The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia
S3E7A The Season Premiere of VoM

The Vampires of Melancholia, sometimes abbreviated as VoM, is a television program that Lucy watches, starring the fictional character Edwin. Aside from that, not much is known about it at this point, and the show never appears onscreen, until the Season 2 episode "Spell It Out". There are also books based on the series.


The series is first mentioned in "Left in the Dark", in which Lucy claims the downstairs TV to watch the show. Wanting to watch the season finale of ARGGH!, Lincoln offers to have Lucy watch her show on an old TV in her and Lynn's room, but he accidentally kills the Loud house's power in the process.

The show first appears on screen in "Spell It Out", where Lucy attempts to watch an episode about Edwin getting jealous about Griselda being in a relationship with a werewolf. Later, she forces her mute siblings to watch the show with her, in which Griselda reveals she's allergic to werewolf hair and reunites with Edwin.

In "Fandom Pains", actor Blake Bradley joins the cast as Edwin's distant relative, Tristan, causing Lori and Leni to join Lucy in watching the show. Bradley's presence causes the Morticians Club to protest for his removal; indeed, Tristan is killed off, but is turned into a vampire.

In "Fright Bite", the show came to Royal Woods to shoot a scene for the upcoming season. Lucy and the other Morticians Club members mistook the casting director as a vampire and tried to get him to bite them into vampires after they mistakenly thought he turned random people, and Mrs. Bernardo into vampires. However, upon learning that truth, they were originally kicked off the set until the director notice them and cast the club as new vampires, where they met the actor who plays Edwin.

In "Heart and Soul", it is revealed that Lynn Sr., Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily have come to appreciate the show. They spend one night binge-watching the series with Lucy until 2:00 AM, causing the kids to become sluggish. The episodes they watch seem to concern Edwin struggling to choose between immortality and true love, with his overbearing family being recurring characters.



  • It is partially a spoof of the Twilight series; the main character Edwin has a similar name to Edward Cullen from Twilight.
    • Being a gothic TV drama series about vampires, it is also likely inspired by the 1960s TV series Dark Shadows, which in 2012 was adapted into a film of the same name directed by Tim Burton.
  • The cast and credits for the show were revealed in "Fandom Pains".
    • This episode also revealed that the show airs every Friday night, on a channel called Fright TV.
  • "Pop Pop the Question" reveals that it has a character named the Red Tarantula, who dates men and then kills them for money.

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