The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The following is a transcript for the episode "Zoo-mergency!."


Paramount Global The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.

[A Twelve is Midnight music video is on]

Twelve is Midnight:
I was out in my neighborhood, looking ♫
♫ Just looking out for some snacks ♫
♫ Then I knew I didn't recognize anything ♫
♫ And that's when I thought, oh snap, oh snap...

[Zoom out to reveal Sid and the pets are watching]
Sid: "And five, six, seven, eight!" [They follow the choreography. Adelaide follows their moves on the couch; Mr. Chang is cooking dumplings to the beat.] "Come on, Cam! Really wiggle that tail!" [Cam dances] "Told you guys no one can resist Twelve is Midnight."
[Stanley continues dancing, when the timer goes off]
Stanley: "Pizza bao is done! Wha-what!" [Grabs the steamer pots off the stove] "Make way for the Chang special. A delicate bun filled with melty cheese, pepperoni, and a secret sauce handed down through generations of Changs. It's a perfect fusion of east and west." [To his nǚ'érmen] "Just like you girls!"
Sid: [Laughs] "You say that every time you make these."
Stanley: "And it never gets old." [Stanley goes to the table, everyone takes a seat, smells, and sighs. Stanley grabs his chopsticks and starts tossing the bao to everyone] "Hot cheese comin' through. This is not a drill." [The egret chicks 'Yoon' and 'Kwan' each catch one in their mouths. Cam the chameleon snake eats several. Adelaide also catches one in her mouth, and another in her hand]
Adelaide: "Dad's bao is the best, Marcel."
[Gives her other one to the marmoset on her head. Marcel enjoys. Nico the monkey is prepared to catch his, but it disappears right in front of him, Cam revisiblizes himself having stolen Nico's bao. Nico beats his chest angry, and gets a bao thrown into his mouth, knocking him over. Suddenly, Becca returns home]
Becca: [Noticeably bummed out] "I'm back."
Stanley: "Hi, honey." [Runs up to her with a bao] "These are my best pizza bao yet. Next stop your mouth. Chugga-chugga-chew-chew." [Feeds the bao to his qīzi, who suddenly bursts into tears] Oh, sorry. Was the cheese too hot?"
Becca: "No. It's not that." [Continues crying]
Stanley: "Too much sauce? Too little sauce?" [Becca keeps crying and runs to the table. In despair] "What's wrong with the sauce?!"
Becca: "It's not the sauce... The zoo is closing!" [Becca puts her head on the table and keeps crying. Everyone at the table gasps] "It's been losing money for years and we can't afford to stay open any longer. We're closing... next week!"
Sid: [Shocked] "What?"
Adelaide: [Shocked] "No!"
Stanley: [Missing the gravity of the situation] "Phew! So, just to clarify, the bao is okay?" [Sees everyone giving him dirty looks] "I mean, that's terrible news."
Sid: "What about the animals?"
Becca: "They're gonna be sold to a bunch of different zoos."
[Marcel whimpers to Adelaide]
Adelaide: "But Marcel has twenty siblings. Will they be able to stay together?"
Becca: "We'll try, but there's no guarantee, sweetie. I'm sorry, Marcel."
[Marcel is sad]
Adelaide: [Starts tearing up] "I see." [She and Marcel leave the table and go to the armoire] "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my crying cabinet."
[She and Marcel enter, and start crying. A waterfall pours from through the cabinet doors.]
Sid: "This can't be happening!"
Becca: [Putting her hand on Sid's shoulder.] "I know. I wish there was something we could do."
[Stanley thinks, as do Yoon, Kwan, and Cam. Nico is also thinking, and notices Stanley's wallet in his pocket. He grabs it and waves it around, chittering with excitement.]
Sid: [Excitedly] "Nico, that's it! You genius! What if we could raise enough money to keep the zoo open?"
[Yoon, Kwan, and Cam nod together in agreement.]
Becca: "We'd have to raise thousands in a week."
[Yoon, Kwan, and Cam sigh. Nico grabs his briefcase and fedora and walks to the door]
Sid: [Runs up to Nico] "Don't give up yet, Nico." [Grabs his briefcase, which opens. Bananas fall out of it.] "We have to at least try to save the zoo. We just need to get more people to come, right? Hmm..." [Thinks about it, then has an idea.] "Oh! I just got and idea! [Has another idea] Oh! And then another one! And then five more!" [Squeals happily]
Stanley: "Okay, okay! The Changs are gonna save the zoo. But first, pizza bao!"
[Takes Sid back to the table. Nico returns for the bao. Adelaide and Marcel are still sobbing, so Stanley puts their bao outside the cabinet for them and knocks. Adelaide takes the bao and they resume sobbing]

[At the Great Lakes City Zoo, Sid - holding a clipboard - and Becca are walking]
Sid: "My first idea to bring people back to the zoo is... make the dining scene more interesting."
Becca: "That's a great idea, Sid." [Has an idea] "Oh! Maybe we can do a themed day like Flamingo Fridays."
Sid: "Uh... I was thinking something more... interactive.

[At the dining area, the monkeys - dressed as waiters - are all holding trays of cupcakes.]
Sid: "Ta-da! People come to see the animals. Now they can see them while they're eating. Double animal experience. [Affectionately] Plus, look how cute they look!" [Claps her hands] "Alright. Places everyone! The guests are arriving. Let's save this zoo."
[The monkeys get moving. People gather at the tables, and stare affectionately at the smartly dressed monkeys.]
Zoo Patron: "I just wanna take you home."
Miranda: "Look at their little bowties."
Laird: "Monkey waiters?! It's all my childhood dreams come true!"
Becca: "Good thinking, sweetie. And how did you train the monkeys to serve food?"
Sid: "How did I what now?"
[One of the monkeys stuffs his entire tray into his face and eats all the cupcakes on it. The monkey then sees Nico's tray and tries to take it. The two start playing tug of war over the tray, which the first monkey wins. Nico jumps on the monkey and they start fighting. A cupcake hits another monkey. The other two monkeys are interested and start throwing cupcakes everywhere. Soon all the monkeys start throwing cupcakes. Becca and Sid duck, and Stanley gets splattered all over. Nico pulls the cherry off a cupcake and throws it like a grenade. The monkeys dive, but all the people get covered in frosting. They all leave]
Zoo Patrons: "I want a refund! I'm telling my mom!"
Miranda: "My hair!"
Sid: "Wait! Come back!"
Becca: [Cleans the frosting off her face] "Well, it was a nice try, Sid. But maybe we should keep the food and the animals separate from now on."
Sid: "Absolutely." [Has an idea] "Ooh, new idea!" [Speed dials someone] "But I'm gonna have to call some friends to help." [Suddenly, they find out the monkeys haven't finished their food fight yet and duck to dodge incoming cupcake projectiles.] "Let's get out of here!"
[They run]

[Meanwhile, at the marmoset habitat, Adelaide is hanging out with Marcel and his family. Marcel whimpers to Adelaide]
Adelaide: "I don't know, Marcel. There's no way we're going to raise all the money we need in a week. I couldn't even count that high in a week." [Marcel continues whimpering] "You're right. We've gotta get you guys out of here before they break up your family. But we'll have to get past Paul, the security guard."
[They look at Paul, riding his SEGWAY]
Paul: [Into his walkie talkie] "The monkeys are out of control, you guys! They're throwin' baked goods!" [Is splattered by a cupcake in the face] "Oh, I'm hit! Goin' down! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"
[Crashes. Nico and the monkeys joyride the SEGWAY.]

[Sid is now showing her fùmǔ her next idea]
Sid: "My next idea is sure to bring more people to the zoo. The world's first animal skate park! Ta-da!"
[Sid has actually put a skatepark in the zoo. Some animals know more about skateboarding than others. Bitsy skates by the Changs, a little nervous about it, with Nikki coaching her]
Nikki: "You're getting it, girl."
Stanley: "So that's what you needed the spare tram tires for."
[Cam starts on the halfpipe, and performs some stunts, finishing by balancing on the edge of the skateboard. The crowd clap and cheer. Ronnie Anne skates up to Sid]
Ronnie Anne: "Sid, this is great!"
Sid: "Skating and animals! What's not to love?" [Ronnie Anne skates on, and Sid grabs another helmet and board] "Get out there, Dad!"
[Sid throws the helmet on Stanley's head and the skateboard under his feet. Then she pushes Stanley forward. Unfortunately, Stanley doesn't know how to skate, and is really scared. Priscilla is having trouble balancing and Stanley crashes into her, and Sameer as he is just skating past. A llama is just sitting down, pushing it's skateboard with one foot, Stanley, Sameer, and Priscilla skate right up it's neck like a ramp. They go up the halfpipe and end up taking Cam with them. Back on the base of the halfpipe, Bitsy is starting to get her balance. Sameer and Priscilla land on top of the halfpipe, But Stanley and Cam ride down it, Stanley sees where he's headed. He and Cam crash right into Bitsy's behind, and she blasts water out of her nose, soaking everyone.]
Crowd: "Eww!" "Gross!"
[While the crowd leave, Becca and Sid run up behind Bitsy]
Becca: "Stanley, are you okay?"
Stanley: [Traumatized] "I'm okay, please get me off."
[Becca and Sid try to pull Stanley out of Bitsy's behind]
Sid: "He's stuck."
Becca: [To Bitsy] "Relax for me, girl."
[They manage to get Stanley and Cam off Bitsy. Sameer rides Priscilla down the halfpipe]
Stanley [Shaking] "I'm scarred for life."
Sid: "Okay, so there are some kinks to work out. Next time we can..."
Becca: "Uh, maybe we should try something a little more traditional this time."
Sid: "I hear your concerns, Mom. I know just the thing."
[Laughs maniacally with dramatic music playing and takes off]
Stanley: "Well it can't be crazier than an animal skatepark. Right? Please?"
[Even Becca's not sure what to think]

[Meanwhile, back at the marmoset habitat, Adelaide walks along, with a pointer stick, and blows a whistle. The rest of Marcel's family falls into line]
Adelaide: [Demanding] "Okay, listen up, everyone. I have a plan that will get you all out of here without anyone noticing." [Shows a diagram] "We'll tunnel our way out. The 'X' is the pizza shop on Fulton Street. You can have a snack there and wait for me." [Starts handing out spoons] "Martine, Madeline, Mason, Monique, Marquise, you're on digging duty. Macey, Michelle, Marielle, Maurice, you guys are on lookout duty." [Macey, Michelle, Marielle, Maurice all salute. Adelaide hears snoring from above, she sees the last marmoset asleep right above them] "Uncle Monty, you keep doing you." [Monty keeps sleeping, until he falls to the ground]

[Sid is now showing Becca a more traditional idea]
Sid: "Ta-da! I give you a totally traditional animal fair."
[Sid has arranged an animal fair, there are many people]
Becca: "This looks great, Sid."
Sid: "Right? And to give it a real zoo twist, I made it a little more..."
Becca: [Seeing where this is going] "Interactive?"
Sid: "..interactive!" [Realizes] "Woah! Do we have mother-daughter ESP?" [Takes her mǔqīn to see everything. Starting with a hair-styling booth where CJ and Carlota are prepared to treat Miranda] "Here, people can get their hair styled to look like their favorite animal."
[CJ and Carlota make Miranda's hair look like a peacock. She likes it]
Miranda: [Gasps] "Wow."
Sid: "You know, like balloon animals. Except it lasts way longer."
[Just then, Sergio flies up and starts hitting on Miranda's hair]
Sergio: "Oh, hey, beautiful. Haven't seen you here before." [There's an angry squawking offscreen. A rather jealous Priscilla is charging at them] "Uh-oh!" [Flies for it, followed by Miranda] "Priscilla, she's just a friend!"
[Sid takes Becca elsewhere]
Sid: "Over here we have animal art."
[At the moment, Bitsy is doing a portrait of Vito. She is pleased with it and shows it to him]
Vito: "Hey, my ears aren't that big, Bitsy. I demand a redo and a refund." [Bitsy feels insulted and throws a bucket of paint at Vito] "This is what I get for supporting the arts?"
[Bitsy turns her trunk up and walks away]
Sid: "Come on, Bitsy. Don't be a diva." [Suddenly, a microphone starts offscreen, she becomes excited.] "Ooh, it's starting!" [Grabs the very nervous Becca] "Let's go!"
Ronnie Anne: [Into the mic] "And now, animal open mic. Let's hear it for Tilly the Cockatiel."
Becca: [Can't believe it] "Animal open mic?"
[The egret chicks Yoon and Kwan bring Tilly's perch out. Tilly sits, clears her throat, gargles, and starts screeching into the mic. Everyone covers their ears, even Sid]
Sergio: [Starts dancing] "Oh yeah! This is my jam."
Becca: "Sid, I don't think this is working!"
Zoo Patron: "My ears can't take it anymore!"
[Everyone starts running in circles and yelling. Paul rolls up and blows his whistle]
Paul: "Everyone, remain calm! Just like these peaceful marmosets."
[Paul is referring to what are actually some cardboard cutouts of the marmosets. Adelaide peeks out from the bushes inside the habitat]
Adelaide: "They're falling for it."
[Returns to the marmosets, who start digging. Meanwhile, everyone is still yelling, which causes Paul's SEGWAY to spin out of control]

[Later, Sid, Becca and Stanley are cleaning up the mess.]
Sid: "Don't worry, Mom. My next idea is the best one yet. It's a K-Pop animal dance party! Everyone loves dancing animals. And besides, nobody can resist K-Pop."
Becca: "Sid, we only have a day left to raise the money. Maybe we should try something simple."
Stanley: [Still traumatized] "Maybe something that doesn't make my life flash before my eyes?"
Becca: [Gets an idea] "What about a charity gala? We'll invite some important people and they'll donate money."
Sid: "Sure, I can help! If you still want my help."
Becca: "Of course."
Stanley: "We're not scared."
[They both nervously laugh]
Sid: "Great! I'm gonna be so helpful."
[Maniacally laughs again and takes off. Becca and Stanley are scared]

[It's night time at the zoo with fireworks going off in the background. It's time for the 'Save the Zoo' gala. Plenty of folks are at the zoo. Many of them dancing in front of the café while Carl DJs. Including Sergio, who's wearing a bird tuxedo, and his date, Priscilla, who's wearing a green dress and pearls]
Sergio: "See? I take you on nice dates."
[Dips Priscilla. Ronnie Anne and Sid walk by the DJ booth]
Ronnie Anne: [Excitedly] "Sid, this party is awesome. You're definitely gonna save the zoo."
Sid: "I hope so. This is our last chance to raise the money."
Carl: "That's where I come in. I know how to get people to drop that cash!"
[Blasts airhorn sounds from the speakers. So loudly it blows the girls away. Everyone covers their ears, and the vibrations cause cash to fall right out of their pockets, much to their confusion.]
Man: "Hello? This is weird!"
Woman: "What's going on?!"
[Meanwhile, Rosa and Hector approach Becca]
Rosa: "Mrs. Chang, thank you for inviting us."
Becca: "Of course, Rosa. And any money you can give to the zoo would be greatly appreciated." [Camera zooms out to the giraffe-shaped meter, which she gestures to.] "We're at the Adam's apple, but we need the whole neck."
[Rosa clears her throat. And Hector starts sweating and trying to come up with a quick response.]
Hector: "Oh, um. I left my wallet at home."
[Stanley drives the zoo tram up, with Breakfast Bot]
Stanley: "Did we mention that with every donation you get delicious pizza bao? Made by yours truly and steamed by Breakfast Bot."
Breakfast Bot: "Order up."
[Hector likes what he sees and reaches into his back pocket]
Hector: "Hey, look! I found my wallet!" [Hector makes a donation and the meter goes up one unit, Becca is pleased by this. Hector eats an entire pot load of Bao and loves it] "Hit me again!"
[Makes another donation and the meter goes up another unit]
Rosa: [Kind of amazed] "Wow, he might save the zoo on his own."
[Hector continues eating. Meanwhile Sid walks up to Becca]
Sid: "Hey, Mom. I'm ready to help. I still think a little K-Pop could spice this party up."
Becca: [Laughs nervously] "Actually, I have another job you'd be really great at." [Takes Sid to the job. To Hector and Breakfast Bot] "Have fun, you two."
Hector: [Gives a thumbs up] "Oh, we will."
[Hector doesn't even notice the annoyed look from his esposa]

[Becca takes Sid outside the zoo gates]
Becca: "When the guests arrive, just welcome them to the zoo."
Sid: "Mom, aren't I a little overqualified for that?"
Becca: "Yes, but you have such a sweet and welcoming face!"
Sid: [Flattered] "I do?"
[Smiles like a crazy person, complete with an eye twitch]
Becca: "Thanks, sweetie. I'm gonna go schmooze with potential donors."
[Becca goes back inside. Sid starts greeting the man at the gate]
Sid: "Hello, welcome to the Great Lakes City Zoo. Or as the hippopotami greet each other..." [Starts waving her hands in front of herself like a hippo's mouth and roars at the man. And inadvertently chases him away. Two more women arrive] "Welcome."
[Starts chasing them, too. Meanwhile, Becca is schmoozing with donors]
Becca: "Yes, our zoo houses more than a thousand animals. We have giraffes, cheetahs, at least five million ants. Not to mention all our-" [Hears Sid screeching like a monkey] "-monkeys! Would you excuse me, please?"
[Goes to check on Sid]
Guest: "Wow! five million ants!"
[Sid is standing on a guys shoulders and still playing monkey]
Becca: [Takes Sid off the man] "You know what, honey? I think I have another job for you."
Sid: "Really? 'Cause I'm killing it over here."
Becca: [Ushers Sid inside] "It's good to go out on a high note." [To the man] "So sorry."

[Meanwhile at the marmoset habitat]
Adelaide: "Tonight's the night, Marcel. Are the decoys all set up?" [Marcel confirms and point over to them. One of which falls over] "Then let's break free!" [Takes a grass colored towel off the tunnel opening] "Come on Mason, Madeline, Macey, Martin, Monique, Marquise, Marcel. Come on, Uncle Monty."
[Grabs Monty and jumps into the hole with the rest of the marmosets, covering the opening on their way out]

[Meanwhile, Breakfast Bot is wrapping up another bao order for a woman. When Becca brings Sid up]
Becca: [To Stanley] "Honey, didn't you say you needed Sid's help handing out Bao?"
Stanley: "I did?" [Becca winks at him, with a serious expression] "I mean, I did!"
Breakfast Bot: "Great. I haven't had a break all night."
[Gives Sid the bao and leaves]
Stanley: "All aboard the dumpling train!"
Sid: "You know, Dad, I think I know an even faster way to serve."
[Whistles, and Bitsy arrives. Sid holds up the bao, which Bitsy sucks up in her trunk and starts firing at everyone. Knocking everyone over. Except Laird, who catches it in his mouth]
Laird: [Eats and gives a thumb up] "Oh, delicious. [Suffers] And painful."
[Sid is about to reload Bitsy, until Becca grabs the bao]
Becca: "You know what, Sid? I think your dad and breakfast Bot have got this covered."
Sid: [Goes with Becca] "Well, okay."
Breakfast Bot: [With a newspaper and a coffee] "That was not a sufficient break." [Hears something] "Do I hear whistling?"

[Right below his wheel, Adelaide and the marmosets are going through their tunnel, when suddenly a large wooden post blocks their way. Topside, Paul is hammering a sign for the gala into the ground]
Adelaide: "Well, I don't think I can fit past this. But you guys should be able to. Go on ahead." [Most of the marmosets manage to fit the space around the post. But Uncle Monty's not so sure] "Aw, here. I'll help you." [She tries to squeeze Uncle Monty through, but can't] "He just won't fit. Okay, you guys keep going." [The other marmosets agree] "Plan B, Uncle Monty."
[They go back]

[Back at the meter, another woman donates]
Becca: "Thank you so much." [The woman walks away and Stanley drives up] "Look, Stanley! We're at the tongue!"
[They are so close to getting the money they need]
Stanley: "Chugga-chugga whoo-hoo!" [Looks around] "Where's Sid?"
Becca: "I sent her to get some ice." [Sighs] "I hate to say it, but it's the only job I could think of that she wouldn't twist into something so... Sid." [Takes her husband's hand] "Oh, Stanley. I know she just wants to help, but some of her ideas are a little... zany. I mean, animal haircuts?"
Stanley: "You're telling me?! Thanks to Sid I was stuck in an elephant's butt."
Sid: [Offscreen, upset] "Well don't worry." [Becca and Stanley look and see Sid has returned. With ice buckets in her hands, and tears in her eyes] "You won't get stuck in an elephant's butt again, because I'm done helping."
[Drops the ice and runs away]
Becca: "Sid! Wait!"
[She and Stanley go after her, but are cut off]
Sergio & Various Others: "♫ Conga, conga, conga! Conga, conga, conga! Conga, conga... ♫"

[Adelaide and Monty leave the hole]
Adelaide: "Okay, Uncle Monty. Here's the plan. We'll go to the control booth, open the east gate, and sneak you out while everyone's distracted at the party." [Monty agrees] "Let's do this."
[She grabs Monty and they sneak out of the habitat, but get seen]
Paul: "Hey! Where do you think you're going with that marmoset?"
[Adelaide screams and makes a run for it. She hides behind the security booth. Paul doesn't see her and continues on. Adelaide looks around and sneaks past the 'No unauthorized entry' door inside the booth. She looks around and sees a giant red button bearing the letter 'E']
Adelaide: "Hm, that must be 'E' for 'East gate'."
[Presses it, and an alarm goes off]
Intercom: "Opening all enclosures."
[Adelaide shows a guilty look. The cheetah pit door opens, followed by the monkey cage. The monkey's leave and start attacking the public.]
Guest: "The monkey's are loose!"
[Even the aquarium door opens and a fish flops out]
Adelaide: [Realizing what she just did] "Uh-oh."
[Backs out of the booth, awkwardly laughing]

[Back at the meter, Stanley is comforting Becca, who feels horrible for what she did to Sid. Suddenly he hears a thumping, and notices the water in the glass he's holding is shaking]
Stanley: "Huh? What the heck?" [There's more rumbling, and everyone realizes the animals are loose] "Oh, no! The animals have gotten out!"
[Two raccoons start eating the bao]
Hector: [Hector] "Save the bao!"
[He jumps on the pots and starts devouring the bao]
Becca: "It's okay. We can get the animals back in their enclosures. We just have to keep them calm."
[Unfortunately for her, Carl isn't paying attention]
Carl: "Throw your paws in the air like you just don't care!" [Starts blaring the music, which sends a monkey flying off the speaker. The monkey lands on a snake, which bites Bitsy's leg, she goes wild. Finally noticing] "Woah."
[The music is making the animals attack everyone. Suddenly all the animals stampede out of the zoo]
Paul: "Oh, come on! Don't leave! Don't make me blow my whistle!" [Sees another set of animals approaching him.] "Oh, not the five million ants!"
[The ants abduct Paul and carry him away]
Becca & Stanley: [Chasing after them] "Wait! Come back!"
[Adelaide sees this, and quietly tip-toes out of the zoo with Monty]

[Back at the apartment, Sid is laying upside down on the couch with a pillow over her face watching a Twelve is Midnight music video with Adelaide's actual pet]
Sid: "Hm, I'm not that zany. Am I, Froggy 2?" [Froggy 2 ribbits; annoyed] "Stop changing the subject."
[Suddenly, her music video is interrupted]
Female Reporter: "We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin."
[Cuts to Jim Sparkletooth]
Jim: "I'm Jim Sparkletooth reporting live from the streets of Great Lakes City, where the zoo animals are running wild." [Froggy 2 ribbits and snags the pillow off Sid's face. She sees the news and gasps] "The breakout happened during a gala to save the zoo. But after this disaster, it's closure is all but guaranteed." [A swan approaches Jim] "Now that's what I call a swan song." [The swan takes one look at the reporter, and starts honking angrily, grabs the mic, and starts hitting Jim over the head with it] "I'm sorry! Puns are a part of my job."
[The swan keeps hitting Jim, the news cuts out due to technical difficulties]
Sid: "I'm coming, animals!"
[Runs outside]

[Sid exits the building and sees the chaos. She ducks under a vulture. Stanley and Becca drive up to her]
Becca: "Sid!"
Sid: "Mom!" [Runs over to them] "I just saw the news."
Becca: [Pulls Sid in the tram] "Get in!"
Stanley: "We need to find a way to get these animals back."
[Drives off]
Sid: [Takes a breath] "Okay. Think Sid. Think." [Suddenly, she's in her own imagination] "Yoon Kwan. Is this my happy place?"
Yoon Kwan: "Focus, Sid. Remember. No one can resist Twelve is Midnight."
[Sid thinks about that, and remembers how much Cam, Nico and the egret chicks Yoon, and Kwan liked Twelve is Midnight]
Flashback Sid: "Told you guys no one can resist Twelve is Midnight."
[End of flashback]
Sid: "I got it. Here, Dad." [Takes out her phone] "Plug this into the tram speaker."
Becca: "I don't know, Sid. Are you sure this is gonna work?"
Sid: "Mom, please, just trust me. What else do we have to lose?" [Becca smiles at Sid] "Now blast those speakers, Dad!"
[Sid hits play on her phone. And 'Follow Us' starts playing]
Becca & Stanley: [In disbelief] "K-Pop."
[All the animals seem to like it and all come to dance]
Becca: "I can't believe it."
Sid: "The power of K-Pop, Mom. It's real. Keep driving around, Dad."
[Stanley starts driving. All the animals follow. Inside the mercado, Keyon the komodo dragon is eating the merchandise, while Bobby is sitting on the counter with a broom]
Bobby: "Hey, you! Stop it! My abuelo's gonna be so mad. Shoo, shoo!" [Taps Keyon with the broom, which Keyon eats. Suddenly, Keyon hears 'Follow Us' and happily dances out] "Woah! Nice moves."
[Keyon has joined the other animals, as do some alligators from the sewer, and then some bats from under the railway. They pass by the pizza shop on Fulton, where Adelaide and the marmosets look out to see what's going on. The marmosets want in on the dance party]
Adelaide: "Hey, wait! Don't go! What about our plan?" [Growls, and goes after them] "Curse you, K-Pop!"
Sid: "Looks like we've almost got all the animals."
Becca: "All except, Bitsy."
Vito: [Cuts them off] "Help! Someone let their elephant off it's leash. The city's goin' wild here!"
[Points down the street to where Bitsy is running scared from a mouse]
Sid: "Turn it up, Dad. Bitsy loves the chorus."
[Bitsy is still scared of the mouse, until she hears the song. She and the mouse start dancing together]
Vito: "Look at those hoofers! What moves!" [Joins Bitsy] "Forget about it."
[They go along with the other animals. Everyone returns to the zoo, the animals and all the guests]
Becca: "We did it!"
Sid: "Yeah, but we still didn't raise enough money to save the zoo."
[The meter is still at the neck. The Changs sigh]
Vito: "Hey! That dance party was amazing. I felt the rhythm in my soul!" [Takes out a wad of cash] "Is it too late to donate?"
[Everyone clamours in excitement and takes out more cash, including the Santiago kids, and the Casagrandes. Everyone puts their donation in. The donations bin is overflowing. The ants arrive and make an opening for Paul]
Paul: [Also donates] "Me too."
[The meter goes all the way up and explodes. Everyone cheers as they've raised more then enough money]
Adelaide: [Gasps] "Sid saved the zoo!" [Is happy] "You and your family don't have to leave!"
[The marmosets cheer and Marcel hugs Adelaide]
Becca: "You did it, Sid! I'm so sorry for what I said earlier."
Sid: "Aw, it's okay. My ideas can be a little zany sometimes."
Becca: "But you know what? That's what makes you, you. And you are pretty special."
[They hug and Stanley tears up]
Stanley: "Let me get in on this hug party. I'm sorry too, sweetie."
Adelaide: [Walks up to her jiātíng] "And I'm sorry too," [Joins the hug] "for releasing all the animals into the city."
Sid, Becca & Stanley: [Realize what Adelaide just said] "What?"
Adelaide: "Uh... Hit it, DJ Carl."
[Carl gives a thumbs up and gets DJing. Everyone dances, including the animals. Monty steals the floor]
Crowd: "Go, Monty! Go, Monty! Go, Monty! Go, Monty!" [The screen irises out on Monty, who winks, and goes black. The credits appear]

v - e - d The Casagrandes episode transcripts