The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

(Open up on The Loud House. Zoom down to the garage, where Lynn Sr. is rocking out with Kotaro. Lynn Sr. is on cowbell, and Kotaro is on keyboard. Lynn Sr. finishes with a big ending on the cowbell and Kotaro with a keyboard glide.)

Lynn Sr.: WOO! Rock n roll!

(Luna is heading to Vanzilla.)

Luna: Rockin’ , pops!

Lynn Sr.: Say, Luna, where are you going?

Luna: Off to band rehearsal.

Lynn Sr.: Kay, have fun!

Luna: Thanks, Pops!


(Luna closes the door, and Rita drives her away. Kotaro’s watch suddenly beeps.)

Kotaro: Yeah, and Lynn? I gotta go make dinner for my wife. (running to his car) Have a great night!

Lynn Sr.: Thanks, Kotaro!

(Kotaro drives away in his car.)

Lynn Sr.: (to the audience) Me and Kotaro have a pretty good relationship. So does Luna and her band. And since she always comes home with a lot of energy, I’m sure she will tonight.

(Transition to that night. Lynn Sr. is watching TV in the living room, when suddenly, Luna bursts the door open and yells in anger, slamming it behind her.)

Lynn Sr.: Luna? What’s wrong?

Luna: What’s wrong? What’s wrong?! I’ve got kicked out of the band, that’s what’s wrong!

Lynn Sr.: Really? What happened?

(Flashback to what happened. Luna is ready to begin rehearsing a song with her band.)

Luna: Alright, dudes. Ready to ROCK?!

Band: YEAH!!!

Sully: Okay, but first, can you check out my song idea?

(Luna looks at the sheet he gives her of the song, and she instantly tears it up.)

Luna: Nah, don’t like it.

Sully: What?! It was about fifteen birds on a wire!

Luna: Dude, people are not interested in birds on a wire.

Mazzy: (handing her a sheet) How about this?

Luna: (tearing that one up) Eh. Too 1800s.

Sam: Hey! Why not mine? (hands her her sheet)

Luna: (looks at it, and tears it up) Too silly.

Sam: Luna! You’re my girlfriend! How could you do that?!

Luna: Whoa, whoa, whoa, enough bickering. Why not this one? (hands them her song)

Sully: “The story of a frog” ? Was this written by your little sister?!

Luna: Nah, I just happen to like frogs.

Sam: Well, this is too sad!

Luna: Your idea is too silly!

Mazzy: Well, your idea is garbage!

Luna: (gasps) Hey! Don’t insult me like that!

Sully: Well, you’re the one who trashed our songs!

Luna: Quiet! We’re performing this song or else! A 1, a 2-

(Luna is quickly kicked out of the studio, which is Sam’s house.)

Sam: Get out of my house and stay out! You’re out of the band! (slams door)

Luna: Oh yeah? Well, GOOD RIDDANCE! (marches home, but trips on a rock) Ow! Get outta my way! (throws the rock away, knocking someone over, then marches off)

(End flashback.)

Lynn Sr.: Luna! How dare you reject their songs!

Luna: I’m sorry, pops. I just didn’t have a taste for them. But now I realize...I should accept every song no matter what. (frowns)

Lynn Sr.: Look, it was just a fight, and I’m sure they’ll let you back in the band soon enough.

(A time card saying “Three Days Later...” shows up. Luna walks downstairs to where her father is. He is on the phone.)

Luna: They won’t let me back in even if I apologize!

Lynn Sr.: Luna, can you be quiet? I’m talking to Kotaro here. (on the phone) What’s that? Cowbells are second grade? Well, your keyboard is a preschoolers’ toy, that’s what I think! Go ahead, insult me, but I officially declare The Key Bells to be OVER! (hangs up)

Luna: Uh, pops?

Lynn Sr.: Not now, Luna, your father needs some time to cry. (cries into a pillow)

Luna: You know what, daddy-o? (crying) Let me cry with you!

(They both cry together, hugging. Leni, on the staircase, cries as well.)

Luna: What’s up with you, Lens? (sniffles)

Leni: Nothing. (crying) I just hate seeing people cry!

(Leni joins them in crying, when Lynn Sr. stops and gets an idea.)

Lynn Sr.: Wait! Luna, can you step aside with me for a minute? Please?

(Luna does, and they head into the dining room.)

Luna: What’s up?

Lynn Sr.: Luna...(holding up a cowbell and stick) We’re starting our own duo! “Winnin’ Lynn and His Luna Tuna” .

Luna: Uh, Dad? Are you sure?

Lynn Sr.: (squeals) Yes!

Luna: Well, in that case...(taking out her guitar) Let’s rock!

Both: Yeah!

Leni: (jumping into the room) Me too! (falls and gets up, her sunglasses over her eyes) Huh? Is it nighttime already?

(In the garage, Luna and Lynn Sr. are preparing to rehearse. Luna is tuning her guitar, and Lynn Sr. is giving his cowbell a test clicking.)

Luna: (finishes tuning) You done yet, Dad?

Lynn Sr.: Hang on, just one more click. (clicks) Okay, now I’m done.

Luna: Then let’s do this!

Lynn Sr.: Heck yeah! So, what’s our first song about?

Luna: (nervously handing him it) This.

Lynn Sr.: (reading through the song)’s about a girl who loses her family after they were separated by an iceberg breaking apart, and then reunited when a whale’s song led them back?

Luna: Well-

Lynn Sr.: Honey, this is AMAZING! Your friends can reject your songs, but I never will.

Luna: Thanks, dad. Now come on! Let’s begin rehearsing!

Lynn Sr.: Rock and roll! (throws the cowbell up in the air, but breaks it) But first, we’re gonna need another cowbell.

(Later, Lynn Sr. and Luna are running home in exhaustion. They make it to the garage with a new cowbell.)

Luna: Well, that farmer was pretty tough, but at least we got the bell from the cow.

Lynn Sr.: Yeah, but guess what? It made me in (holding up a triangle) shape!

(Luan laughs offscreen.)

Luan: (offscreen) Good one, Dad!

Luna: (chuckles a little) Yeah, that was pretty good. Let’s begin!

Lynn Sr.: Alright! A 1, 2, 3, rock n roll!

(They start rehearsing their song. Luna begins with a guitar riff, then Lynn Sr. with a cowbell. Then it repeats, but Lily crying offscreen cuts Lynn Sr. off. Rita walks onscreen, holding her.)

Rita: Excuse me, but I think Little Miss Lily needs to be changed.

Lynn Sr.: Sorry, Luna, but I gotta change the baby.

(Lynn Sr. runs off, carrying Lily.)

Luna: Sure, dad! (sighs in annoyance)

(Later, Lynn Sr. comes back, having finished changing Lily.)

Lynn Sr.: Whew! Try smelling her. She stunk!

Luna: Don’t worry. It happened to me before. Ready to jam again?

Lynn Sr.: Ready as I’ll ever be! (gets out his cowbell) A 1, 2, 3, 4!

(They begin to play the same melody as before again, but...)

Lori: (offscreen) Luna!

(Lori marches onscreen.)

Luna: Yeah, sis?

Lori: Can you teach me a romantic song to sing to Bobby? I have to sing him one or he’ll literally be crushed!

Luna: Sure, sis, I’ll help. Sorry, pops. I gotta help Lori. (walks off with her)

Lynn Sr.: Uh, sure, Luna! (frowns) And we were only beginning to start rehearsing.

(Later, Luna is done, and Lori follows her back.)

Lori: Thank you so much, Luna. You’re a big help! (kisses her forehead) Love you, little sis. (runs off)

Luna: Okay, ready to begin again?

Lynn Sr.: You betcha!

(They are prepared to begin playing, but...)

Rita: (offscreen) Dinner’s ready!

Luna: (checking her phone) Dang, it’s already 5? Come on, ma, can we-

Rita: (offscreen) Quick! It’ll get cold and I can’t reheat it because our microwave’s broken!

Luna: So much for rehearsal. Maybe after dinner?

Lynn Sr.: Alright! (realizes) Oh, shoot. I have to babysit the Fox Quintuplets because Lynn has basketball practice tonight and you, Lori, Leni, and Luan are too hesitant!

Luna: (sighs) Okay. But I promise tomorrow night, okay?

Lynn Sr.: You got it. I made up a rock n roll handshake.

Luna: Sweet! How’s it go?

Lynn Sr.: Like this. I snap, (snaps), now you snap...

Luna: (snaps)

Lynn Sr.: I jump, (jumps), now you jump...

Luna: (jumps)

Lynn Sr.: And then...(making the rock pose) ROCK N ROLL!

Luna: (doing the same) ROCK N ROLL!

Lynn Sr.: There you go! Now together!

(They snap, jump, and...)

Both: (making rock poses) ROCK N ROLL!

Lynn Sr.: I love you, my little rockstar.

Luna: I love you...pop-star.

(They laugh, and hug.)

Lynn Sr.: And about the cow with the did it get that bell when the farmer said he didn’t put it on him, nor nobody else?

(They look at the audience, confused. The next day, the bell rings at high school, signaling it’s done for the day. Luna opens her locker, and sees her former band walking. She gasps, and hides in her locker as they pass by, talking.)

Sam: So, Simon woke me up with his remote controlled airplane, and then mom walked into my room...wearing her old prom outfit!

Sully: Ohh!

Mazzy: I know Simon did that, but your mom wore that?

(Luna opens the locker. The coast is clear. She steps out, and looks at old photos on her phone of she and her band performing, laughing together, and dancing at a concert. She sighs, when Luan suddenly appears behind her.)

Luan: Hey, Luna.

Luna: (startled) AHH! Oh. Hey, Luan. (sighs)

Luan: What’s wrong? Your frown is upside down? You a chicken who can’t cross the road? Are you-

Luna: No, no, Luan. I’m fine. (walks off sadly)

(Luan gives her a look of concern. Meanwhile, Lynn Sr. is working, and sees two of his male chefs interacting with each other.)

Chef 1: So, you wanna come over and we can play some ping pong together?

Chef 2: Yes! I am the ping pong king. (giving him a noogie) Noogie!

(The two men laugh. Lynn Sr. takes out his phone and looks at photos of him and Kotaro at the cowbell concert, jamming out, and hugging each other. Lynn Sr. sighs. Lori approaches him.)

Lori: Hey, dad. What’s up? You look pretty upset.

Lynn Sr.: No, no, Lori. I’m fine. (walks off sadly)

(Lori, like Luan, gives him a look of concern. Later, Luna is walking home, and so is Lynn Sr.. They suddenly bump into each other.)

Both: Oof!

Lynn Sr.: Luna?

Luna: Dad?

Both: I feel lonely without my band / Kotaro.

Lynn Sr.: Aww, cheer up, kiddo. Just enjoy the band we have right now!

Luna: (smiles) You’re right, Dad.

Lynn Sr.: (pulling her away) Come on, let’s rock!

Luna: WOO!

(They are shown rocking out in the garage, only for Lynn Sr. to break his cowbell again.)

Lynn Sr.: Not again!

Luna: (searching in a box) Here. (gives him another) Take this old cowbell I used to play in elementary school.

Lynn Sr.: Woo! I don’t care if this is second grade! (jamming out with it) Look at me! Look at me! I’m a cowbell king! (breaks it) Dang it.

Luna: (fixing it) Unlike the others, this one can be fixed. And please, don’t play too fast next time.

Lynn Sr.: Sorry. (takes it)

Luna: Now let’s really begin!

Lynn Sr.: Oh yeah! A 1, 2, 3, 4!

(They begin rehearsing their song again, but Luna’s cell phone rings. She answers it.)

Luna: Hello? Ah, telemarketer. (hangs up) Sorry. Forgot to silence my cell. (silences it)

Lynn Sr.: No worries! I’ll silence mine. (using it) Come on, where’s the button?

(Luna helps him out, silencing the phone.)

Luna: You just gotta click the 6 button, with the “S-I-L” in the corner. That means “silent” .

Lynn Sr.: Oh. Right. Thanks. (picking up his cowbell) A 1, 2, 3, 4!

(They begin rehearsing.)



I was with my family in the cold

The waves were rushing, the wind was bold

Lola: (offscreen) LUNA!

(They stop playing, and look offscreen to see Lola glaring at them. She marches up to them.)

Lola: Have you seen my red hair ribbon? I need it for pageant rehearsal!

Luna: Lols, I’m busy right now. Can I help you later?


Lynn Sr.: Sweetie, why don’t you ask-

Lola: They’re too busy!

Luna: And we’re too busy as well! So try asking the pets!

Lola: Even they’re busy!

(Luna and Lynn Sr. are surprised at that answer.)

Lola: Oh, forget it. I’ll just make my own. (marches off, only to trip over...) My ribbon! (puts it in her hair) Oh, I missed you! I missed you! (beat; angry at it) Don’t trip me over next time, (marching away) oh you ribbon, you...

Lynn Sr.: Oh, great. This means we’re gonna be disturbed all the time!

Luna: Orrrrrrr, we could just hang a Do Not Disturb sign at the door.

Lynn Sr.: Huh. Great idea.

(Soon, the sign is hung up on the closed door. Inside, the two are rehearsing their song.)



I was with my family in the cold

The waves were rushing, the wind was bold

(Outside, Rita is going to Vanzilla holding her car keys. She hears the music, and thinks. She approaches the door, seeing the “Do Not Disturb” sign. She peeks in through the window to watch them.)

Luna and Lynn Sr.:


And the whale went

“Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh”

“Whoa oh, oh oh oh”

The whale went

“Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh”

“Whoa oh, oh oh oh”

(They finish.)

Lynn Sr.: And...the first verse and chorus are done! We’ll work on the rest tomorrow.

Luna: Rockin’! Well, good night, Daddy-O.

Lynn Sr.: Night, Luna Tuna!

(They do their handshake...)


(...and head for the door. Rita gasps and hides in a nearby bush as they pass by. She looks, and thinks. The next morning, Luna wakes up, only to see her father right in front of her face, smiling at her. Luna screams, startled.)

Lynn Sr.: Rise and shine, my little rockstar! We’re gonna rehearse!

Luna: (yawns) Sure, dad, but can I eat and shower first?

Lynn Sr.: Oh yeah, I see. Meet you at the garage! ROCK N ROLL! (runs off)

(Luna gets up, stretches, and heads downstairs. Lynn Sr. is walking to the garage, only to hear singing and music.)



I just wanna meet you someday

I really, really, really want your love

(Lynn Sr. looks through the garage window, and sees Leni and Rita rehearsing in the garage.)



Doesn’t matter if the street is one-way

Doesn’t matter if the doves, ain’t above

(Rita, who has been playing guitar, finishes the song with a guitar riff.)

(Lynn Sr. opens the garage door.)

Lynn Sr.: Honey? Leni? Why are you in the garage?

Rita: We started a new duo! “The Women in White” . (shows off her and Leni’s white uniforms)

Leni: On the word duo, you mean “do-over” ?

Rita: Oh, Leni.

Lynn Sr.: But me and Luna need to rehearse!

Rita: Please, honey, just 15 more minutes?

Lynn Sr.: (groans) Fine, but 15 more minutes and I need the space! (closes the door)

Luna: (walking up) What was that all about, Dad?

Lynn Sr.: Just your mother and Leni starting a new duo.

Luna: Aw, come on! Now we have family rivals?

Lynn Sr.: Technically, we still love them, but, yes. Yes, we do.

Luna: (growls in anger)

(A “15 Minutes Later” time card shows up. Cut to Lynn Sr. and Luna rehearsing their song.)



And now we are together at home

“Whoa, oh oh oh”

(Lynn Sr. and Luna finish with a big guitar and cowbell riff. Lynn Sr. finishes but smashes his cowbell again.)

Lynn Sr.: Why does this keep happening?!

Luna: If you didn’t keep smashing cowbells, we wouldn’t have to get another.

(Suddenly, the garage door opens. The twins, Lana’s unnamed friend, and Lola’s friend Roxanne walk in with band equipment.)

Lola: Step aside, Daddy and Lunes!

Luna: Uh, dudes? What’s goin’ on?

Lana: Our new band is what’s going on. We are “The Dumpster Divers” !

Lola: No no no. It should be “The Royal Woods Royal Queens” !

Lana: Dumpster Divers!

Lola: Royal Queens!

(They break into a brawl, scaring their friends off. Lynn Jr. walks in with Lori.)

Lynn Jr.: Break it up, and scatter out!

(The twins stop fighting.)

Lori: We own the garage now. We’re “The Golf Gals” .

Lana: Well, uh...

Lola: (whispers something into Lana’s ear)

Lana: Okay. Our band, “Junk N Glitter” , is sure gonna knock you two out!

Lori: Make me!

(Luan and Lisa enter the garage.)

Lisa: What in the name of Thomas Edison is going on here?

Luan: Yeah. And besides, I can’t band the ruckus! (laughs) But seriously, our duo, The Comedic Geniuses, is better than you guys.

Lynn Jr.:’s...NOT!


(Lincoln, Lucy, Clyde, and Haiku arrive.)

Lincoln: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I’m sorry, guys, but you have to make room for “The Dark Heroes” .

Lucy: I got a poem for it. (clears throat and reads the poem) “Dark Heroes. Totally dark, at the same time cool. Find them at the park, not the pool. Dark Heroes.”

(Lincoln, Clyde, and Haiku applaud.)

Clyde: An interesting work of art.

Haiku: Would be better if it was a haiku, though.

(Suddenly, a toy xylophone is heard. Lily enters with stuffed animals and toy band equipment. The band’s name is “Goo Goo Ga Ga” .)

Lily: Ga ga! (blows a raspberry)

(Rita and Leni return.)

Rita: I’m sorry, but the “Women in White” are totally better!

Leni: Totes!

Family: No, they’re not!

Rita and Leni: Yes, they are!

(Charles barks offscreen. He and the pets enter, dressed like rap stars. Charles turns on a boombox, which plays a hip hop tune, and they dance to it, and end with a pose. The family is surprised, then glare at each other. They start arguing, and immediately begin destroying each other’s band equipment. Luna and Lynn Sr. are aside, shocked, as their band equipment is destroyed.)

Luna: Dudes, stop!

Lynn Sr.: Aw, dang it! And that was the fifth time! (sees his cowbell necklace, and tries to play it, but breaks that one as well) Make that sixth time.

(The family has finished wrecking the equipment, and now they’re destroyed.)

Lana: Come on! Let’s destroy the garage now!

Family except Luna and Lynn Sr.: YEAH!!!

Luna: STOP!

(They stop, glaring at her and Lynn Sr..)

Lola: And what do you want?

Luna: Listen, dudes. We’re supposed to be a family.

(The family looks at each other, no longer angry, and rather confused.)

Luna: (sighs) Look, the reason why we formed this duo and started this whole argument in the first place was because...

Lynn Sr.: We got kicked out of our respective duo and band, and we decided to form our own.

Luna: We should’ve told you not to cause any problems before. We’re really sorry.

Lynn Sr.: If you can forgive us, that would be great.

(They bow their heads and frown. The family looks at each other, and smiles lightly.)

Rita: Of course. All is forgiven.

Lynn Sr. and Luna: (excitedly) Really?!

Rita: Yep! And, I think I’ve got an idea. Family, we’re hosting our own showcase of music! Each of our duos and bands can perform there. We’ll be inviting all your family and friends.

Sam: (offscreen) Speaking of friends...

(Luna and Lynn Sr. turn around, and see Sam, Sully, Mazzy, and Kotaro staring at them. Luna runs up to her friends.)

Luna: Dudes! Look, for the last time, I’m really, really sorry. If you don’t wanna be friends anymore, I understand.

Sam: Luna...

(Luna gasps, fearing the worst.)

Sam:...we forgive you.

Luna: Really?

Sully: Heck yeah! We saw everything. You and your dad forming a duo is AWESOME!

Mazzy: Yeah! And next time, we won’t overreact if you reject our ideas. We’ll just work hard to make more.

Sam: So, guess what?

Sam, Sully, and Mazzy: You’re back in the band!

Luna: YEAH! (sees her dad) Actually, my mom formed a musical showcase, and I was you wanna collab with my dad and me? If no, I-

Sam: Of course! Your dad rocks, even if he accidentally broke my necklace when I was over your house that one time.

(They laugh.)

Kotaro: Count me in!

(They all look at Kotaro. Lynn Sr. approaches him.)

Kotaro: Lynn, I’m sorry for calling your cowbell second grade.

Lynn Sr.: And I’m sorry for calling your keyboard a preschoolers’ toy.

Kotaro: Fun fact: it is.

Family: Really?!

Kotaro: Yeah, I couldn’t afford those keyboards, so I had to buy a preschoolers’ toy. Please don’t laugh.

Lori: Are you nuts?! I actually still have my Tot Girl electric guitar! I wonder if it’s broken. If not, wanna do a duet sometime?

Kotaro: (smiles) I would like that. Anyways, I’m with you, your daughter, and her friends! So, how does your secret handshake go?

(Lynn Sr. and Luna show Kotaro and Luna’s band the handshake.)


(Kotaro and the band do the same, but mess up.)

Mazzy: And...we messed up.

Luna: Nah, it’s cool. Takes some practice.

Rita: Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get this show on the road!

Everyone: YEAH!!!

(They all run off. Lily comes back, and finds that Kotaro left his keyboard. She plays on it joyfully, but falls onto it! She gets up, laughs at the funny noise, and starts slamming on it to make funny noises. That night, a stage is set up in the backyard. The backyard is packed with the Louds’ family and friends, including cartoon versions of the show’s staff. They applaud as Rita walks up onstage with a microphone.)

Rita: Welcome, everyone, to the Louds and Friends’s musical showcase. Tonight, we have various genres of music in the show, from pop to rock to comedy to hip hop. So, let’s welcome our first act: me and Leni Loud!

(The audience applauds as Rita runs off and comes back in her Women in White outfit. Leni joins her as the curtain opens.)

Leni: 1, 2, 3, 4!

(Rita begins to play her electric guitar. Leni dances, before singing.)



Baby, you know I’m waiting

Against the window

Against the door

There’s an annoying vacuum cleaner that I’m hating

Watch it go

Across the floor

And I just wanna meet you someday

I really, really, really want your love

Doesn’t matter if the street is one-way

Doesn’t matter if the doves, ain’t above


Guitar solo!

(Rita plays said guitar solo. Luna, her band, Lynn Sr., and Kotaro are preparing backstage.)

Sam: (tying her boots) So, is everyone excited?

Luna: Yeah! We’re gonna ROCK!

Lynn Sr.: Still fixing our equipment, Kotaro?

Kotaro: Yeah, just gotta see if the microphone works. (feedback) YOW! It works. Everything’s fixed!

Sully: Alright!

Mazzy: Woo-hoo! Now we just gotta wait...(looking at the playbill) for this act and 6 other acts to finish. We’re after the Women in White, Press Paws, The Comedic Geniuses, Junk N Glitter, The Golf Gals, Goo Goo Ga Ga, and The Dark Heroes. And our band’s name is...Rocks, Not Stones.

Luan: (laughs offscreen) Good one, Luna’s friend!

Mazzy: My name’s Mazzy.

Luan: (offscreen) Okay, got it!

Luna: Can’t wait to see what the other acts are like.

(Press Paws, the pets’ band, is rapping and breakdancing next to a boombox, wearing shades and caps. The audience is surprised.)

(The Comedic Geniuses have Lisa playing a synthesizer while Luan sings very fast.)



If you’re looking for some fun, go play in the sun

If you want to go and play, today’s your day

Eat some hot cross buns, there’s seriously a ton

I’ll show you the way, your teeth won’t decay!

(Everyone is confused at the song, but applauds anyway. Junk N Glitter is next.)

Twins, Roxanne, and Lana’s unnamed friend:


We’re the best of friends

Our friendship’s never gonna end

We’re the best of friends

We’re like a ring that doesn’t bend

(The Golf Gals are hitting golf clubs together to make music as they sing a call and response song.)

Lynn Jr.:


We don’t care bout a hole in one



We don’t care bout a hole in one

Lynn Jr.:

We just wanna have some fun


We just wanna have some fun

(Goo Goo Ga Ga has Lily playing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on her xylophone,  having a stuffed bear “play” the kazoo, and having a toy dolphin “bang” the drum.)

Audience: (thinking it’s adorable) Aww...

(The Dark Heroes are performing their own song.)

The Dark Heroes:


Ghosts are flying around us

Ghosts are getting on their bus

Things are not just what they seem

Living in a creepy, ghostly dream

(Everyone cheers as Clyde finishes with a guitar riff.)

Lincoln: Thank you! And now, presenting our final act of the night, a collab between two bands that formed, kicked one member out, and reformed, please welcome: Rocks, Not Stones!

(Everyone cheers as the band exits the stage. The curtain opens, and Luna, her band, Lynn Sr., and Kotaro begin performing, only for Lynn Sr.’s cowbell to break. The crowd gasps. Lynn Sr., embarrassed, runs offstage and returns with another.)

Lynn Sr.: Sorry about that, everyone. Now let’s rock!

(The crowd cheers as they begin playing.)

The Whale’s Song


I was with my family in the cold

The waves were rushing, the wind was bold

We were sliding and gliding on the ice

Lynn Sr.:

It was an iceberg big and white

It was day, it wasn’t night

The weather, no, it wasn’t very nice


Then the iceberg broke

Lynn Sr.:

And we were apart


I wish we just stayed on the ground

Lynn Sr.:

From the start


But suddenly when we were sad

Lynn Sr.:

A whale popped out of the water


And oh, the whale sang a song

That wasn’t such a bother

Luna, Lynn Sr., and the band:

And the whale went

“Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh”

“Whoa oh, oh oh oh”

The whale went

“Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh”

“Whoa oh, oh oh oh”


The whale began to guide our way

And I thought I heard it say

“Child, you are going on your path”


The water was 20 degrees

I thought that I would maybe freeze

But no, it was actually a nice bath


Then I thought “why would I die?”

The whale is such a friend

I knew that we would be my best bud

Whole Band:

Forever til the end

And the whale went

“Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh”

“Whoa oh, oh oh oh”

The whale went

“Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh”

“Whoa oh, oh oh oh”


Suddenly I found my fam

Wish I could’ve caught it on cam

Whole Band:

The whale led us so I could hug them

Their eyes were sparkling like a gem


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the whale went

Whole Band:

“Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh”

“Whoa oh, oh oh oh”

The whale went

“Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh”

“Whoa oh, oh oh oh”

“Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh ooh”

“Whoa oh, oh oh oh”

And now we are together at home

“Whoa, oh oh oh”

(Luna finishes with big guitar riffs as Mazzy makes a drum roll and Lynn Sr. hits his cowbell rapidly. Lynn Jr. sets up fireworks...)

Lynn Jr.: FIRE!

(...and launches them into the sky.)

Everyone: Ooh! Aah!

Luna: I love you, Dad.

Lynn Sr.: (tearing up joyfully) I love you too, Luna!

(They embrace as the audience cheers even louder.)

Luna: (to the audience) You know, when you’re in a band, or duo, you can face unexpected problems. But I learned to face them. And tonight, I rocked it.

(The band does their handshake, but falls. They still yell anyway:)


(And laugh. Zoom up to the sky. The fireworks spell out “The End” .)

