The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The Burnt Bean is a coffee house located in Fern Valley.


In "The Write Stuff," Rita takes Lucy and the kids from the writing club to the Burnt Bean. All of the kids perform their poems but Principal Huggins told Rita not to take the kids to the Burnt Bean.

In "Tails of Woe," Cheryl was going to go to the Burnt Bean to get a latte.

In "Brave the Last Dance," Lincoln and his friends accompany Stella at the Burnt Bean to read tea leaves to see Clyde's future for the dance.

In "Band Together," The Moon Goats (Luna, Sam, Sully, and Mazzy) preform their song at the Burnt Bean.

In "Training Day", Lana visit while following the destruction from Stella's bunny Jazzy.

It is also mentioned in "Grub Snub," when Lincoln suggests an equally good places just like Gus' Games and Grub and the Burnt Bean is one of them. Jackie says she doesn't really drink hot liquids.

In "The Taunting Hour", Lincoln takes Lynn to the Burnt Bean to show her that Luna has a critic (namely, the manager).

In "Save the Last Pants", Rusty and his friends search for Tyler at the Burnt Bean but discover that he is not there.

In "Bye Bye Birthday", Luna and her band perform at the Burnt Bean but she is carried off stage by the Morticians Club and replaced with Boris.

Lori applied for a job there in "Homeward Bound", but was unsuccessful. Luan would later help her get a job in "Trouble Brewing".



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Main article: The Burnt Bean/Live-action


v - e - d The Loud House locations