The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
Episode Information

"The Tennessee Surprise: Love is in the Air" is the eighth episode (ninth in production order) of the second season of The Really Loud House.


Determined to surprise Charlie, Lincoln and Clyde enter a debate team competition that will take them to Tennessee.


Act I[]

Act II[]

Act III[]


Guest stars[]

Featuring roles[]



  • The episode's title is depicted on the side of the hot air balloon.
  • This is the second episode (third in the franchise, counting "Friendzy") to depict the climax at the beginning, after "Sweet Dreams Are Made of Cheese". This is also the first time Lincoln does not point it out by the time the climax is reached in the actual episode.
  • This episode premiered on the 5th anniversary that "Stage Plight" premiered.
  • As of this episode, Charlie is now broken up with Lincoln and hooked up with Marcus.
  • This episode reveals the following:
    • Lincoln considers Mr. Bolhofner to be the worst teacher he has ever had.
    • Charlie's birthday occurs on February 26th.
      • This makes her the second character to have their date of birth confirmed, after Lincoln.
    • Lincoln has a history of ruining surprises.
    • Harriet once passed a velvet chair down to Lynn Sr. However, he ended up throwing it out when Lily covered it in diarrhea. Currently, the only people besides him and Lily to know about the incident are Lincoln and Clyde.
    • Lynn Sr. has said many things about his family that the kids have heard, including:
      • "Eleven kids is too many."
      • "Change the bath water every three sisters."
      • "If you lose the remote, you are the remote."
      • "We show up for each other."
    • Clyde can impersonate Skeeter and the Dump Truck, one of the best-known radio DJs in Tennessee.
    • Mr. Bolhofner has a soft spot for matters of the heart.
    • Mr. Bolhofner's ex-wife, who was first mentioned in "Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow", stole his television, his couch, and his dog named Buttercup upon breaking up with him. The dog also reportedly hated him.
    • Lynn Sr. prefers to write on paper than on a computer.
    • Lily dislikes peas.
    • Neither Leni nor Lily know that a shooting star is actually a meteor.
  • This episode takes place in 2017 or 2023, as Lincoln and Clyde leave for Tennessee on February 25th and arrive the next day (which also happens to be Charlie's birthday), and Lincoln mentions that Charlie's birthday is happening on the weekend of the Debate tournament.
  • A promotional photo taken on the set of "The Macho Man with the Plan" depicting the Louds in their half-birthday outfits appears on the wall.
  • The Loud sisters' Lily-based tasks:
    • Leni: Bedtime stories
    • Luna: Bedtime songs
    • Luan: Bathing her
    • Lynn: Putting her pajamas on her
    • Lucy: Brushing her hair
    • Lana: Feeding her
    • Lola: Ensuring she brushes her teeth
    • Lisa: Wiping her butt forever
      • Lynn is the only sister to change her task when the sisters switch over to Leni duty. In her case, she is responsible for bringing Leni a warm glass of milk.
  • When Luan takes Lily out of the bathroom, her hair is in August Michael Peterson's natural curly hairstyle.
  • One of the books that Leni brings to read to Lily is Wake Up Moon, the same book she declined Lincoln to read her in "The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale".
  • Lincoln negotiating with Officer Tryber out of fear of getting Mr. Bolhofner arrested is similar to how he clears his and Clyde's "wanted" status in "The Chore Thing".
  • Lincoln and Clyde using their debate strategy to get out of owing homework to Mr. Bolhofner is similar to how Carl uses his chess skills to manipulate Principal Valenzuela to willingly let him usurp her job in the Casagrandes episode "Rook, Line, & Sinker".
  • Lynn Sr. misspelling "writer" as "riter" is similar to how he misspells "menu" as "menyu" in the Loud House episode "Rita Her Rights".
  • This is the first episode to credit a character physically portrayed by an actor (in this case, Marcus) under "Featuring roles"; previous episodes exclusively used this section for voices, while characters physically portrayed by an actor were credited under "Co-stars".
  • Lana mentioning feeding Lily cheese to stop her from defecating is a callback to "Appetite for Destruction", which shows that it gives her constipation.
  • This is the last episode to be written by Audrey Hobert.
  • Innuendo:
    • When Lincoln declares that he has a history of spoiling surprises, he spoils the movie his sisters are watching and its sequel just as he walks out the door.
    • Lynn Sr. mentions that Lily had diarrhea that was so explosive, it reached the top of her head, which stained a velvet chair inherited from Harriet to the point where he had to discard it, much to the disgust of his daughters.
    • Lisa points out that Lynn Sr. has instructed to change the bath water for every three sisters that bathe, hinting that the Loud family may be recycling bath water for conservation.
    • Lincoln refuses to eat his chipmunk skewer, declaring that "no matter how [he holds] it, it's looking at [him]", suggesting that Mr. Bolhofner roasted the chipmunks without removing their eyes first.
    • Leni justifies the sky being blue by saying it wants to impress the sun, which is "super hot".
    • Leni lies about knowing what a shooting star actually is, but refuses to tell Lily, implying that Lily knows that a meteor wiped out the dinosaurs and could potentially cause another mass extinction in the same way. Lisa even brings up this type of tragedy when Leni asks her about shooting stars, which Lily catches on to.
    • Leni covers her head after seeing a shooting star out the window.
  • Irony:
    • Clyde is initially convinced that he and Lincoln do not know how to debate, only to become convinced that they do know how when he and Lincoln start arguing about it. This strategy also ended up getting them onto the debate team when Mr. Bolhofner told them they can't just join out of nowhere.
    • The Loud sisters begin opening their envelopes immediately after Lynn Sr. tries to warn them with pre-opening instructions.
    • Principal Ramirez shut down the Debate Team due to budgetary constraints and declared that this course of action was "not up for debate".
    • Lincoln declares that the key to making a long-distance relationship work is communication, despite the fact that he willingly ignored all of Charlie's calls for a month. This even prevents him from discovering that Charlie has hooked up with Marcus until it's too late.
    • Lynn Sr. neglects to record the contents of his parenting book that he plans to write after pulling out his audio recorder.
    • Leni initially refuses to tell Lily what a shooting star actually is out of not knowing the answer, only to later realize she made the right choice the first time when Lisa mentions that a meteor could cause the extinction of life on Earth as it's known.
      • Even though Leni refuses to tell Lily about the potential of the apocalypse, Lily overhears her conversation with Lisa, conveying that she knows the answer fair and square.
        • Even with the knowledge of the tragedy a meter could cause, Lily peacefully sleeps at night, unlike Leni, who remains awake in fear of shooting stars.
    • Leni kicked Lucy out of Lily's bedroom out of fear of traumatizing her with her story about a dead baby, only to become meteorophobic after learning that a shooting star is actually a meteor from Lisa, while Lily remains unfazed. This even causes the other sisters to shift from watching Lily to watching Leni.
    • Mr. Bolhofner's attempt to use Lincoln and Clyde's debate strategy on Officer Tryber initially failed, but Lincoln successfully ended the conflict by bringing up the many steps he had taken to reach Charlie.
    • When Clyde tries to communicate that Charlie is with Marcus, he mentions that there is a complication. At first, this seems like a standalone issue, only for Lincoln to point out that he thinks the "complication" is that he left the picnic basket in Mr. Bolhofner's van, which causes Clyde to discover the even bigger complication of Buttercup having broken loose.


  • Trolls World Tour - Rita putting peas in her ears to block out the sound of Lynn Sr.'s voice is similar to how Hickory and Poppy block out hypnotic music by stuffing gumdrops in their ears in this 2020 DreamWorks animated film.



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