Screenshot 2023-10-03 21.53



家族成员[ | ]

林肯勞德[ | ]


籮麗勞德[ | ]


蘭妮勞德[ | ]


露娜勞德[ | ]


盧安勞德[ | ]


阿玲勞德[ | ]


露西勞德[ | ]


拉娜勞德[ | ]


蘿拉勞德[ | ]


麗莎勞德[ | ]


莉莉勞德[ | ]


瑞塔勞德[ | ]


亞伯特[ | ]


魯斯[ | ]


梅朵[ | ]


老林勞德[ | ]


老林勞德的兄弟[ | ]

Template:Unofficial name

出現[ | ]


傳記[ | ]

在老林的童年裡,他的弟弟似乎是父親李奧納德最愛的小孩 (至少老林認為他是)。因此,老林和他的弟弟在他們年輕時好像不太合得來。因為他只出現在回憶片段裡,所以不清楚他是否仍然在世、住在皇家樹林或是否與家人仍然保持連絡。

雜項[ | ]

  • 鑒於是老林繼承了《大衛史提爾》漫畫書和瓦席拉,這個人可能是兄弟。


李奧納德勞德[ | ]

Fictional[ | ]

Character Inspirations[ | ]

  • Lincoln - Chris Savino himself, and the street he grew up on as a child
  • Lori - One of Chris Savino's five sisters
  • Leni - Lennie Small from Of Mice and Men
    • Leni is the only one that was not based on Savino or anyone associated with him.
  • Luna - One of Chris Savino's two pet dachshunds
  • Luan - One of Chris Savino's five sisters
  • Lynn - One of Chris Savino's five sisters
  • Lucy - Name if Chris Savino had a daughter
  • Lana - One of Chris Savino's five sisters
  • Lola - One of Chris Savino's two pet dachshunds
  • Lisa - One of Chris Savino's five sisters
  • Lily - Name if Chris Savino had a daughter

About the Family[ | ]

  • Each of the Loud siblings has a specific color which identifies them:
    • Lincoln - Orange
    • Lori - Light blue
    • Leni - Turquoise
    • Luna - Purple
    • Luan - Yellow
    • Lynn - Red
    • Lucy - Black
    • Lana - Blue
    • Lola - Pink
    • Lisa - Green
    • Lily - Lavender
  • Each of the Loud siblings has their own running gag:
    • Lincoln - Breaking the fourth wall in almost every episode.
    • Lori - Saying the word "literally".
    • Leni - Having dumb moments.
    • Luna - Making song and music references.
    • Luan - Telling bad jokes and pulling pranks.
    • Lynn - Practicing sports.
    • Lucy - Popping out from nowhere and scaring someone.
    • Lana - Doing gross things.
    • Lola - Threatening and being mean to someone.
    • Lisa - Doing strange experiments and creating new inventions.
    • Lily - Pooping in her diaper.
  • Each of the Loud siblings has their own hobbies and tastes (aside from helping each other and being together):
    • Lincoln - Reading comic books, playing video games, and creating plans.
    • Lori - Texting, spending time with her boyfriend, and being bossy (sometimes).
    • Leni - Everything related to fashion like designing new outfits.
    • Luna - Everything related to music (especially rock).
    • Luan - Everything related to comedy (telling jokes, being a clown, making funny videos, etc.).
    • Lynn - Practicing any type of sport like football, basketball, baseball, etc.
    • Lucy - Writing poems and reading gothic novels.
    • Lana - Doing tomboyish activities (like playing with mud and animals) and working as a plumber and other tradesman work.
    • Lola - Doing feminine activities (like make-up), participating in beauty pageants, and scheming plans.
    • Lisa - Making experiments, doing mathematics problems, and studying science.
    • Lily - Being naked, pooping her diaper, and playing with some of her siblings.
  • Each of the Loud family's main pets are named after a famous cartoonist:
    • Charles - Charles M. Schultz
    • Cliff - Cliff Sterrett
    • Geo - Geo McManus
    • Walt - Walt Kelly / Walt Disney
  • Siblings who used to be middle children: Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn. Lincoln is the current middle child.
  • The teenage sisters (Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, and Lynn) have bean-shaped heads, while the younger siblings (Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily) have round heads.
    • Lori used to have a round head.
  • Siblings who can drive a car:
    • Lincoln - Go-kart as revealed in "Ties That Bind" and "Back Out There"
    • Lori - She has a real driving license as revealed in "Driving Miss Hazy"
    • Leni - Revealed in Lana's episode of Listen Out Loud
    • Lucy - Princess car as revealed in "A Tattler's Tale"
    • Lana - Princess car as revealed in "Intern for the Worse"
    • Lola - Princess car as revealed in "Sound of Silence"
  • Siblings attached to inanimate objects like to real people:
    • Lincoln - Bun-Bun (Various episodes)
    • Lori - Her phone (Various episodes)
    • Leni - A burglar dummy ("Lock 'n' Loud")
    • Luna - Her guitar (Various episodes)
    • Luan - Mr. Coconuts (Various episodes)
    • Lucy - Edwin (Various episodes)
    • Lola - Princess Car and her tiara (Various episodes)
    • Lily - A teddy bear ("L is for Love")
  • The Loud parents were the only adults in Season 1 whose faces were never shown. Their faces are later revealed in Season 2, though there are a few instances in the first few episodes of Season 2 where they are still hidden.
  • Rita is the only family member whose first name does not begin with "L".
  • So far, only the Loud siblings have alternate versions of themselves.

Absences[ | ]

Season 4[ | ]

  • Room for Improvement with the Casagrandes
  • Roll Model with the Casagrandes
  • No Show with the Casagrandes
  • Face the Music with the Casagrandes
  • Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes
  • Store Wars with the Casagrandes
  • Lucha Fever with the Casagrandes

Trivia[ | ]

  • According to Savino, while doing punch-up writing on the Loud House pilot script, Scott Kreamer was the one who suggested that "Loud" be the family's last name, in accordance with the title.
  • Dub facts:
    • In the Dutch version, they are named "Herrie".
    • In the Finnish version, they are named "Leivo".
    • In the Hebrew version, they are named "רעשנים" (pronounced "Raashanim"), meaning "Noisemakers".
    • In the Hungarian version, they are named "Lármás".
    • In the Norwegian version, they are named "Bulder".
    • In the Polish version, they are named "Harmidomskis", meaning "Noise House".
    • In the Swedish version, they are named "Lugn", ironically meaning "Calm".
    • In the Bulgarian version, they are named "Shumnikov/Shumnikova".
    • In the italian version,they are named "Famiglia dei Loud".
  • The Loud Family was also a name of a power pop band active in the years 1991–2006.
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