The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The following is a transcript for the short "Super Switcheroo-niverse."


Paramount Global The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.

[Open on Lincoln in a dark room, holding an illuminated flashlight.]
Lincoln: "Somewhere beyond our understanding exists a vast array of parallel universes much different from our own." [As he speaks, an eye opens to reveal the rabbit universe from "White Hare", while a door also opens to show the genderbent universe from "One of the Boys".] "But there's one universe that stands out from the rest, where heroes and villains from our favorite movies and comics really exist, heroes like... Muscle Fish." [takes out a Muscle Fish comic] "But what do our heroes do all day when they're not battling villains and saving the world? Let's find out by tagging along with the lovable Muscle Fish as he starts a normal day in this not-so-normal universe. Uh-oh, he seems to be running a little late."
[Fade in to Muscle Fish running late]
Muscle Fish: [checks his watch] "Uh-oh, I'm running extremely late! Only three minutes till class starts." [His watch shows Leni with her arms as the clock hands. He arrives at school] "All right, kids, let's get inside. I've got an extreme art project planned for today: ceramics."
Kids: "Sure thing, Mr. Muscle Fish."
[Suddenly they hear sirens in the distance and look to see Cephaloplex laughing as he gets away with stealing money. Cephaloplex passes by the kids, dizzying them so much they fling their ball upwards."
Muscle Fish: [watching the ball] "Oh." [gets hit by the ball]
Kids: [sobbing] "Mr. Muscle Fish, please get our ball back!"
[Muscle Fish looks at the ball, then the Leni watch, then at the kids.]
Muscle Fish: [gulps] "OK, I promise to get your ball back and start class on time."
[He destroys his clothes with a single flex, and then gives chase.]
Citizens: "Pipe down, Muscle Fish!" "You're being too extreme!"
[The ball hits a window, and its owner, a nun, pops up.]
Nun: "This is a quiet house."
Muscle Fish: "I'm sorry. Pardon me. Please, please, it's not me, it's the ball."
[He continues to follow the ball]
Lincoln's Stunt Double: "What's all that noise?"
Woman: "Keep it down out there!"
Muscle Fish: "Sincerest apologies. I promise, I'm trying here!"
Citizens: "Pipe down, Muscle Fish!" "Will you can it?!"
[Muscle Fish gets a flower pot on his head.]
Muscle Fish: [groans] "I'm trying to get the ball!" [sighs]
[The ball bounces into a reflecting pool.]
Muscle Fish: "Ah, water. Now I'm in my element." [enters the water, not realizing there's a sign warning of electric eels as he gets zapped by them. He comes out of the water with the eels and puts them in an eel charging station. Now he's on a motorbike with the ball riding in a sidecar and wearing its own helmet. Later, the ball keeps bouncing and reflects off the lamppost, forcing Muscle Fish to turn back the way he came. They pass a Flippee Factory Outlet, but he simply enters the store] "I'd like one Flippee, please."
[He exits and takes a sip]
Announcer: "It's our favorite frozen treat. Ah."
[Muscle Fish throws the Flippee in a trash bin. Later, the ball bounces on three poles as Muscle Fish climbs a wall and lands flat on his face. Dazed, he runs into all three poles, then hits the second pole before collapsing. The ball lands on him, followed by an elephant for good measure. The ball lands on a statue of Earth's beloved rulers, who in this universe are Mrs. Johnson, Flip, Ace Savvy, and Trashy. It continues to bounce as Muscle Fish peers from a sewer hole, the exhaust port of a flying vehicle, and a flower. At the Loud House, a music video for the theme song plays as the siblings sit on the couch with Lily toddling by. Suddenly, the ball bounces through the house and Muscle Fish bursts from the parents' room and follows it.]
Lola: "Ew. His muscles are all slimy."
Lana: "Cool. His muscles are all slimy."
Lily: "Muffiss."
[The ball bursts out of the Loud House from the kitchen window, with Muscle Fish bursting out of the front door in pursuit. He continues to chase the ball through a line of people at the movie theater and enters before taking a seat.]
Muscle Fish: [to the ball] "Oh, this is gonna be good. Trust me, I watched the first three minutes on the internet." [He starts eating popcorn and watching the movie, called Orb of Fear, which starts with a ball bouncing off from a dug hole on the ground near a wooden cabin. Another Muscle Fish bursts from the hole as the Muscle Fish watching the movie laughs.] "Ah, look, there's me!"
[The ball continues up a very tall construction site as Muscle Fish watches.]
Muscle Fish: "Hmm, how am I ever gonna catch that thing all the way up there?" [The ball continues bouncing as his eyes spin around. It passes by Fenton walking by, whistling, and hits him on the helmet.] "OK, I can figure this out. It's simple algebra." [groans as he concentrates, imagining graphs and shapes] "OK, yes. If A plus B equals MC squared, then carry the protractor and-- aha!" [gets near a hole] "Come to Papa." [The ball lands in his mouth and he spits it out as it bounces away.] "Dang it."
[He follows it into the city... then runs away with it bouncing after him from a blue bull, which is running away from a dinosaur, which is running away from Luan, who now has giant hands.]
Luan: "Wait, don't you want to hear another joke? Or is my sense of humor too so-fist-icated?" [laughs]
[The ball continues to bounce and lands in a bush.]
Muscle Fish: "Hey there, little pal. Come on out." [the ball rolls out, now with a face as it whimpers] "That's the way. Yeah, there you go, yeah. Yes, I mean you no harm."
Ball: "Yippee!"
Muscle Fish: [grabs it] "You're safe now, little buddy." [chuckles] "I'll get you back to the kids." [the Leni watch beeps, he checks it] "There's only two minutes left before class starts! I better hurry!" [enters the classroom] "Kids, I got your ball back. And now that I'm here, we can start class right on time."
Kids: "But you already started class five minutes ago."
[They point to a different Muscle Fish, having left an X on Muscle Fish's ceramics project.]
Muscle Fish: "Hey, who the--and--if that's me--but I'm--wait a minute, how can this be?!"
[It turns out all this is being watched by an octopus...]
Octopus: "Infiltration complete." [laughs]
[...which turns out to be monitored by the Lisa robot from "A Dark and Story Night".]
Robot: "Simulation successful. Ha, ha."
[Back to Lincoln in the void.]
Lincoln: "This is no infiltration, nor a simulation, nor a fever dream. This is just a normal day in the..." [flings the comic away] "Super Switcheroo-niverse." [Suddenly someone turns on the lights, revealing he's in Mr. Bolhofner's trailer.] "Huh?"
[It turns out Mr. Bolhofner himself turned on the lights.]
Mr. Bolhofner: [angry] "What in the blue blazes, Loud?! This is your report on plate tectonics?!"
Lincoln: "Mr. Bolhofner, I can explain-"
Mr. Bolhofner: [fuming with rage] "You had two weeks to prepare for this! I should send you back to kindergarten! What were you thinking?! And somebody shut up that theremin music!" [music stops] "This is lazy, irresponsible, rassafrassin'-" [burbles]
[The Muscle Fishes are watching all of this.]
Muscle Fish: [gulps] "I think maybe he was a little too extreme."
[The curtain closes to reveal the theater from earlier. Muscle Fish is snoring as the ball wakes up.]
Ball: "Poo-poo!"
[The end]

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