This article is in need of some cleaning up. Some stuff might be inaccurate, unnecessary, require expansion, or doesn't meet the Wiki's standards. Reason:Page has barely been touched since the premiere
Lincoln appears on the title card as a brown food scrap in the trash can.
The premise of this short is similar to the episode "Pets Peeved", as they're both about the Loud pets getting annoyed by another person's pet stealing something from them, and succeed in locking them away, only to regret it not long after and eventually become friends with the pet.
There's even a callback to the episode by having the pets hold a meeting in Charles' doghouse, complete with a slideshow presentation (where the first slide shows something personal to Charles, causing him to blush in embarrassment).
The way the smell of the lasagna entices Nacho to come into the cage is similar to how the smell of the Burger Blast food does to Ronnie Anne in "Fast Feud".
This short reveals that Nacho's favorite foods are taquitos, beef jerky, Flippees, and nacho cheese.
Despite Nacho debuting in Season 4 and appearing with Flip the following Seasons, this is the first time in the series to officially confirm Nacho is Flip's pet.
Trash Grab - The title of this episode is a pun of the phrase "cash grab", which refers to a product designed primarily or solely with the intent of generating profits or money.
Lana's Pets Get Revenge! - "Trash Grab" Digital Short - The Loud House
"There's nothing here!"
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