For her genderbent counterpart, see Lynn Loud (boy). For her episode of Listen Out Loud, see Lynn Loud (Listen Out Loud). For Lynn Sr.'s puppet of himself, see Lynn Sr. Jr..
"Lynn" redirects here. For her father, see Lynn Loud Sr..
At 14 years old (13 before Season 5), 阿玲 is the fifth-oldest child of the 劳德家族, and the youngest of 林肯's five older sisters. She is named after her father. 阿玲 is an eighth grader (a seventh grader in the first four seasons) at Royal Woods Middle School, which she attends with her brother 林肯. She has a habit of turning everything into a competition.
In "Time Trap!", 阿玲 and her siblings altered history, causing their parents to decide not to have any kids in the future. As a result, 阿玲 got deleted out of existence, although she returned when 丽莎 and 莉莉 prevented this timeline alteration.
Early Life[ | ]
阿玲 has been interested in sports since her infancy. As a baby, she became fascinated when she watched her sisters 箩莉 and 露娜 playing catch with a ball. She kicked the ball out of curiosity, much to the surprise of her family.[6] She also owned dumbbells.[7]
阿玲 became competitive at the age of one. When she was in daycare, she competed and won against the other babies for a cookie during snack time.[8] At the age of two, she benched 100 pounds (45 kilograms) for the first time[9] and became a big sister when her brother 林肯 was born. When 阿玲 was in preschool, she owned a pair of boxing gloves.[10]
Around the ages two and three, she played patty-cake with 卢安 and celebrated her victory after "beating" 林肯 at a board game. She (along with her sisters) cheered up her baby brother 林肯 whenever he got upset. [11]
She once took a bath with 林肯 when they were little (he was a baby and she was around two or three). [12]
At some point in her early childhood, she developed a fear of throwing up after she threw up one time and was left with the taste of her vomit for a week. 阿玲 eventually outgrew her fear when she got older. [13] 阿玲 owned and played with a plastic basketball hoop at some point in her childhood. [14]
At the age of seven, she sped off from 林肯 while they were trick or treating one Halloween and once ran over 林肯's Ace Savvy action figure with her rollerblades.[15] 阿玲 was the middle child of the family when 拉娜 and 劳拉 were born.
During her 5th grade year in Royal Woods Elementary School, she went on a field trip to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park. She shared a bunk with another 5th grade girl and was best friends with her. This friendship did not last though since they went their separate ways once they started attending Royal Woods Middle School, and 阿玲 even forgot her former friend's name eventually. [16]
As she confesses in "Middle Men", she had a miserable time in her first year of middle school, describing it as a "real horror story." Back then, she was more soft-hearted, tender and sensitive, and she was humiliated and picked on multiple times by her peers in school. Because of this, she acted more aggressive and tough against others. Although it prevented her from ever being bullied again, it has just caused her to become more violent and forceful over the years. Nonetheless, she is still caring and she just didn't want her brother or 克莱德 to suffer like she did.
Personality[ | ]
Lynn showing off her competitive side.
阿玲 is athletic and competitive. She loves to play sports and enjoys roughhousing with her siblings.
She enjoys playing many different types of sports, including football, soccer, hockey, basketball, and baseball. She is also skilled in various forms of martial arts, such as kickboxing, Mexican wrestling (or lucha libre), and parkour. 阿玲 tends to turn everything into a competition[17] - her siblings consider this to be her most annoying habit. She is also shown to be very competitive, and strives to be "number one" in every game she plays, even when winning isn't involved.
After 劳拉 and 箩莉, she is the third most easily angered 劳德 sibling and is the most prone to physical confrontations.
Despite her tomboyish attitude, she shows a more feminine side on rare occasions, and takes part in her sisters' girly activities. She shows no shame in using puppy eyes to get what she wants, such as bunking in 林肯's room in "Space Invader". In "Heavy Meddle", she gets as excited as her sisters after finding out about 林肯's romantic situation. In "Back in Black", she helps with Lucy's makeover as the rest of her sisters do. In "L is for Love", she happily sighs after 箩莉 reads a love letter.
阿玲 is very superstitious and makes up absurd assumptions, such as in "Sleuth or Consequences"; where she tells 林肯 that she never "bombs the toilet" before a big game of roller derby because it's bad luck. This is also prominent in "Intern for the Worse", where she doesn't allow her teammate, Margo, to use the bathroom, because of the same belief. In "Cover Girls", she tells 林肯 to cover for her while she is at the batting cage to hit baseballs to avoid spring cleaning, and she said if she didn't hit the first ball, she'll have bad luck all throughout the baseball season. This is shown again in "No Such Luck", where she is shown to perform good luck rituals, and unfairly believes 林肯 is bad luck when he comes to her game and she loses, ruining her winning streak. She is also shown to own a lucky jock in "L is for Love" and to have many unorthodox superstitions surrounding hockey in "On Thin Ice".
阿玲 is also very immature, as shown in "Cereal Offender" when she rides on carts in the grocery store and wrecks several aisles. Another example of her immaturity is shown in "A Tale of Two Tables", where she participated in the food fight with her siblings. Another part of this immaturity is her poor sportsmanship. When she loses, she starts throwing tantrums, and if she wins, she boasts about her victory, until someone makes her realize she's hurting their feelings.
阿玲 isn't above employing underhanded methods in order to win. In "Space Invader", she compliments 林肯's wrestling ambush upon entering his room, even if it is considered cheating. Another instance occurs in "Lynner Takes All", when she tricks 林肯 into giving the wrong answer during a trivia game.
Although in "Net Gains", she may have finally learned true sportsmanship when she was put in a bad basketball team called Turkey Jerkies and since she was so blinded by winning the championship, that she forgot the real reason why they play basketball: to have fun. She even accepted her and the teams' loss with pride at the end. Also, despite being very jealous of Margo's attention in "Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow", she tried her best to suppress her jealousy and try to be supportive.
In "Sitting Bull", it is revealed that her aggressive attitude caused her to unintentionally scare the kids that she babysat, which causes their parents to fire her older sisters. After she was placed to babysit the Fox quintuplets, her methods proved effective when used on rough children, and she also give her sisters their customers back.
Since it was shown in "Middle Men" that she has grown to become more assertive and competitive because of her fear in the 6th grade, it is possible that she is just really insecure about herself and hides it by acting aggressively. If she didn't, she would be bullied forever. However, hints of insecurity can be seen in her overreliance on good luck rituals and amulets, which suggests 阿玲 has a lack of faith in her abilities in sports. Additionally, her competitive personality does not stem entirely from the bullying, as shown in the comic "It's Just a Phase" where she's described as being "too competitive" at age one.
"Hero Today, Gone Tomorrow" reveals that she cannot handle her pride and jealousy. If she sees someone getting more attention than her, she gets extremely upset and jealous. Despite this, however, she tried to suppress her jealousy and be supportive for the sake of her friend. At the end, she finally realized that everyone takes turns being in the spotlight and started to overcome her jealousy.
阿玲 is somewhat interested in romance when it comes to other people, as shown in several episodes which show that she is a fan of The Dream Boat, and in "Heavy Meddle" and "White Hare" where she shows great interest in 林肯's love life. Despite this, as shown in "Singled Out", she is not very interested in participating in romance herself, due to finding it "mushy".
Although 阿玲 is very athletic, she has her limits to exercising as seen in "Health Kicked" where she's visibly exhausted along with the rest of her siblings.
Nick Description[ | ]
Lynn Loud can turn anything into a sport. Putting away eggs? Jump shot! Mopping the kitchen? Slapshot! Lynn is very competitive and superstitious when it comes to her favorite teams. Plus, she can never resist a dare!
—Nickelodeon, 2016
Every family needs an athlete, and for the Louds, that’s Lynn! She’s full of energy and always looking for a teammate, so it’s all sports, all the time. Lynn’s super competitive, super-daring, and superstitious. An all-star competitor!
—Nickelodeon, 2021
Appearance[ | ]
阿玲 has thick brown hair pulled back into a short high ponytail that is smaller than 卢安's. Her ponytail is held up with a black hairband.[18] In The Loud House Movie, however, her ponytail has a different design and is held up by a red hairband, both only visible when she is viewed from the side or back. She is slightly taller than 林肯 and has freckles on her cheeks. Despite her age, her short appearance makes it seem like she's a preteen, not a teenager. Unlike her older sisters, she has a rounded nose like 林肯 and her younger sisters (although in The Loud House Movie, it is visibly pointed when she is viewed from the side).
She wears a red and white jersey with a red "1" on it (which is revealed to be her roller derby shirt as shown in "Lock 'n' Loud"), red-and-white track shorts, and black cleats with striped white knee-high socks. In live-action, her jersey may be long-sleeved or short sleeved V-neck (as seen in A Loud House Christmas: Behind the Scenes); and her shorts may also be jogging pants instead. Also, her high ponytail is longer than 卢安's, as opposed to shorter in the animated series. In the animated series, her socks have two red rings, while in live-action media, they have three.
In a flashback scene of "Deal Me Out", 阿玲 was seen as a young girl. She wore her signature #1 jersey with shorter sleeves, a red and white headband, her shorts were slightly different than the ones she currently wears, her bangs were were shaped differently and she had an extra pair of eyelashes.
Her original night-time attire consists of a white tank top, red shorts, and ankle high socks. In "The Price of Admission", the top is instead a shirt that looks like her regular shirt but without a 1. In a few more instances, she is shown wearing a nightshirt that looks like her regular jersey, with socks instead of her usual sleepwear. Beginning in the start of season 3, her usual night attire consists of a white and red sports shirt with a 5 on it and red shorts, although in a few instances post season 2, she is instead shown with her original night attire, and in "Training Day", it consists of a white tank top with a red stripe, red and white track shorts and knee-high socks that look like her regular shorts and socks, respectively. Her swimwear is a red-and-white surf shirt with matching swim trunks.
In "One of the Boys", a male version of 阿玲 appears in the alternate universe where 林肯 has brothers instead of sisters. Unlike the others, he has the same name as his female version and is pretty much the same as Girl 阿玲. Here, he shares the same room with Lars and 林肯. The only things different about him is his hairstyle and his jersey, which has a "0" on it rather than a "1".
However, Boy 阿玲 is shown to be even more rough towards 林肯 than Girl 阿玲, punching him for little to no reason, and playing keep-away with the time watch 林肯 used to travel to the alternate universe. In another alternate universe where 林肯 is female, he is shown to be caring and protective, like the female 阿玲.
Boy 阿玲 eventually turns out to be a product of Lincoln's imagination as the entire adventure was a dream, though 林肯 states Girl 阿玲 somewhat acts the same as Boy 阿玲 does.
Strong Suit[ | ]
Lynn interpreting Strong Suit.
In the minicomic Deuces Wild!, 阿玲 interprets the superheroine called Strong Suit, who is also one of Ace Savvy's sidekicks. She has super strength. In the comic, she is summoned by Savvy (played by 林肯) alongside the rest of Savvy's deck (played by the rest of her sisters) to help him and One-Eyed Jack (played by 克莱德) to defeat the gas monster. After they defeat it, they prepared to fight against a garbage monster. (In reality, 阿玲 and her siblings were just changing 莉莉's diaper and taking out the trash.)
Strong Suit made another appearance in "Pulp Friction", where She fights off Wild Card Willy's Goons with an enhanced strength with a headbutt in 林肯's comic for a contest to meet with Bill Buck, creator of Ace Savvy.
In "Kings of the Con", 阿玲 goes to the convention dressed as the Strong Suit, impressing the people there especially when she wins the strength test.
Bailey[ | ]
主条目:The Loud Rabbits#Bailey
Bailey is one of the rabbit sisters, and a rabbit version of 阿玲 who is sporty just like 阿玲, along with Bertha.
Bertha[ | ]
主条目:The Loud Rabbits#Bertha
Bertha is another sporty rabbit shown in 林肯's dream in "White Hare." She's sporty like 阿玲, but wears orange clothes instead of red.
Tricksy[ | ]
Tricksy is an alien version of 阿玲, who she made up for the story she and her siblings were telling in "A Dark and Story Night."
Like 阿玲, Tricksy has a brown ponytail and red shorts and likes to play basketball. Unlike 阿玲, Tricksy is very tall and muscular, has green skin, antennae, and three eyes, and wears red wristbands and a red tank top (although, like 阿玲's shirt, Tricksy's shirt also has a "one" on it.)
In the story, Tricksy was playing basketball and using shards from a crystal needed to produce electricity on her shoes to give her super speed. The story's protagonists beat her at baseball so she had to give up the shards as part of a bet, and 林肯's alter-ego, Triton, gave her his anti-gravity shoelaces in exchange.
阿玲 Beast Head[ | ]
In 10 Headed Beast, she and the rest of the sisters are represented as a hydra.
Trivia[ | ]
Her name is the only name out of the 劳德 children to have one syllable instead of two.
Along with 卢安, her name is also a unisex name.
阿玲 was named after one of Chris Savino's five sisters.
阿玲's original design shows her with lighter brown hair, blue shorts, different socks, and a missing tooth.
She snores and drools at the same time while she sleeps.[20]
She, 兰妮 and 莉莉 are the only Loud sisters not to be portrayed by the same person from A Loud House Christmas in The Really Loud House. Lynn is portrayed by Annaka Fourneret instead of Morgan McGill.
阿玲's ideal superpower is to be able to fly for more impressive slam dunks.
阿玲 needs good grades in order to stay on her sports teams, so 丽莎 tutors her in order to give her good grades.[21]
阿玲, along with Luna, has more than one trophy: two according to "Making the Case", and the third according to "Hand-Me-Downer."
She is the only Loud sibling to have the same name as her genderbent counterpart in "One of the Boys."
阿玲 has a similar head shape to her older sisters.
However, her nose is rounded like 林肯's, rather than pointed.
Her name means "lake."
She hates when 丽莎 spits while she speaks, due to the latter's lisps.[22]
阿玲 thought she had a crush on a boy named Francisco,[24] but it turned out to be a delusion due to dehydration.[25]
She once fell off a climbing wall and broke her tibia so badly that her bone was visible.[26]
阿玲 is good at math, though it was forced by her parents.[27] However, 丽莎 says that she has "ample room" in her brain, which means she is not that smart.[28]
However, given that 丽莎 is by far the smartest in the family, it is possible that she meant that Lynn's brain has more "ample room" than hers.
According to episode 20 of the Nick Animation Podcast, 阿玲's favorite movie is Jerry Maguire.[29]
According to 阿玲, 箩莉 once beat her with a loaf of bread after she either lied or mistakenly thought that there was no more bread in the house.[30]
She shares her voice actress with her roommate.
She also voiced their male counterparts from "One of the Boys."
According to 阿玲's Q&A:
She lost a thumb war to 莉莉, and doesn't want other people to know.
The one place 阿玲 would want to go to is the World Series.
Her biggest pet peeve is the designated hitter rule in baseball, which allows teams to have one player, known as the designated hitter, to bat in place of the pitcher.
Her parents think that she's always "aggressive" with the toilet paper roll, because they saw Cliff unravel the roll and assumed she did it.[31]
Up until Season 5, she, along with 莉莉, was the only 劳德 child who attended school without any of her siblings.
She claims she falls asleep to a video about a dolphin attacking a shark every night,[33] however, she's been seen going to bed without watching the video,[20] so she was likely just saying that to be tough.
When 阿玲 is angry, she gets a veiny neck, known as her "anger vein."[33]
She has a criminal record as of "On Thin Ice."
阿玲 is the first Loud sibling to appear in an episode without her siblings.
She had a friend in Big Bear Dunes National Park, but forgets her name.[34]
Until the events of "Hurl, Interrupted", she was emetophobic due to her vomit getting up her nose and leaving a bad taste in her mouth as a young girl.
林肯 does not like to sit next to her in Vanzilla due to her rough games.[35]
She keeps a locker full of dodgeballs to throw at people caught running in the hallway.[52]
She sometimes eats 林肯's dinner if she beats him to the table.[53]
箩莉 can apparently identify her by the smell of her gas.[54]
Whenever the weather forecast declares it a "packing day" (i.e. snowfall but school isn't closed), she will aggressively throw snowballs at her siblings on their way to school.[55]
She can apparently tell by the smell of someone whether they are breaking a rule.[56]
She is the only one of 林肯's older sisters who is not in a romantic relationship.[58]However, she did briefly have a crush on Francisco as shown in "L is For Love" (though she claims this was a dehydration-induced delusion) and she has also had romantic feelings for Hugh as shown in "Study Muffin".
She, the rest of the 劳德家族, Charles, Geo, Todd, Flip, Rusty and 克莱德 are the only characters from 劳德之家 to appear in The Casagrandes.
She and 劳拉 have the shortest tempers/biggest anger issues of all the 劳德 siblings.
箩莉 also had this trait in early seasons. However, this seems to have gone away by Season 4 and onwards.
↑箩莉 is dating 巴比·圣地亚哥, 兰妮 has gone through five different love interests, including Chaz, Scott, an unnamed boy with a cowlick (although it is unclear if they ever interacted), Gavin, and Chase; 露娜 is dating Sam, and 卢安 is dating Benny.
ARGGH! • Athletic Club • Biker Girls • Boyz Will Be Boyz • Chess Club • Chunk & the Pieces • Drama Club • Full House Gang • Genderbent Royal Woods • Ghost Hunting Club • Horns on a Rabbit • Lana's Pets • Leni's Friends • Lincoln's Classmates • Math Club • Morticians Club • Royal Woods Mini Van Society • Royal Woods Squirrels • SMOOCH • Stage Band • Student Council • Tech Club • The Clang • The Hazeltucky Hockers • The Loud Family's Pets • The Loud Rabbits • The Louds' Doubles • The Royal Woods Roosters • Young Zoologists