At 7-years-old (6-years-old prior to "Strife of the Party"), Lola is the third youngest of the Loud siblings. She is also Lana's twin sister (younger by two minutes), with whom she attends the 2nd grade (1st grade in Seasons 1–4) at Royal Woods Elementary School.
In "Time Trap!", Lola and her siblings altered history, causing their parents to decide not to have any kids in the future. As a result, Lola got deleted out of existence, although she returned when Lisa and Lily prevented this timeline alteration.
Early life[ | ]
Lola excitedly anticipated her and Lana's birth, even in utero. She always had at least some part in the planning of her and Lana's first through her sixth birthday parties and didn't allow Lana any say in the matter. The twins' second birthday party had a sailor theme, their third birthday party had a princess theme, and their fifth birthday party had a medieval theme, while their first and fourth birthday parties had no theme in particular.[2]
When Lola was one year old, she developed a habit of painting the house, which she still sometimes does.[3] Lincoln gave Lola her first bottle when she was a baby.[4] Lola began her pageant career when she was at least two-years-old.[5]
At some point in Lola's past, she and Lana enjoyed listening to "The Little Froggy Song", which their parents hated.[6]
At some point in her and Lana's toddlerhood, Lola performed a tap-dance routine with her mother Rita for her preschool talent show. [7]
Personality[ | ]
Lola looking prim and perfect.
Lola is a sharp-tongued beauty queen. She carries a great sense of self-importance, and is always ready to be on the offense if someone crosses her. She can be quite materialistic and will go to great lengths to get what she wants. She is particularly skilled at making money (even if she must deceive others), and dedicates much of her time to winning beauty pageants. Despite being image-focused, she takes school seriously, and makes it a point to get her work done in order to allow her the flexibility to focus on pageant training. Lola's interests include anything girly - this includes fashion shows, makeup, and posing for photo shoots. She is constantly claiming how beautiful she is, and can't look away from a mirror for more than five seconds, which gets on everybody's nerves. Even though she is determined to get her way most of the time, she often shows remorse or guilt if she hurts the feelings of one of her family members.
As seen in a few episodes (such as "Undie Pressure", "Sound of Silence", and "A Tattler's Tale"), she is skilled at plotting and scheming to get her way. She has the tensest temper of all of the siblings, and so her siblings, especially Lincoln, are careful not to get on her bad side and to carry the mandates she demands.
However, in spite of her strident and self-centered nature, Lola is also compassionate as she loves her siblings. She is always grateful for Lincoln's kindness towards her, and usually appreciates her family's company. At times, she has shown herself to be capable of humility and selflessness when compelled to let go of her own needs, so she isn't completely heartless. In addition, when one of her siblings is in trouble, she shows genuine concern, and often cooperates with her other siblings to cheer them up. One example is when she helped all her siblings pass a test they didn't study for, even if she failed her own during "No Place Like Homeschool".
Nick Description[ | ]
Lola Loud is a pageant powerhouse, whose interests include glitter, photo shoots, and her own beautiful, beautiful face. But underneath all the sugar and spice, lurks a troublemaking mastermind. Lola is the ears and eyes of the Loud House... it's best to stay on her good side!
—Nickelodeon, 2016
This pageant powerhouse’s interests include glitter, photoshoots, and her own beautiful, beautiful face. Like we said...polar opposite of twin sister Lana. Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets. She’s the family gossip and can’t resist the chance to tattle on troublemakers, acting as the eyes and ears of the household. But stay on her good side and you’ve got a fierce ally!
—Nickelodeon, 2021
Appearance[ | ]
Lola has long blonde hair that she wears down, and a tuft of hair on top of her head pointed to the right. She is missing her front teeth, like her twin, Lana. She wears a long pink gown with a light pink sash, a white pearl necklace around her neck, long light pink gloves, white earrings, and a tiara on her head. Underneath her dress, it is shown that she wears pink high heels.
During development, Lola's dress was frillier, her sash was white, her tiara was more decorative, she did not wear earrings, her hair was lighter, and she had a ponytail as well as her front teeth.
Her swim wear is a swimming dress called a "swim gown", and she uses plastic wrap to protect her outfit when she's swimming, because she doesn't like to be splashed with water.
Her nightwear is a pink nightgown, that looks similar to her normal attire, except it doesn't have a sash, or a white pearl necklace attached to her pink gown. She doesn't wear pink gloves, either. It sometimes has short, poofy sleeves on it, as shown in "Room with a Feud".
Her snow attire is a pink tundra coat with matching pants, light pink earmuffs, and purple mittens with matching boots.
Tiara[ | ]
Lola's tiara.
Lola's tiara is a black wire tiara that she wears in almost every episode she appears in. The only time she doesn't wear it is when she sleeps. So far, the tiara had prominence in the episode "A Tattler's Tale", where she hooked a microphone to it, in order to hear her siblings talk about their secrets.
The only instances where Lola doesn't wear her tiara for a majority of the time are in the episodes Gown and Out and Community Disservice.
In the live-action film A Loud House Christmas, her tiara is silver and shiny, similar to a typical tiara in beauty pageants.
In an alternate universe where the sisters are boys, Lola is a boy named Lexx. Similar to Lola, Lexx is dressed like a prince, and drives a toy car similar to Lola's pink one. Unlike Lola, who is missing her front teeth, Lexx is missing his canines.
Lexx shares similar personalities with Lola, such as having a rivalry towards his brother Leif (Lana) and threatening to tattle on their mother. However, he is hostile toward Lincoln, laughing at him after Luke (Luna) uses him to clean the toilet, when Leon (Lily) bites his thumb when he gets a "boo-boo", and stealing two of his shirts, because his were dirty. He also plays keep-away with the time watch Lincoln needed to get back home. He also calls Lincoln a loser, which is an insult neither Lola, nor any of his other sisters have ever called him.
In another alternate universe, Lexx is shown to be caring towards Lincoln, who is a girl named Linka here, similar to Lola.
Lexx eventually ceases to exist when it was revealed the entire adventure was just a dream.
Queen of Diamonds[ | ]
Lola interpreting Queen of Diamonds.
In the minicomic Deuces Wild! and its animated adaptation, Lola interprets the superheroine called Queen of Diamonds, who is also one of Ace Savvy's sidekicks. Her power is using her diamond cape to shine bright light on her target and blind them. In the comic, she is summoned by Savvy (played by Lincoln) alongside the rest of Savvy's deck (played by the rest of her sisters) to help him and One-Eyed Jack (played by Clyde) to defeat the gas monster. After they defeat it, they prepared to fight against a garbage monster. This was a fantasy Lincoln and Clyde had, based on changing Lily's diaper and taking the trash out.
She appears in Lincoln and Clyde's comic they made up for a contest in "Pulp Friction", where she throws her diamond tiara to stop some thugs.
In "Kings of the Con", she dresses as the Queen of Diamonds for a convention, impressing everybody there along with her sisters.
The Queen of Diamonds wears a diamond tiara, diamond earrings, a deep pink cape with white lining and a diamond pattern, a pale pink dress with a diamond insignia on the front, pale pink boots, and gloves like Lola's usual ones. Her name comes from her interest in royalty, the Queen of Hearts character from Alice in Wonderland and the children's nursery rhyme, and the diamond suit in a deck of cards.
Bernadette[ | ]
主条目:The Loud Rabbits#Bernadette
Megaphone Rabbit
Bernadette is the rabbit version of Lola Loud. Like Lola, Bernadette is a tattletale and threatens to tell their mother about Warren (Lincoln's alter-ego) running away.
Princess DeLola[ | ]
Princess DeLola is Lola's alter-ego in the story she and her siblings made up in "A Dark and Story Night".
Princess DeLola looks exactly like Lola, but wears a pink, cone-shaped hat, and a more old-fashioned style dress. She is also the princess of an alien kingdom, hence her title.
In the story, Triton (Lincoln's alter-ego) asks DeLola for help after the battery in his spaceship ran out. She reveals that she is looking for shards of a broken crystal used to bring electricity to her kingdom, and he agrees to help her search.
Lola Beast Head[ | ]
In 10 Headed Beast, she and the rest of the sisters are represented as a hydra.
Trivia[ | ]
In the pilot, Lola's combed hair tuft is pointing to the left. In the series, it is pointed to the right. However, it does alternate in between shots.
Lola has already learned how to read, a fact unknown to Lincoln prior.[10]
However, she could only read simple sentences as she was not able to read full books prior to Lincoln's help.[11]
Lola's shoes.
Because Lola's signature pink dress covers her entire legs, her shoes are rarely shown. However, in some episodes, Lola's shoes were visible, like in "Roughin' It" during one of Lincoln's flashbacks where she was practicing her catwalk while balancing books on her head.
Luna ruined Lola and Lana's first Blarney the Dinosaur concert by jumping on them and others, in an attempt to crowd surf.[12]
According to some information from The Loud House on Instagram:
The one place she wants to go is the Miss World Pageant in 2030.
Her biggest pet peeve is glitter that cakes, and her one wish would be to get rid of it.
There's a lot of stuff no one knows about her, but she will reveal them in a future autobiography.
Lola is seen swearing in "Job Insecurity", which is censored by Leni's hair dryer.
This makes her the second character to swear and get censored, the first being Lincoln in the episode "Get the Message" who was censored by Luna's guitar playing.
Initially, Lola did not like reading because she was not good at it. However, when Lincoln found this out, he taught her how to read more competently.[23]
Lola is the first of Lincoln's younger sisters to host the family podcast Listen Out Loud.
She can play the harmonica,[20] the cymbals[24] and the tambourine[25] skillfully.
It is implied that Lola is bad at her education, such as in "Rita Her Rights" where she says her teacher takes breaks a lot and screams in an empty locker. Also, in "Ruthless People", Rita says Lynn Sr. has to attend 20 parent-teacher conferences, including Lola's, meaning her parent-teacher conferences go badly.
Lola lost a beauty pageant for the first time in "Gown and Out". This episode also reveals that she feels nauseated whenever she mentions the idea of herself losing.
It is implied that Lola eats cake after bedtime.[28]
She is allergic to a certain type of glitter lotion.[29]
Every time she eats cheese before bed, she'll get nightmares from her sleep.[31]
She likes to give the house makeovers, and has done so since the age of one.[32]
Up until her and Lana's seventh birthday, she has always had more say than Lana in planning their birthday parties, and that she even planned something for the day they'd be born in utero.[33]
As of the release of "Strife of the Party", she and Lana are the first characters confirmed to have not aged up a year during the gap between "Coupe Dreams" and "Schooled!".
Lynn Sr. once got her a pony, but it didn't work out.[34]
One deleted scene shows that the pony died, but seeing as the scene got deleted, it remains unknown what actually happened to Lola's pony.
She and Lana share a twin code which none of their other siblings understand, and they can always smell where the other one is.[35]
This secret language was probably invented after The Many Faces of Lincoln Loud, as in that comic, Lola is seen trying to come up with a secret language.
She finds it easier to show people sympathy after she has eaten a meal.[36]
Lola is annoyed by, and perhaps jealous of, Lisa's intellect.[37]
She is implied to be arachnophobic like Leni and Lynn Sr.[37], but considering that she once interacted with a domesticated tarantula without freaking out,[38] she could be only afraid of wild spiders.
She, Lana, Lori, Luna, Lisa, Lincoln, Rita, Lynn Sr., Lucy, Myrtle, Mr. Bolhofner, Chandler, Gayle, Par, and Hector are so far the only characters to have a birthday celebrated in an episode.
Her favorite day of the year is school picture day.[44]
She once tried to skirt the rule that only allowed people to take one bowl of ice cream at a time by taking a giant bowl of ice cream, causing Rita to amend it to a normal-sized bowl.[45]
She deals with fear by inhaling for four seconds, holding her breath for seven seconds, and exhaling for eight seconds, which she calls "four-seven-eight breathing".[46]
She keeps her balance by facing forward, keeping her chin up, and clenching her "tushy".[47]
It's revealed in "Love Stinks" that:
Lola's favorite scent is lilac spice.
Her bed sheets are made from Egyptian cotton.
She usually eats tempura for lunch on Mondays.
She thinks worrying causes early onset wrinkles.[48]
Next to Lisa and Lily, she appears to need the most sleep out of the Loud siblings -- she will sometimes take a nap after a lot of activity[49][50], and she was once the only one visibly tired when all of the siblings stayed up late.[51]
A local ice cream salesman knows her name and considers her his best customer.[52]
She, the rest of the Loud family, Charles, Geo, Todd, Flip, Rusty and Clyde are the only characters from The Loud House to appear in The Casagrandes.
Her favorite candy is salted caramel chocolate truffles.[53]
She wants to be a Hollywood actress at some point in the future, however, she feels that she is currently unready due to a negative experience with acting in Hollywood.[55]
She considers the seats of the Casagrandes' mercado van tacky.[56]
She has never met Nana Gayle, nor has she been to Paris, France.[57]
↑These specifically being the Arabic, Bulgarian, Dutch, German, Norwegian, European Portuguese, Spanish (both European and Latin American), Swedish and Turkish dubs.
ARGGH! • Athletic Club • Biker Girls • Boyz Will Be Boyz • Chess Club • Chunk & the Pieces • Drama Club • Full House Gang • Genderbent Royal Woods • Ghost Hunting Club • Horns on a Rabbit • Lana's Pets • Leni's Friends • Lincoln's Classmates • Math Club • Morticians Club • Royal Woods Mini Van Society • Royal Woods Squirrels • SMOOCH • Stage Band • Student Council • Tech Club • The Clang • The Hazeltucky Hockers • The Loud Family's Pets • The Loud Rabbits • The Louds' Doubles • The Royal Woods Roosters • Young Zoologists