterer: Wilson Ramos Jr.
Victorie, Lacey St. Clair's pet dog, discovers Lana feeding her pets mud pies, and decides to add a little flair to the presentation.
Originally, this graphic novel was going to be published on November 29, 2022, but was delayed to December 27, 2022.
This graphic novel currently holds the record for having the smallest number of comics featured, with only nine.
The following things are revealed:
Rita has "enforced family fun" with her children once a week.
Rita can knit, and she knitted Lynn Sr. a sweater for their first anniversary and Lana a toy alligator when she was a baby.
Until the events of the comic, Lynn disliked knitting due to feeling it was for "cat ladies". She enjoyed it once she learned how, though.
Mr. Bolhofner considers Hank going missing a "code red".
Leni dislikes it when many others wear the same clothes as her.
Fairway University sometimes holds a "Prank Week".
Lori invented a dance called the "poop dance" to entertain Lily on the toilet.
On the front cover, Lori's hair is the same shade of blonde as Leni and Lily's hair.