The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

Since I'm bored, I decided to create an Unpopular Opinions blog, like what many others have done. Let's begin.

1. I enjoy watching the "hated" characters. (Lola, Lisa, Lynn)

I know a lot of you enjoy these characters too, but for a majority of the fandom, these three are considered "unlikeable." I don't know wjhy people find them this way. They all have very interesting moments and funny episodes that both make them more likeable and have good character development (Lola: A Tattlers Tale, Undie Pressure, Out of the Picture, Lisa: Snow Bored, Friend or Faux?, Lynn: Space Invader, Lynner Takes All.) These three characters are definetly overhated and deserve some more chances for the people who think that they can't be any better. 

2. Lynner Takes All is one of my favorite episodes.

For most people, this episode would fall in the "Ok" category, and for some, in the "Bad" episodes zone. For me, it's one at the top. Lynn's behavior wasn't very annoying to be honest, I actually enjoyed watching it. It was funny for her to act like a maniac after losing one game. It was really cool to have an episode focusing just on the siblings, too. The ending was also really nice, even though Lynn still gloats, like Lincoln said, "at least it's not in our faces." Which is quite an improvement. 

3. Luan is a "meh" character to me.

I still haven't put a siblings ranking list yet, because I have a really tough time figuring out who goes where. For Luan, she's a pretty decent character, with good moments in the show, but I find her in the middle, for some reasons. I know a lot of you put her in Top 5 or a rank like that. First, she doesn't have much to say. This might sound ridiculous because she always makes different and creative jokes, but she always follows it up with laughter (usually "ha ha ha ha ha" and then "get it?" afterwards. When I first wacthed Luan, this was alright, but now I find it a bit annoying. Also, her puns are sometimes great, but sometimes not good at all (for example, the 12 Puns of Christmas.) I sometimes sigh with the rest of the siblings, I have to admit. To top it off, her act in "April Fools Rules," really changed how I thought about her. So yeah, Luan is around the middle in my ranking chart (which I still din't release yet.)

4. We need less Lori, Clyde and Lynn Sr episodes.

I can count around 4 episodes where these three characters are either the mani focus, or has a major role in it. (Seasons 1 and 2.) I think that is a good amount, and we can take a break from those three as the main role for a bit. We have a lot of development for Lori and Lynn Sr already (for Clyde, I'm not sure.) 

The final one is a bit off the show, but still has somthing to do with it. 

5. I don't really like fan art. 

There are some really good drawings of characters from The Loud House, or other shows, but in my opinion, I don't really like them. Whenever I see a show, then look at fan art, I cringe. Sometimes the art doesn't look like the actual character itself, and it's difficult for me to stare at a charcter who looks much different then on the actual show. Don't get me wrong though, some fan art are amazing, but others I can't really stand looking at. 

There you go! 5 Unpopular Opinions of mine. 
